So here's another one... enjoy!
I dunno, me and women... it's just... not a long-term ideal," shrugged Bobby taking a swig of his beer.
"What happened to Nicola?" asked Ben, "I thought you liked her."
"Wait a second," interrupted Calleigh, "Nicola. As in 'Frisk-Me-Nicky;' Whore of Oak Grove High School?! Geez, talk about lowering the standards," Calleigh snorted. I looked at her in shock; she just called someone a whore. I'd heard her use terms like hussy, or flamboyant, but never whore.
"The one and only," smirked Emily.
"I really oughta smack you Bobby," Calleigh said, evidently concerned.
"Why?! She's different," he insisted; which caused Sam to go into a coughing fit after nearly choking on his drink. Unfortunately this was the third time today that something like that had happened to Sam... earlier it was over a "debate" (ribbed verses non-ribbed condoms).
"Being a cup-size bigger (or more) than the rest of us," Calleigh started, gesturing to the ladies sitting around the table, "doesn't really make her different mentally or intellectually. You do know our brains aren't in our racks right? I mean, I know you flunked first year bio, but come on Bobby!" All of us howled with laughter in response.
"Speak for yourself Hun," commented Shona.
"True; but in all seriousness Bobby..." Calleigh trailed off.
"You guys don't get it. I'm serious! She's sweet, kind... just really great!" he insisted. It was kind of like he was trying to defend the honour of someone who had already been sentenced to life in prison.
"Bobby, from a guy's perspective," intervened Mike, "the last girl you described like that... she belonged in the Guinness Book of World Records for largest IQ to perky boobs ratio EVER. Her chest looked like it was skin stuffed with silicon and her brain was probably the size of one of your balls."
"Which makes her pretty damn smart, if you think about it," related Bobby.
"Oh Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby... We all know that your witty humour is just a cover for the fact that your left ball is about the same size as the little blue pill wedged between the condom and your credit card in your wallet," Calleigh smiled, wiggling her eyebrows. "And if my memory serves correct – which it tends to be – the last girl you dated that was 'just great' had, and I quote, 'bug jugs, big mouth, and not much else.' You remember saying that?" With that my jaw slacked slightly. This entire time, and I do mean entire time, I was seeing this whole other side of Calleigh: relaxed, vulgar, flirty, and a hell of a lot more strait forward. This most definitely not the woman I had fallen so hard for, not that I was complaining... it was actually rather hot.
"Delko, you okay?" asked Michael, poking me in the shoulder to pull me out of my haze.
"He's fine, just a little shocked," Calleigh winked at me. "He's not used to the whole 'Calleigh actually knows how to swear'."
"Well, that's not completely true... but you sure as hell weren't this forward back when we used to go out for drinks with Speed," I smirked. "Wolfe would've shit himself by now."
"Probably," she nodded sombrely. "He's a bit of a buzz-kill; not that I would ever say that to his face, 'cause I see him like a little brother... I think it's the OCD."
"OCD? Buzz-kill? Who is this guy?" asked Bobby, "He seems like a retard."
"Hey! Ryan's adorable! Leave him alone," she smiled into her beer.
"He's our colleague, a bit of a ass, but he's thorough," I shrugged.
"Yeah, a real cutie," Calleigh beamed.
"A cutie?!" I asked in confusion, what the hell was going on?
"Oh don't worry Babe, he's got nothin' on you," she rubbed my arm reassuringly. "He's cute like a lost puppy; you on the other hand are a man," she said confidently, resting her head on my shoulder.
Even though I was initially confused, I draped my arm over her shoulders and she shifted so her head was resting against my chest and her arms slid around my waist. It was then that I noticed Lilith and Derek mere meters away sending odd looks our way.
Bobby refocused my attention by asking, "So you guys over in the big city don't know her as 'Potty-Mouth Calleigh'?"
"Oh hell no! The worst thing I've heard out of her was once at a crime scene, she got a piece of glass stuck in her finger," I said, the corner of my lip turning up at the memory.
"Not even when... you two get... freaky?" Bobby asked deviously.
"Well, if you were paying any attention; we haven't done that... yet," Calleigh sighed contently.
"Fine, let me rephrase that. When you two partake in a session of making out... Better?" he directed at Calleigh.
"Much," she chuckled, "and no, our mouths tend to be a little preoccupied."
"According to you ex... what was his name? Oh yeah, Jake... Bently?" he thought out loud.
"Berkley," she corrected quietly.
"Right, whatever; he said that you got real wild in the bedroom."
I felt her tense in my arms, my stomach knotted. "Jake's a liar. It's his job to be able to read people and say whatever they want to hear – whether it's true or not," I responded calmly. Jake and Calleigh had ended, there was no reason for me to feel jealous, yet that was the one thing I was trying to contain the most – even more than my anger towards Bobby.
"Ooh, touchy subject," taunted Bobby.
"Drop it, Bobby," Ben warned.
"I'm just curious! But wait... Jake and you had a thing... like what, 18 years ago? How does Delko..."
"Actually, before I grew the pair to finally ask Calleigh out, Jake reappeared. But that was like, nine months ago," I tightened my grip on Calleigh, but not enough to be painful.
"Oh," Bobby nodded, finally grasping the weight of the topic.
"Though, if it wasn't for Jake, Eric and I'd still probably just be best friends," Calleigh smiled up optimistically at me. "We were together of physical reasons, not emotional."
"I like to think of him as a blessing in disguise; a pain in the ass, but a blessing no less," I added confidently.
"Anyway," started Michael hoping to shift the topic, "when's Eric doing the Challenge?"
"Challenge?" I asked in confusion.
"Guys, you know this," gesturing to the two of us discreetly, "is all for show," she whispered. "He doesn't have to do that stuff!"
"No way; any boy – or man – that goes out with our C.D. has to take the test," stated Emily. "Besides, he'll do fine. Just look at him!" I swallowed thickly as I felt all the ladies' eye on me.
"Challenge?" I asked again.
"Calleigh, this isn't going to look real if he doesn't do it," Monica added. She'd been really quite all night but she seemed to have her little niche in this group as the really quiet person.
"I guess," Calleigh mumbled, "Eric?" she asked hesitantly.
"Whatever it takes." I stated firmly.
"Eric, you don't have to do this," she began to insist. "This is just some crap old... tradition; it doesn't even really matter that much."
"Cal, I have to do this. If every other guy has, I do too."
"Oh boy," she sighed heavily. "It's not just a physical test, it's mental. Based on how well you know me," she looked up into my eyes.
"And you're not just going up against anyone. You're going up against all Calleigh's past boyfriends and Benny," Emily added.
"Eric, I don't wanna come off as if I'm try'na intimidate you – 'cause I'm not – but I know my big sister best."
"Eric has a bullet in his head guys and a permanently damaged leg, this isn't fair," Calleigh pushed, resting her hand on my knee.
"Damaged leg?"
"When I got shot, they also put one in my leg."
"There, that's his free pass. It's too strenuous."
"Calleigh, you know the rules. We gotta let him see the course and run through it at least once."
"It's okay. I'll do it," I insisted.
"Fine, if you all are so hell-bent on him doing this, we gotta go study. Besides, it's already getting pretty dark," she said standing up, pulling me up with her grasping my hand tightly.
"I can't believe you said yes!"
"Eric, this test... it's set up so guys to fail. That's why the boys built it! Besides, it's designed to physically exhaust you, to the point where you can't go anymore," she paced around the room. "Everything is about speed, endurance... I... I... I just don't want to see you get hurt," she sighed, collapsing on the bed on her back.
"Cal," I eased onto the bed next to her, "I'm not going to break," I chuckled. "And it's not like I'm in bad shape... I may be slightly worse for wear then most guys, but I'm not an invalid. Or chicken for that matter. This is an important tradition, for you and your family," I gently brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes, tucking it behind her ear. "I'm here for the long haul... even if I'm not really your boyfriend," I softly added. "Though, I'd like to think I come pretty close," I smirked. "You know... you're pretty much the only woman in my life; excluding my family and the women at work... and you've always been there, Calleigh. It's my turn to be there for you."
We lay there in a peaceful silence for what seemed like an eternity; just enjoying each other's company. Her lying on her back, eyes closed; if it wasn't for her slightly uneven breathing, you'd have thought she was asleep. Me, propped up on my elbow, gazing down at her.
Finally, she broke the silence, "if you're sure... we've got a long night ahead of us," she smiled, "I have to teach you a heck lot about my past in a night... you up for the challenge Diverman?" she smiled.
"Why not, Bulletgirl, why not."
"You think I'm ready?" I asked anxiously. We were standing outside a fenced lot. Inside, you could see everything from tires, a pool, a strip of track that looked about 100 meters long, a shooting range, even what looked like a miniature football field.
"Absolutely; and it's fine, because all final answers are run by me," she nodded confidently.
"Calleigh, I don't know if I can do this," as the deadline crept closer and closer I was beginning to lose all confidence.
"Eric, I have faith in you. Besides, worse come to worse, we act as though it never happened," she turned to me. "I know you can do this," she gave me a tight hug, "you're ready," she smiled into my chest. "After all," she leaned back so she could look me in the eye, "you're my hero, remember?" She smiled and pressed a quick kiss to my cheek. "You – unofficially – know me better than anyone."
"Okay," Bobby hollered, "enough wish the mushiness! You ready Delko?"
"As ready as I'll ever be," I said, stepping up to the 'starting line.'
A bit of a cliffy, I'll admit. But I'm updating, which is a good sign... though I should be studying... that's not so good... oh well! 3