
summary: A few little scenes from the life of a vampire and his mortal mate. Oh the vampirity.

I don't own Death Note, nor its characters.

simper: A self concious smile

Light made it very clear to L that if he ever told him that he 'vanted to drink his blood' with a Hungarian accent, he would refuse to have sex with him for several weeks. L would often grin and press Light on the bed while holding his lips to Light's neck, whispering softly that he shouldn't generalize so often.

Light will give back a simpering look and tell L that he's a fool to think Light groups him with the other vampires.

possession: something owned by a person

"Light-kun will be glad to know that he belongs to me now."

Light gave L a 'Oh please' look before replying;

"Oh whatever for L-sama?"

"Because now other nasty vampires and werewolves will be disinclined to touch what is rightfully my possession."

Light frowned and turned to L, who gave him a blank stare as a reply. He shook his head and sat down on the bed next to Light and began to stroke Light's hair softly with his slim, pale hand. Subconciously, Light nudged closer to L's hand and sighed tiredly. L smiled slightly at the movement beneath his hand and began to twine his fingers in with Light's hair.

"So, when did I become a possession? And why would werewolves want to touch me? I have vampire scent all over me."

L chuckled softly and lied down next to Light while continuing his soft movements with his hand, using the other to wrap around Light's waist and bring him closer.

"Light-kun has always been my possession. He is my little mate, my pretty mortal boy."

Light frowned again and protested loudly to being called little.

"I am not little thank you L-sama, and you did not answer my other question. You are avoiding it! That makes me suspicious L-sama, very suspicious indeed."

L rolled his eyes and removed his hands from Light's body, got up from the bed and pulled off his shirt before boredly turning his head to face Light with a very bland expresson on his face.

"Light-kun's scent is highly provocative, to that of vampires and werewolves. I have found several of the werewolf kind looking at Light-kun as if he were something that they would enjoy having sexual intercourse with and it furthered my dislike of them and their disgusting ways."

Light sighed exsaperatedly at the scienctific quality that his lover's explaination had. He got off the bed and began to walk over to L. Reaching him, Light snuggled up into L's chest as L envloped him in a pale limbed embrace.

"You know L-sama, it doesn't truly matter if the werewolves are staring at my butt or find my scent 'provocative', as you so poetically put it, I'll always choose vampires over werewolves. If only because my lover is a member of the former."

attractive: pleasing to the eye or mind; charming

When L came into the room in a huff and threw himself on the bed, Light knew it wasn't for any good reason.

"I am not attractive."

Light looked at L, puzzled by the blunt statment, which he was under the impression that L had already known. He scooted closer to the fuming vampire, cuddling up as if trying to make him feel loved.

"I find you attractive L-sama. Very attractive, if I may say so."

"Light-kun does not count."

Light narrowed his eyes and shot up from L's side. His eyes took a dangerous edge to them and L knew that was a very stupid thing to say.

"I don't count? Since when does your mortal mate not count in your idea of your own attractiveness?"

L rolled his eyes and pushed Light off the bed, causing the boy to fall gracelessly on the floor and glare up at L on the bed.

"Light-kun is bothering me. He should go downstairs and make me a cake while I have some silence up here to deal with the incredibly large problem of my decline in attractiveness."

Snorting at the use of the word decline, Light recieved a glare from his vampirac lover. Light got up and stomped out of the room in a huff, and headed downstairs to the kitchen only to begin pulling out ingredients to bake a cake for the 'ungrateful little bloodsucker'.

L sat back, stared at the ceiling, and began to twiddle his thumbs. Nothing seemed to be going his way today. His mortal mate was angry at him for rebuking his efforts, the cake that Light was making downstairs now was probably (rather pointlessly actually) poisened, and even worse, the whole reason for the former things happening that morning when he had been grocery shopping he'd heard a small child ask their mother why there was a zombie in the store.

L shook his head at the incorrectness of the small child and wished that everyone could have the insight that his mortal mate had. Speaking of which, the boy was being remarkable silent down there. He hopped up from the bed and padded down to the kitchen where Light was making a cake in a stoney silence. L cringed. It was frightening, the amount of malice in that silence, that even as the dominant mate in the relationship, he found himself fearing the dark air that surrounded the submissive mortal.

He leaned on the refridgerator and watched Light, a smile playing faintly on his lips.

"Is Light-kun still angry with me?"

Ligh turned around and raised an eyebrow at his lover. He continued to mix the ingredients in an indignant manner.

"Yes. You disregarded my complements. That has caused me great pain and anguish. I hope you're happy."

L sighed.

"Would it help if I told Light-kun he was the most lovely mortal ever to step foot on Earth and that his behind is the perfect size."

Light fought a smile. L snuck up on him and wrapped his limbs around the boy's waist, causing the mortal to lean back into his embrace. Quickly, Light turned around and buried his head in L's chest, muttering to him;

"I suppose that will do."

favorite: something regarded with special favor or liking

"Hey L-sama."

"Yes Light-kun?"

Light twidled his thumbs and looked up innocently at the vampire.

"What's your favorite body part on me?"

L stopped his reading and looked over at his lover with a surprised look upon his countanace.

"I would have to say," L said, putting a finger in his lip and yanking downward and then looking Light up and down with lusty eyes, "that Light-kun's thighs are my favorite."

Light looked quizically at L and gripped his thigh while pulling it up so that it was parallel to his head.

"Really," Light said, after looking a little disgustedly at his thighs, "But they're so fat. Thier like thunder thighs." He shook the non-exsistant fat at L for extra emphasis.

L rolled his eyes and pushed Light's thigh away with his book. He gave Light a meaningful look and replied;

"No Light-kun, your thighs are not fat, nor thunderous. And I actually have three favorite body parts."

Light pursed his lips and looked at L with his head cocked to the side.


"Yes, three. Your thighs, your bum, and, of course, your neck."

Light frowned and pushed L on his arm.

"You are such a gross out."

"You asked."

introduction: formally making a person known to another

Strange things happened very often to Light, but he would have to say being hit on by what ever this guy was rated quite high up on the 'Awfully Strange Things the Happen Often to Light Yagami.'

"Forgive my bad manners, but I seem to have forgotten to ask your name. Could you perchance tell me?"

Light smiled politely at the man, all the while thinking 'Who in the hell says perchance?'.

"Light," he said, sticking out his hand in a fairly western way (he had a feeling this man was a foreigner), "Light Yagami. And who are you might I ask?"

The man smiled and took Light's hand, shaking it and holding on to it for just a mite bit too long. Light stared at him awkwardly and jerked his hand back.

"My name is Ryuga, Ryuga Hideki."

Light's eyes widened.

"Really," he mumbled, "Like the pop star."

The man nodded.

"Yes, like the pop star, only less attractive and without the voice."

Light could've argued that. The man, Ryuga, had a very smooth voice that was, in a word, enticing some how. It seemed that Ryuga was seducing him through his voice, which was strange (so strange it might've usurped the whole hitting on situation on the A.S.T.H.O.L.Y.

list). Usually men used their bodies to get other's to desire them, not their voices. Light ran through several different scenrios in his head, though each ended in him waking up in Ryuga's bed after a great night of sex (or fornication, because Light was trying to censor himself tonight). Ryuga's voice was undeniably sexy, like his face, body, eyes, and hands. Hm, yes, very sexy hands indeed. Big hands. Big hands meant a big...

Woah, Light calmed himself, no need to go there cheeky monkey (and yes, he did say cheeky monkey to himself). He looked once again at the man and nodded absently, making his mind up.

"Yes, I will acompany you to your hotel room and wild passionate sex with you."

Ryuga looked puzzled for a moment before grinning and grabbing Light's hand.

"Well, then it's about time we got going then isn't it?"

"Hm, Ryuga?"

"Yes Light-kun?"

"That was the most wonderful sex I have ever had."

"Yes, it was good wasn't it?"

"Uh, duh."

"Light-kun, there is something I'd like to tell you."

Light look at Ryuga, shaken out of his 'Wow I had great sex (or fornication) just two minutes ago' stupor, and scrunched up his face.

"What is it?"

Ryuga grinned and pinned Light to the bed, leaning close to his ear to whisper with his sexy voice, using his big sexy hands to rub Light's wrists.

"My name isn't Ryuga, it is L. And I'm not a mortal, like yourself, I'm a vampire. A very happy vampire."

Light froze and squeaked out;

"Why are you so happy?"

L smiled and pressed his face to Light's neck so that his words vibrated off his skin.

"I found a suitable mate in the boy I have pinned beneath me."

Light didn't even have time to think about how damn sexy that sounded before L was biting him. But that didn't really matter, Light thought, it wasn't like he was ever going to see L again, let alone be his mate. That was completely ridiculous.

the end of neck

A.N. With all the vampire fics out there, I decided to do one, just for fun. I wrote each one of these when the whim caught me and who knows? Maybe if I get asked enough I'll continue.