I couldn't help but think about Dok as I was writting my other story-some reason bondage equals Dok in my mind- anyways, so grab a glass Riesling, so this is for the Dok and hopefully I can give him a legacy.

Rated M because this will be about Dok's Life...

…A Moment Later…

The major's body lay halfway across the room, his lifeless golden eyes gazing into oblivion with a grin from ear to ear, his death even appeased him. Metal clanked against metal with a dull thud. Seras' crimson eyes snapped back to reality the moment Integra let her sword fall from her grasp. In less than a blink, Seras rushed forward and caught her Master before exhaustion and blood loss overtook the woman. The scent of salt overcame her senses and she knew that the woman within her grasp wouldn't allow her tears to flow, at least not yet. She shifted the woman and lowered her to the floor, allowing her bloodied and torn gloves to run across Integra's face. Her suit was torn and bloodied, a sleeve missing.

"Seras," Integra whispered, her eyes still shut tightly.

"Master," Seras cooed. "Open your eyes."

Much had been lost this night. Alucard was thought dead, hundreds were ready to be put into a grave, and now this. Seras knew that until her death or Integra's death, that this new face would constantly remind her.

"If I may clean the wound," Seras evenly said. She didn't know if it should be a question or demand, but Integra agreed as her eyelids rose up.

Seras' crimson gaze focused upon the bloodied and empty socket of Integra's left eye. Her fingers ghosted across bruised skin and moved into bloodied blonde hair gently massaging her scalp as her tongue snaked out. Virgin blood stood out against the tainted blood and she could feel the scent forming an expectation of taste upon her tongue. This wound upon Integra, her own missing arm were signs that would haunt her and remind her that she would have to be stronger. The tip of her tongue traced the warm edges of the empty socket.

'She is my master and I am a vampire. I will not fail,' Seras thought as Integra's hands clutched her wrists and harshly twisted the pale skin. Seras didn't wince as she steadied Integra's head and began to cleanse the wound.

"Vat izt de madder liddle engel? Are du afraid oft de dark…or de darkness inside du?"

Seras clenched her teeth together as her body stiffened. This small mission was a matter of patience and short time, which she found lacking for the past week. Her homeland was still in ruins and on the verge of being rebuilt, until an incident occurred four days after the destruction of the Nazis'. Seras had made the mistake of assuming that all the Freaks had been destroyed, but it appeared age old saying was proved correct.

'Assume equals ass of u and me.'

There was something worse than Freaks left, or maybe it was simply Freaks. Seras couldn't decide and Integra was still emotionally indisposed, though she wouldn't admit it. The vanishing of Alucard and betrayal of Walter had taken a great toll upon her Master's Master…no her Master. Seras saw that Integra was worn thin and had taken it upon herself to pull this city together. She was the only remnant of a Hellsing weapon and she wouldn't fail. Alucard had a legacy, Hellsing had a legacy, and it was now her job to maintain that legacy as her own. After all, Hellsing was all she had left.

This is why Seras found herself in a familiar area of Hellsing that had been passed on by memories. Alucard remembered this area fairly well enough for she vaguely found it within herself. It was an area that was kept separate from her part of the dungeons. Integra had never made use of this area mainly because most prospective enemies were exterminated or simply consumed. This rule was finally broken. Interga Wingates Fairbrooks Hellsing finally had a vampire that used reason instead of bloodlust and thus they had ended up with a prisoner of vast knowledge. Seras came to the metal door and simply pushed it. It swung open and embedded itself into the opposite wall. There was nothing inside this dank cell that could harm her, besides herself. The prisoner had only spoken once to her and that had been the moment after Integra had killed the Major and the said prisioner came to his senses. His words had thrown her off center for the past week. She wasn't afraid of neither the dark nor the darkness inside of her.

"Izt dis a visit or for mein funeral rites?"

"I need information Doctor Avondale Napyeer," Seras coldly stated. Everything about her had to be dead, it benefit her to play a role of cold-heroine-that-isn't-weak.

The multi-lenses goggles he once wore had been replaced with simple tinted glasses, his blood splattered lab coat replaced with a plain white shirt and black pants, but he kept the gloves. They were specially tailored to fit his hands, the hands of a monster. Seras' crimson eyes watched as he crossed his hands over his raised knee. The man didn't look the part of the monster, he was of a pale and slender build, and even his horrific hands which created such monstrosities were not calloused. His hair rested a below his chin cut at an angle that when higher along his jawline. A strange giggle echoed within the cell bringing her back to reality.

"Steal mien soul," Dok calmly taunted as he bared his neck to the left. "Konsume mien being."

It would be simple; her master had done it all his life. She knew she could do it as well, but the question was; did she want the Dok inside of her? The answer was a solid 'no.' The mind of a madman was not something she would enjoy. His eyes widened behind the tinted glasses as she vanished and reappeared in front of him. Her gloved hands grasped the back of his head roughly and she tightly pulled his head back and to the side. Fangs flashing dangerously as the shadow of her left arm slithered around his body and bound his form to the side of his cot. She lowered her face close to his neck and inhaled deeply, exquisite. The blood beneath that paper thin layer of skin picked up speed, a steady drum sung to her. His fear spiked giving his natural scent a hint of something spicy.

"Do you want to join my collective of souls?" Seras darkly hissed. "I can make your existence within my being hell."

Brushing her fangs over his neck she exhaled moist breath. The taste of warm blood was vastly different from that in a chilled medical bag.

"Do make a choice…because your Major is awaiting your arrival in hell."

A soft gulp echoed in her ears telling her that he was nervously thinking. She pressed her fangs just above his jugular. The temptation to simply tear out his throat was overwhelming. Lack of proper meals and this rushed work were taking a toll on her self control.

"A deal!" Dok suddenly spoke. "I vant un deal!"

Seras ran her nails through his hair as she released him. Her eyes remained glued to his as her shadows slithered back to form an arm. The hand of shadowed formed arm was kept upon his throat. Relief spread through her, she was glad his resolve broke before her control.

"What can you have to offer Hellsing?" Seras jadedly questioned.

"Not Hellzing, but du," Dok quickly replied.

"I am a servant of Hellsing, a true vampire, there is nothing you can offer me," Seras snidely replied, Alucard would be proud of her sneer.

His thin lips stretched across his face. His fear had quickly shifted to amusement slightly worrying her. She wondered what secrets he could hold. There was nothing he could give her when his group had already taken everything.

"Alucard vas not un normal vampir…Hellsing did vonderful experiments on him to perfect his powers," Dok spoke. "Your arm izt proof of dis."

"I need a point," Seras growled, her hand tightening upon his throat.

"Your Master izt gone…I know how his povers vorked in vays du will never understand…I can guide du for it vould be a vaste for such pover to fanish."

"As far as I'm concerned," Seras coldly began. "I can consume you and gather all that pitiful information of your failed battalion."

Dok froze and Seras released a small chuckle. It was now clear to her why Master loved to play these little games. Her normal opposition to taunting humans was restrained because this man was the instrument of all the death she had seen.

"Vat vill happen to mien zelf if I help du?" Dok suddenly questioned, a thin blonde eyebrow aching.

Seras stepped away from him and crossed her arms over her chest as she thought about this. The corners of her lips turned up, Master would just consume him. It would prove far simpler, but she wasn't her master. Insanity was just a sip away and she didn't feel ready to delve into such…artistic depths.

"You will never be a free man," Seras stated, "but I can allow you back into a lab with maybe a bit more comfort if you track your freaks."

"I can do zat if you allov me un liddle request," Dok added.

'A request.' Keeping her face carefully schooled she wondered what he would gain from a request. If he claimed to know everything about Alucard then there was no need to study her. Her black pupils narrowed and she wondered if it would be better to mind rape the man, surely she could just enter his thoughts and gather information. Alucard could probably do it, Seras sighed; she wasn't a professional yet and would probably do more harm than good. Sir Integra would be pissed if she scrambled his mind like Sunday's morning breakfast.

"Mien vork izt gone…nothing more zan un dream," Dok wistfully sighed. The regretful expression upon his face was short lived. His features shifted in euphoria as a glazed smile overcame him. His voice began to rise each word lit aflame with passion. "I only vish for mein legacy to not be forgotten and I shall help du destroy everything I haft created, if I kan haft one lazt creation."

Seras had involuntarily taken a step back; she realized that she was backing away and stopped. The ramblings of a madman wouldn't scare her. His gaze shifted to her, his lenses reflecting the light.

"Sir Integra nor myself will not allow freakish experiments," Seras replied with a scowl.

His head tilted to the side as he regarded her with a twisted smile. A soft 'tsk' echoed throughout the room as he shook his head. Strands of straw blonde hair shifted around his face as he moved to set both his feet upon the ground.

"Mein vork izt gone," Dok slowly repeated. "I only vish to leave behind un legacy. Grant me zis if du vish to deztroy vhat izt vaiting in ze dark."

'Hellsing's legacy…Alucard's legacy…were monsters allowed a legacy?'

"What do you want?" Seras finally asked.

"I vant du to listen," Dok replied.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she glared at him. That was the strangest request she had ever heard. There was nothing to gain from just conversation.

"Listen?" Seras repeated.

"Vhat gut izt life if your story izt unknown?" Dok questioned her with a large smile.

"How will I know if you're working if I only listen then leave you alone to work?"

Dok chuckled and replied with a twisted smile, "I guess ve vill be spending much time together."

I think I'll stop there for now...since I don't want to overlap into the next chapter...


Seras released a curse as she held arm to her chest. Flesh and meat were dangling freely as her crimson eyes scanned the darkness. Something was horribly wrong, she couldn't understand why this darkness was so thick nor why her wound wouldn't mend.

Please leave a review, comment, or concern. Since this story has no beta, please be kind and point out any errors...