A Little Love Will Do. Chapter 17

A Zetsu Love Story.

Note: I don't own Naruto or Light and Darkness Dragon.

--A Few Days Pass--

The nurses never did let Zetsu leave the hospital, even to see the Hokage. I ended up going to the Hokage and arranging for her to do the ceremony in the hospital. Not my ideal wedding, but hey I'll deal with it.

It's a very small wedding, with only Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, Tsunade, and some tall man with blue hair. I have a good idea who the man is so I walk up to him and whisper, "Do you still want to walk me down the 'aisle'?" I ask him, referring to the hallway between my room and Zetsu's.

"Hehe, I would be honored kiddo."

As we start towards Zetsu's hospital room, we talk about what happened after the incident in the woods. It turns out Madara truly believed that Kisame was trying to stop me and bring me back to the Akatsuki.

We enter Zetsu's room and see everyone waiting for me. Kisame walks me up to where Zetsu is standing on his crutches. Kisame lets me go and goes to stand by the others. Zetsu takes my hands in his and our eyes meet. A few tears run down my cheeks and Zetsu wipes them away. I'm wearing a white kimono with black rose designs while Zetsu is in a pair of slacks and a white dress shirt. I'm not really paying attention and when Tsunade got to part about saying 'I do' Zetsu nudges me. "Oh, I'm sorry…I was drifting off a bit…I do."

Zetsu looks at me with concern in his eyes, "Are you okay Kurai? Do you need to sit down?"

"No, I'm fine."

"And do you Yuuutsu Zakurogata, take Kurai Hisataka, to be your lawfully wedded wife; through sickness and in health, for richer and poorer, 'til death do you part?"


Tsunade says "You may now kiss the bride…." He kisses me on the lips and I kiss him back.

--Weeks Pass--

I'm due any day now. I walk out of the house that Tsunade arranged for us to live in and into the small garden. Zetsu comes walking out after me, still using crutches. He only has to use them when he's going to be standing for a while or walking long distances. I stop to sniff at a rose and Zetsu wraps his arms around me. He places his hands on my belly and begins to rub it. "Zetsu…."

"Why don't you…call me by my real name?"

"Because I like Zetsu better than Yuu….ooooowwwww!" I feel immense pain run throughout my body. I hold my stomach and groan in pain, "Zetsu, I think it's time."

"Okay…okay…don't panic…umm….Let's…."

"GET ME TO THE HOSPITAL!" I shout and snap at him.

"Okay….that's a good plan."

We get to the hospital and many, many hours later and a lot of screaming and cussing later; Zetsu is holding our beautiful baby boy. He looks just like his father, his right side being black and his left white. He has green hair and golden eyes. We decide to name him Kouken, meaning Guardian.

A year later, we have a beautiful baby girl, named Awai (it means light). Her skin is a pure snow white along with her hair. Her eyes are a beautiful sky blue.

Another year later, our second son is born and we name him Yami (meaning darkness). His skin is blacker than obsidian, his hair is dark green, and his eyes are golden.

I absolutely love my three children and my life couldn't be any better. It appears that I've finally found that one person who could tame my wild side. I couldn't be any happier.