A single shot was fired and the man went down. Amy watched in horror from the tight little closet. Her father, the man she always looked up to, was dead.
Hot tears of anger and melancholy rolled down the hedgehog's sad little face. She quietly sobbed with her face buried in her hands. Amy then heard the sound of many steps on the wooden floor. It was as if someone was running. The sounds were coming toward her!
Amy closed the closet door and brought her knees up to her chest. She wrapped her small arms around them and buried her face in her knees. Amy made herself stop crying, for she knew that the slightest noise would tip them off and they would know that she was hiding there. Whoever they were.
The footsteps stopped right in front of the closet door. Amy held her breath as the doorknob turned and the door was thrown open.
In the doorway stood a green hedgehog. For a moment, he and Amy looked at each other. Before she could even react, the green hedgehog stuck a .22 gun in the middle of Amy's sweating forehead. It had a silencer on it so even if the gun was fired, it would barely make a sound.
"Make a single noise and I will end your little, fucking life" the green hedgehog said in a harsh little whisper. Amy could see that his finger was on the trigger. She wouldn't even have a chance to make a sound even if she wanted to.
The green hedgehog grabbed Amy by the hair and dragged her out of the closet. Amy wanted to scream out in pain and anguish but she knew that if she did, she would be dead. The green hedgehog grabbed Amy's arm and forced her to her feet.
"What are you going to do to me?" Amy whispered with tears in her voice. The green hedgehog slapped her across the face, making her fall on the floor again. Her cheek stung as she sat up and looked at the green hedgehog with fear in her eyes.
"Didn't I tell you not to make a sound?" he whispered as Amy struggled to stand up again. She couldn't even believe that she actually said something. This time, Amy nodded and kept her mouth shut. A slap was probably not the worse thing he would do to her if she made a noise again. Amy's eyes traveled down to the gun and she thought that if she could be quieter than a mouse, maybe he would let her go.
The green hedgehog led her out of the house and into a black Toyota. The windows were tinted so there she couldn't see what it was like in there. But Amy knew that it probably wasn't good. The green hedgehog opened the passenger door and pushed her inside. There were a couple of men in the car but she could not see their faces, for they were covered with ski masks.
"Tie her up and keep her quiet. If she makes the slightest noise, don't hesitate to kill her. Alright?" the green hedgehog told the men. The men nodded and stood up. They opened up a box that had been covered and took out a few ropes. They tied up her hands and her feet and placed a blindfold over her fearful eyes. Amy started to quietly cry but her tears were absorbed by the blindfold.