Two black-haired children, a boy and a girl, walked down the hallway of the Hyuuga training ground. One headed away and the other toward. The boy stopped as he drew even with the girl, it was he who was walking away. The girl stopped also. He spoke and it was with tones of scornful respect.
"Hinata-sama," he bowed mockingly, "do you need me to save you today? Or die for you or just let you activate this seal on some false pretence? That's what your side of the family does." she looked earnestly at him.
"Brother Neji, I'm sorry you have that seal. I would never activate it, ever. I wouldn't make you die for me; it's your life. I want to be friends not enemies; you are not my inferior despite that seal. Main Family, Branch Family, it doesn't matter to me." he untied the headband from around his head. The curse seal showed vividly against his skin.
"Friends, Hinata-sama? It is not my destiny to have friends, I'm alone. This seal that your father engraved upon my forehead at your third birthday made sure of that." His voice had gotten louder. A Main Family member walked from the training grounds to watch the argument. He stood quietly and watched the cousins argue.
"You don't have to be alone. That's what I keep saying, Neji. You can have friends." He shook his head.
"With this?" he gestured to the curse seal, "You're defiantly not from the Branch Family. You'd try to make me die to save your skin."
The watching Hyuuga interposed, "Aren't you Hizashi's boy? Branch Family of course. Just like your worthless father was. You realize that Hinata is from the Main Family and you deserve to be punished for speaking that way?" dark anger enveloped Neji's pale white eyes. He raised a fist toward the watcher and pivoted toward him, his eyes filled with hatred. The man formed a few quick hand signs. Hinata flinched; she knew instinctively that something bad was about to happen.
So, what do you think? One review and I post the next chapter… The next should be longer.