Disclaimer: I do not own the Outsiders or any of the character's from that book. But I do own Lucy Harris.

A/N: This is a rewrite of my original story Jaded, and I think it's much better. Concrit is very welcomed!

"Oh, God, Mick Jagger is the most gorgeous man on earth!" Sylvia exclaimed as she collapsed onto her bed, a copy of Tiger Beat in her hands.

"Not as beautiful as Elvis. Now he's a real dreamboat," Kathy said in a dreamy voice that matched Sylvia's.

Sylvia sat up and threw the magazine on the floor. "You're right, but I bet Mick would be better in bed."

Evie lit up a cigarette. "If the kid isn't here in five minutes, I'm leaving without you guys."

Kathy glared at her. She has a name Evie."

Evie rolled her eyes. "Lucy," she said in a long exaggerated tone.

Evie didn't like that Sylvia just let some sophomore into their group. Did she feel bad for the girl and decided to let her hang around with them? God, she was fifteen, and probably as pure as driven snow. They made fun of girls like that, not invited them to parties.

"Sylvia," Lucy called from downstairs.

"Bout fuckin' time," Evie said, dying out her cigarette in an empty Pepsi bottle.

Sylvia walked over to the door. "We're in my room Lucy," she called back.

Sylvia made her way back to her bed and pointed a finger at Evie. "Be nice to her or I'll kick your ass."

Sylvia knew Evie didn't like Lucy, and it pissed her off when she would give the younger girl shit. Sylvia figured Evie felt threatened by the new girl's presence, which was why she treated her so bad. But if she kept bullying her, she'd have other things to worry about than her place in their group of friends.

Evie pretended to shake. "Oh god, you scare me."

Sylvia shot her a menacing look. "I'm serious Evie."

Evie sighed and put her hands up in a surrendering pose. "Fine, I'll play nice," she said irritated.

"Good," Sylvia said with a smile.

The door opened and Lucy came walking through. "Hi girls, sorry I'm late."

"You're just on time sweetie, come sit by me," Kathy said, patting a spot on the bed.

Lucy sat down between Evie and Kathy. "Hi Evie."

Evie faked a smile. "Hey."

Kathy felt the tension between Evie and Sylvia, and decided to start a conversation.

"So Lucy, what's going on with you and Curly?"

Evie's eyes almost bulged out of her head. "You're dating Curly Shepard?"

Lucy smiled sheepishly. "No, we're not dating. To be honest, we're not really anything."

Evie rolled her eyes. "Do you want to be something?"

Lucy turned a deep shade of red.

"I take that for a yes." Evie said.

Evie looked her up and down. "Well I've seen worse. Let's see what I can do."

Evie wasn't being nice because Sylvia threatened her. It was because she actually felt like helping the kid out. Although it didn't mean she liked Lucy either. She still thought the kid was a pain in the ass. It wasn't like they were gonna start painting each other's nail's anytime soon.


As the four girls headed to Buck's for his nightly parties, they got cat calls left and right. Evie flipped them off, while Sylvia and Kathy laughed.

Lucy felt so uncomfortable in the outfit Evie had picked out for her. She wrapped her arms around herself tightly.

Evie smacked Lucy's wrist. "Knock that off, it makes you look nervous."

Kathy smiled. "Lucy you look great, walk with confidence." Strutting a little ahead of the group, Kathy gave an example of how a real woman should walk.

Lucy didn't feel like she looked great. She felt as if she was naked, and everyone was gawking at her imperfections.

"For Christ's sake, stand up straight. And would it kill you to wiggle your ass a little?" Evie scolded her.

Lucy looked at Sylvia for guidance.

Sylvia nodded her head. "Listen to them Luce, they've been around the block a few times," she said wryly.

"Oh fuck off Syl, you've fucked practically the whole town," Evie spat back venomously.

Now girls, let's calm down. Save the energy for your boyfriends." Kathy intervened.

That was the second time that day Kathy had stopped a fight from occurring between Sylvia and Evie. If they kept this up, they might not make it to the party.