

Alice, Lily and the Marauders are forced into the future by Voldemort's plan where they meet their sons. Now they must help the trio and the rest of the DA defeat Voldemort again and win back the school. Takes place after book seven. I tried to be as close to the books as I could. J/L, A/F

Voldemort was tired of waiting. He was already becoming more powerful by the minute, but that was not enough. He wanted be powerful now. If only he could fast forward all this waiting and…. That was it! He would fast forward fast! Why not? He had done things far more amazing than warp time. And why shouldn't he? He knew that was going to succeed, Dumbledore hasn't even gotten in his way yet. Yes, he decided to himself, he would do. The only question now was how far should he go….

Meanwhile, miles away in the safe castle of Hogwarts, Lily and Marauders were finishing their last first day of school.

"It is sad," Lily told her best friend Alice as they walked out of Potions, "Never again will we have a first day of school."

Alice sighed, "I know. I wish there were some way we could go back to our first year. Everything was so simple back then."

"Are you crazy?" James shouted behind them. He has been following them out of the classroom with the rest of the Marauders. It's not James fault if he couldn't resist the voice of his true love. "I can't wait to get of here!"

"I'm with you, Prongs," Sirius agreed, "No more McGonagall yelling at us, no more homework, no more McGonagall, no more detentions, no McGonagall…"

"No more pranks." Remus added.

"Are you loony, Moony?" James replied. "There will always pranks. Shut up Wormtail, it wasn't that funny." Peter who was laughing at the rhyming words closed his mouth embarrassedly.

"Well if you are quite done being so rude and interrupting us, Alice and I have studying to do." Lily turned on a dime and marched off in the opposite direction of them.

"Bye boys!" Alice called back to them.

"Hush Alice, don't encourage them," hissed Lily.

"Studying, why would they need to study? It's the first day of school, crying out loud!" said a frustrated James. But the Marauders knew better than to tell Prongs that Lily was just trying to get away from him.

The rest of the day passed with nothing very special happening. James asked Lily out and she rejected him by hitting in the head with a book. Frank Longbottom said, "Goodnight," to Alice, who fainted and had to be dragged to her room by Lily. Remus finished his homework as Peter started his and Sirius got nothing done except for a not well thought out prank involving peanut butter, feathers and Snivellus's shampoo.

The common room slowly empty of tired Gryffindors and those who had left their homework to the last second. And that was when Voldemort's plan began to work.

The rooms began to shake. Books flew off their shelves. Student woke from their dreams of massages to an earthquake-like event.

Professor Dumbledore's voice echoed through the rooms, "Quickly and calmly move yourselves to the Great Hall, Prefects and Heads please help them."

Lily jumped out of her shaking bed; she had trouble standing up with moving floor. As Head girl it was her job to make sure everyone got out safety. Alice, who also a prefect, was already helping the rest of their roommates out of their beds.

"I will help them, you get the rest of the rooms," Alice shouted over the noise of falling objects.

"Please keep moving! Everything is going to be alright! Keep calm!" Lily shouted to the Gryffindors in the common room. She was able to get them out of their beds fast enough, but the common room door was too small to let them out as fast as Lily wanted. James and Remus were passing out pillows to protect people's head from the cascading items. As Lily made her was to her fellow Head and prefect she shout, "That's very clever Potter."

"It happens once in while," James smiled at her.

Once the common room was empty, Lily, James, Alice, Remus and Sirius, who stayed behind to help, started to head towards the Great Hall. The Great Hall was full of worried student. The shaking had died down to a rumble. Together they took seats at the end of the Gryffindor table. They watched as the teachers gathered together at the head table, Dumbledore's purple sleeping hat stuck out among the group.

"What's going on?" Sirius finally said, breaking the silence.

"I'm not sure," Lily sounded uneasy, she wasn't used to not knowing anything.

"There you guys are!" Peter shouted walking into the hall with Frank Longbottom, "We got lost in a crowd of Hufflepuffs walking down."

Alice blushed as Frank sat down next to her, but before anything else happen the room went quiet as the rumble came to a complete deadly stop.

The ceiling's sky began to move quickly the sun travel over and over the sky again. The moon followed like cat chasing a mouse, Over and Over. A Ravenclaw threw up from watching. Days passed, nights passed, days, months, and years even! Teachers and student watched in amazement as they were thrown into the future. The Great Hall became to transform, walls collapsed, and pieces from the ceiling disappeared reveling real sky. The main door become more rustic looking with deep scars and dents in it. The floor became less shiny, covered in scratches and stains. Suddenly it stopped.

The morning sun was just rising above the Forbidden Forest. Orange and yellow light shimmered as it reflected off the Lake into the Great Hall. The students were blinded by the light as it poured into every last dark corner. Everything was still.

Alice gave a loud gulped awakening the people back into life.

"What just happen" Frank whispered for fear to speak any louder.

No answered him because no one knew. Even the teachers, who had been so alert before, were as still of statues.

In the first hour, Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall had left the Hall after telling everyone not to leave the Hall. Some student went back to sleep while the majority slowly began to whisper.

About two hours after the Professors had left; food appeared on the golden plated of the table.

"Finally," Sirius yelped jumping towards the food. The other soon followed but Sirius ate more than all of them combined.

"How can eat at time like this?" Remus whispered

"Easy, I'm hungry," Sirius barked.

"Quiet Sirius," James hissed and went back to staring at Lily. This was a new record from then to be in the same room for so long without a fight, James took this as a good sign.

Another two hours went by and the student became restless.

"That's it! I'm leaving," said Sirius just loud enough for their group to hear, "If I have to wait here any longer I will crack!"

"What? You can't leave Professor…" Lily began.

"I don't care! Who's with me?" Sirius looked around.

"And how do plan to get out with the other teachers watching us?" Remus asked pointing with his head toward Professor Spout and Professor Flitwick patrolling the students.

"Easy, a little dung bomb in that corner over there and we slip of to the Trophy Room." Sirius smiled at his brilliant plan.

"What's in the Trophy Room?" Alice asked.

"A secret passage, leading to the third corridor," Peter answered.

"Dumbledore told us not to leave! I think seeing that we don't know what's going on it would be unsafe to go wandering off," Lily hissed.

"Yea Padfoot, why don't just stick around a bit longer," James looked proudly at Lily who just looked away.

"You just said that to get with Lily," Sirius hissed in James ear. James just shrugged in reply.

They sat in silence for hour. Sirius started to roll a salt shaker back and forth on the table creating a very annoying noise. Alice and Frank played eye tagged other each, looking away as soon as one of them notice them staring. Lily began to braid her long red hair as James looked on and Remus and Peter played their hundredth game of slap.

A strange man dressed in a suit walked into the Great Hall. He walked with a sense of purpose down the hall, dodging student as he went. The bored student quickly took focus.

"Excuse me," said Professor Spout, "Who are you?"

"My name is not important; I'm from the Ministry of Magic. Dumbledore sent me to take a few students with me. He also asked me to take all the teachers with me to meet him." The man spoke.

"All of us?" Flitwick questioned, "But who will watch the students?"

"There will be two officers from the Ministry outside the door. Now, if you don't mind I have a job I must complete." He spoke to the whole Hall now, "If I call your name come up here and make a neat line. Bellatrix Black, Narcissa Black…" Avery was called as well as Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, the two Carrows, Snape, Wilks as well as four Ravenclaws and two Hufflepuffs. "And finally Peter Pettigrew please come up here," the man finshed.

Peter was in shock. As he walk toward the man he whispered, "Help me!" to his fellow Marauders.

"Now follow me!" the man marched out of the hall leading the group of teachers and called students with him. Wormtail followed last behind the two Hufflepuff look helplessly at them.

"That's it we have to do something," said James turning back to them, "Something fishy is going on here."

"Finally!" Sirius shout, no one could hear them because the all the student had began to talk once the door closed.

"I'm in," said Frank to their surprised.

"Oh, then I am in too," squeed Alice. She looked willingly at Lily with puppy eyes.

"Fine," sighed Lily, "But just because I don't want to be left alone to answer all the questions when that find out you are missing."

"Excellent," cried James, "Now on with Sirius's plan!"

(A/N) I really hoped you liked the first chapter. Please tell me if you find any errors or can help me with my writing style. Please review.

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