Hi guys! Make sure you REVIEW!

I just started another story that I just fell in love with. Don't worry I will finish this one but I would really LOVE IT! If you read and reviewed Beyond Hogwarts Walls. It kind of reminds me of a J/L flick with the pairing, so I think J/L fans would like it. It starts Justin. It's about a group of muggleborns trying to stay free during book seven. I'm really proud of it so check it out SQUEE!

"Bang!" Something hard hit the door, "Bang!" It hit again.

"Hello Harry," one of the Myrtles flirted while the other one watch.

"Oh hi Myrtle," Harry answered quickly. Everyone rushed to the door and tried to keep it close.

"You haven't visited me for while."

"No, well there hasn't been a lot of time. I have been really busy."

"So, I have heard."

"Myrtle, would you help us?" Harry asked.

"Help you?" Myrtle giggled, "I would do anything to help to."

"Thanks," Harry rushed, "Can you distract the people outside the door for us?"

One of the Myrtles nodded and pulled the other one through the wall. Soon afterwards the banging stopped.

"Ok quick we need to find a way out of here," Harry said releasing his hold on the door.

"Well there no secret passages in here," Sirius replied looking around, "Why did you run into a girl's bathroom anyways?"

"Well," Hermione looked at Harry, "There is a way out."

"Hermione right Harry!" Ron added, "The rockslide caused a hole that leads to Forbidden Forest, remember?"

"But it's to steep. We flew out last time," Harry replied.

"There are rocks, we can climb," Hermione sounded unsure with herself.

"It's that or stay here until the Death eaters get us," Ron agreed.

"But," Harry lowered his voice, "I can't speak Parseltongue anymore."

"What's parseltongue?" Lily asked.

"WHAT?" James shouted, "You can speak to snakes?"

"I used to," Harry admitted, "Long story."

"Well, " Hemrione thought, "Ron, you did it last time. You open it."


"Is there another Ron here?"

"I don't know," Ron walked in front the sink with the snake craved on it. He made a kind of hissing noise but nothing happen.

"GET AWAY FROM HERE YOU STUPID GHOST!" A man shouted from outside. There was another loud "BANG!"

The banging on the door started again and everyone but Ron rushed back to their positions.

"Hurry Ron," Hermione cried and Ron tried again. Nothing happen.

"I can't do it," Ron yelled back. "BANG!"

"Come on Ron," Harry shouted back. "BANG!"

Ron turned back to the sink and closed his eyes. Thinking very hard, he hissed a clear sss.

The sinks started to rise and a hole in the ground was uncovered.

"Quick! Jump!" Harry shouted at them.

Hemione jumped first closely followed by Ron. Everyone else looked to be in to much shock to move.

"Move," Harry shouted at them. The banging was getting worse, they were almost threw the door. "Neville," Harry asked him for help.

Neville nodded and grabbed Alice's hand, "Follow me." Together they jumped followed by an unsure Frank.

"Hurry," Harry called at them again.

Sirius and Remus went next.

"You go next," James said to Lily.

"What? No you go," Lily shouted at him.

"Well you just go!" Harry shouted at them. James jumped.

Lily looked at Harry, "You are coming too, right?"

Harry nodded, "Just go."

Lily leaped down into the hole.

Harry, being the last one, released the hold on the door and jumped. Once free of the excess weight, the door flew opened. But by the time the death eaters opened the door the sinks had replaced themselves leaving behind two very confused Death eaters.

"Where are we?" Alice asked standing up, weird crackling noises came from beneath her shoes. Alice lit her wand and screamed.

"What?" Frank asked.

"B-bones!" Alice cried.

"What?" Lily lit her wand and let out a surprised gasped.

"Sweet," Sirius said looking around.

"You're crazy Padfoot," James shook his head, "Where are we?"

"Um," Ron looked towards Harry.

"The Chamber of Secrets," Harry mumbled unemotionally.

"What?" Remus shouted, "That's not possible. It doesn't exist."

"Well, then you're standing no where," Harry replied looking around.

"What's the Chamber of Secrets?" James asked Remus.

"It was built by Salazar Slytherin himself," he threw an uneasy look at Lily, "to clear the school of muggleborns. I read it in Hogwarts, A History."

"How?" Lily breathed.

"With some kind of monster."

"It was a basilisk, but don't worry, we are perfectly safe," Hermione's eyes got big, "H-harry?"

"Yes?" He looked back at her.

"I-if they are here from the past. Does the mean e-everything is b-back?" she mumbled.

"Shit," Harry whispered.

They were silent while they listened.

"I don't hear anything." Neville said to loudly. They hushed him but it was to late, he voiced echoed.

They all stood perfectly still; somehow they had all sense the danger without words. Out of nowhere, there was a huge splashed.

"Run!" Harry yelled, "If you see yellow eyes, close your eyes."

They ran down a tunnel making lots of noise. They couldn't help, the tunnels were flooded so their feet splashed when they ran.

They stopped a tunnel with a huge hole at the top. The walls were steep.

"We can't climb this!" Hermione cried.

"Come on Hermione," Ron grabbed her hand" and help her start climbing, following her close behind.

"Alice?" Frank asked holding out his hand. She took it and they started climbing together.

Sirius and Remus followed suit, but without the hand holding.

"Go Lily," James told her.

"Why should I go next?"

"Will you two just stop fighting for two seconds?" Harry sounded annoyed. He grabbed Lily's hand and started up, helping her along the way. James followed last.

They were half way up when a strange noise came from the tunnel below.

"Don't look down, keep climbing!" Harry called.

The noise was getting louder and louder.

Suddenly they heard a yelp.

James was knock several feet down, luckily he was able to grab another rock before hitting the ground.

"Something hit me!" He yelled.

Loud hissing erupted in their ears.

"Don't look down! Keep climbing!" Harry called up to the others over the hissing, "I'll handle it!" But before Harry was able to climb down and flash red slid down.

"James, grab my hand!" Lily called to him.

"Don't look down!" Harry warned them again.

"Where are you?" James asked.

Something then hit again Lily's head causing the rock, she was holding on to, to break off from the wall. She free falled a few feet but James grabbed her arm before she hit the floor.

"Are you alright?" Harry called from somewhere up above.

"I'm fine, you keep climbing," Lily told her son.

"Lily grab on to something. I'm slipping." James told her.

Lily grabbed onto a nearby rock. Together they raced to climb up the steep cliff.

Again something slammed into the wall next to Lily, but James grabbed her arm keeping her from falling.

Harry threw a loose rock from up above. It hit something hard nearby where James and Lily were climbing. Harry climbed down and helped them climbed faster

Now out of reach of the snake's head, they quickly climbed to the top. Harry was already at the top when he reached for Lily's hand and pulled her out of the hole.

"I thought I told you to keep climbing," she scolded Harry, but she had a smile on her face. She then turned around and held out a hand to James who was still climbing out of the hole.


He almost let go of the rock in surprised and had to grab Lily's to keep from falling. She pulled him up.

"Thanks," he whispered to her.

"It was nothing," she smiled back.