General Author Note

Hello everyone,

I am sure that you are shocked and have more than likely have placed this story or many of my others as "Never going to get finished". Well I wish I could say that if you are reading this story I am back but this is one of the stories that I am sad to say will be on hold for the time being. You might be asking why I have decided to do this and I will now take the time to explain:

The first thing I want to address is what ultimately stopped me from writing these stories is that when I was last on this site I heard from a reviewer ddspeed200 who I would like to thank personally for coming forward that current people created a community called "The Bad, the Worse and the just plain Ugly. " This is what started a process I have called "My life sucks." While I will admit that The Lost Child 2 is by far one of my worst stories and that I am nowhere near happy with it, to see a community like that was indescribable. I can take bad reviews since I have learned that sometimes you need readers pointing out faults in your stories such as when I get told about typo and grammar errors but what I don't get is bashing a story. If you don't like a story then here is a good idea STOP READING IT! I have spent more time on this site than I have in any other sight on the web and I have read stories that I think sound cool only to find out that it isn't my cup of tea and you know what I do. If it minor I might leave suggestions in a review on improvements but if I feel that I will not enjoy reading anymore or that reading it will make me upset or angry I just chick a different one and move on. While some people on this site might be planning on pursing a writing career, some of us just like reading and writing and while we might not have the talents of writers such as Shakespeare, J.K. Rowing, Kenneth Oppel or many other well establish writers but we enjoy writing for a variety of reasons. Getting bash by reviewers or seeing a community like that is hurtful and it might make it hard for people to continue doing something that they love. I hated the idea of not writing but seeing that caused me to feel betrayed and hurt beyond what I can explain and thus for the longest time I couldn't write anymore and when I tried it because forced and I hated what I was writing thus I decided to disappear from the site as a writer until I could feel like I could write again without killing off every character in my story and just slapping a THE END on it.

The other reason why I left was because at the time when I was writing The Lost Child 2 I was suffering from depression but I had yet to figure this one. I was just going about my life and yes that included writing on this site. I wouldn't really care about anything and it got so bad that I was just degrees from suicidal thoughts so yeah. When I saw that community it just made it worst since now my depression was affecting my writing so much that it was too hard to continue, and believe me I tried on multiple attempts but as I said before it just got to the point where I was throwing ideas left and right and seeing what worked but the story themselves were suffering which is why I am not happy with some of my stories and when I come back to certain ones I will either a) improve it or b) I might remove it and start over or c) I might scrap it all together.

So why is this story getting a Put on hold till further notice, well as stated above my writing has changed due to the depression which while I am now better I am nowhere near "cured" and thus I am still trying to work things out. The only reason I am even writing now is because a few weeks ago I suddenly felt the need to check my profile and I began looking at my stories and when I finally came to the DragonBall Z story I wrote called "A Father Life" I began to remember what it felt like to write again and even more I decided to check my reviews and I found myself feeling better and better reading them. I suddenly found new life in that story but at the current moment I cannot say the same for the others. Never fear I hope to come back and finish it but as I said if I was to write this one right now I would be either a) making the same mistake as last time and throwing ideas around that don't work or b) I would be slapping a THE END on them after writing every character off so for now I must take a pause from them and go where my heart is taking me.

However before I go I would like to say to every reviewer out there that I would like to say thank-you so much for reading my stories and even though I am now only working on one I am dedicating it's next chapter to every single reviewers from every story that I ever wrote since it was reviewers that got me writing again.

So hopefully you'll see your stories finish soon but in the meantime thanks again.
