Perfect Family

Emmett raced up the staircase looking for Rose; Edward found a whole cave full of hibernating grizzly bears, and he wanted to go hunting with his mate. He flew right past Carlisle's office, not noticing the blonde woman sitting on the beige leather couch. He backtracked, and stood in the doorway quietly.

Rosalie was sitting on the couch hunched over, her face blank except her eyebrows were pulled together slightly and her eyes were full of tears. She was in emotional pain.

"Rosie, what's wrong?" Emmett asked soothingly, stepping into the room and sitting down beside his wife.

"Emmett, what do you think our children would have looked like?" she asked softly. Emmett pulled her into a hug, her legs in his lap and her head tucked under his chin.

"Well, I guess they would have brown hair like mine." He started, painting a picture for both of them.

"And they would have your eyes." She added. He nodded. Emmett had had brown eyes, where Rosalie had light blue eyes.

"But my mom had blue eyes." Emmett said, "So our kids could have had your eyes." Rosalie smiled at the thought.

"And they would have been tall." She said, her voice taking on a dreamy quality. She was lost in her perfect world.

"They probably would have tanned like me, I had darker skin." Emmett said, remembering his golden tan from his time outdoors. He looked down at his arms; they were now alabaster white. That's one thing he didn't like about the change. His wife nodded.

"I was very pale."

"What would you name our kids?" Emmett asked, unsure whether this was good for her or not. Should she be picturing the family she could never have?

"Hmm…We would have a boy first."

"And his name is Emmett?" He asked hopefully. Rosalie chuckled.


"Chris McCarty." Emmett whispered. Rosalie nodded; it sounded right.

"And then we'd have another boy."

"Another one? I thought you wanted a girl?"

"I'm getting there." Emmett rolled his eyes, but he couldn't keep the smile off his face. He loved this imaginary family and wished desperately that he could give his angel it.

"The second boy, his name would be James. James Emmett McCarty." Emmett frowned.

"James as in, James the tracker?" He asked, barely masking his anger towards the slimy tracker.

"No, James as in my grandfather."

"Oh." Rosalie smiled at his surprise.

"Did you really think I was going to name a child after him? He almost killed my sister." Rosalie was thinking of her newest sister Bella. She and Edward were off on their honeymoon somewhere in Europe.

"Of course not." There was silence and then he added, "You never told me that you had a grandpa named James." He was hurt that she had kept something from him.

"I'm sorry, but you've never told me your whole family tree either."

"I will." He promised.

"I will too." She agreed. They sat in silence for several seconds, enjoying each others company. But Emmett was curious now; he wanted to meet the rest of his family.

"So we have two boys; Chris and James McCarty. What about girls?" Rosalie smiled.

"We have one girl. She has your hair, but my eyes." Rosalie imagined her little brown hair angel with twinkling blue eyes running down the street. Emmett and Rosalie were standing in the front lawn of their large house. It was sunny, and they didn't sparkle. They were normal. James came whipping down the street on his ten speed bike, narrowly missing the little girl as he turned around in the cul-de-sac. Emmett scolded the boy, but ended up laughing, and picking the boy up and swinging him around. Chris came out of the house, wrapped Rosalie up in a hug, and then walked down to where her little girl tottered around. Chris picked her up, swung her around and the placed her in Rose's arms.

"What's the little girls' name?" Emmett asked, pulling her out of her perfect world. Rosalie thought about it for a couple seconds, and then finally decided.


"Cynthia McCarty." Emmett repeated. His heart broke when he remembered that he couldn't give these children to his love. He only wanted for her to live a happy life as a human, so she could have these children. They would both be human, living happily ever after with their children and grandchildren.

Rosalie sighed and shifted, standing up.

"Thank you Emmett." She said, sticking out her hand and helping him up.

"Why are you thanking me?" He asked. If anything she should be getting mad at him. He couldn't give her these things, so why was she thanking him?

"For letting me imagine my perfect family." She said, and then she grabbed his hand and went to the door. "Let's go hunt." And for once, she seemed very content saying that. Emmett was hers, and that was all she could ask for.

