Title: Pieces of Heaven - Interlude n°2
Author: Shadow Arashi
Fandom: Tsubasa Chronicle
Pairing: KuroganexFay
Rating: PG
Word Count: 511
Summary: Kurogane worries too much. Fay sets him straight.
Warnings: Fluff and more fluff. That's all I can write about for this series. I wasn't planning to write this but the idea wouldn't leave me alone. Written because Fay is indeed a man and because he has Kurogane wrapped around his finger. Yeah for dominating!uke XD
Disclaimer: You really think I would be writing fanfics if I own TRC, Kurogane or Fay?



Fay winced sharply when he was pushed against the wall, his back hitting it with a muffled thud, and bit his lips.

He threw an annoyed glance at his partner -because he couldn't bring himself to truly glare at the other man- and hissed.

"What was that for?"

All the answer he got was a sharp tug at the collar of his white kimono, revealing the still slightly bleeding wound on his collarbone.

"I think that should be my line."

Kurogane deadpanned, but the tone of his voice clearly expressed that he was not happy. Fay suddenly understood what it was all about and sighed.

"It's just a wound Kuro-sama. And not even a serious one. I'm fine."

The dark haired ninja merely made a growling sound in the back of his throat, still not letting go of the blond.


He almost whined- almost. His lover had a protective streak a few miles wide, and while it was kind of cute, he was not a damsel in distress. Well, not anymore, he thought with some amusement.

"You didn't even try to dodge the blow! That man could have killed you!"


"Kuro-silly," Fay nearly purred, his eye turning cat-like- "That hit came from my blind spot." -and reversed their position, tangling their legs to unbalance the ninja and slamming the taller man against the wall, wound forgotten.

Kurogane's eyes widened -barely- but he did not protest the change of position. His hands only twitched once and tightened on the blonde's sides; his expression carefully neutral.

"So you didn't-"

"See it coming? No, that's why I didn't react. I've changed Kuro-rin, I'm not like that anymore." he murmured against tanned skin, then nipped sharply at that oh-so-tempting neck before him, marking his territory- "I was wondering why you were reacting so strongly" -another bite, drawing blood and a moan from the both of them this time.

And instinct took over.

They stayed pressed together as Fay drank, Kurogane's arms wrapped securely around the blond, as if sheltering them from the outside world.

And for that moment nothing existed but each other.

Fay finally pulled away reluctantly, licking the last drop of blood from his lover's skin and rested his head contently on his shoulder. Kurogane's heartbeat was strong -if just a tiny bit slower than normal- and steady. He felt warm.

"You ok?"

It was both a question and an apology; because he hadn't planned on feeding now and because he wanted to make sure things were clear between them. He had enough of miscommunication.

"Yeah." We are ok "I just thought-" I was going to lose you

Fay gave him a reassuring squeeze before his face broke into a naughty grin, changing the mood as he slipped one leg between the taller man's.

"I'm not that easy to break Kuro-sama. Maybe I should remind you?"

The warrior's yells and spluttering made him dissolve into laughers as he changed the rules of the game and chased his prey down to their room.

Maybe he should try taking the lead more often.



A/U: I tried to stay as much IC as I could. The trouble was Kurogane, as I couldn't really see him blowing up just because Fay got hurt. He is protective but he knows that Fay is more than able to defend himself. So I had to play on his fear that Fay wouldn't protect himself during battle. I hope it was clear enough. ^^