The Physic

The Physic


It was a very gloomy day, the sky was dark and it was raining. In the rain stood Ayaka Akibashi, known as the kid physic. She was sixteen, had dark purple eyes, and contrasting but still nice light purple hair. "Something bad then something good will occur today." She predicted worriedly, for she could not see it clearly, which troubled her.

"Ayaka come on! We need to get to the store before it starts to get bad." That was her mom, and only parent. Her dad died in a plane crash a few years back.

"Ok, I'm coming!" She yelled back to her mother as she headed toward the car. As the day went on everything was fine until they were starting home. It ended as quickly as it started; a reckless driver had crashed into them. Her mother was frantic; she called 911 'cause Ayaka wouldn't wake up! In the end the doctors came to a conclusion, she was in a coma. Days and weeks passed until she woke up, but strangely, it wasn't in a hospital.

Chapter 1

Woke Up In The Wrong Place

Ayaka POV

I woke up on something soft, I figured I had been sleeping for a while since I felt refreshed… and hungry. I opened my eyes and everything looked… animated. "What the hell?" I muttered to myself, I also found I was on a couch in a random room, or so I thought at the time.

"Oi, Tono she's awake!" Two very similar voices called out from somewhere I couldn't pinpoint.

"Oh thank the heavens! Are you ok hime?" Some blonde guy with a French accent asked frantically.

"I'm fine. Why?"

"You were asleep for a day or two, it was worrisome." A guy with glasses and black hair said.

"Let me introduce us," the blonde started, "I'm Tamaki Souh, this is Kyouya Ootori, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, Takashi Morinozuka, or Mori, Mitskuni Haninozuka, but we call him Hunny." He said pointing to the person/people he was introducing.

"Hello, I'm Ayaka Akibashi, I'm a physic. I see good things in your futures, just so you know." I said with a light smile on my usually stoic face.

"Kawaii…." I heard someone whisper to them self I wasn't sure whom though.

'I wonder where I am though', I thought with a face mimicking my question silently.

"Obviously you can't remember much, so I'll tell you where you are; Ouran Private Academy, in the Third Music room." Kyouya stated, obviously the most aware of the situation.

"Did you dye your hair 'cause-"

"Its purple." The twins shared a sentence with an annoying tone.

"It is my natural hair color. Do you have a problem with it?" I said with gritted teeth and an angry tone.

"Maybe," they replied being smart-asses.

"Shut up, you damn twins from hell!" I said very annoyed with the two auburn-haired boys who just looked back shocked. I had an angry aura around me now. They meeped and hid behind Mori. "Cowards…." I stated coldly, they were scared, just like everyone else! They always hated me, just because I was like this, but they are the reason I'm like this dammit!

"Ka-chan? Why are you so angry Ka-chan?" Hunny tugged at my outfit while looking up with cute eyes; I wasn't affected. I just ignored him and continued to angrily glare at Hikaru and Kaoru.

"Ah," was all Mori said before he picked me up and dragged me away from the twins. Of course the twins being them; smirked while waving playfully at me.

"She's fun, I hope she comes back." Hikaru whispered quietly to his brother.

"Yea I hope so too." Kaoru agreed with Hikaru, she was an interesting girl, he wanted to find out more, he knew his brother felt the same.

Well sorry it is sort of short but hey it is the first chapter and I know I should be updating my other stories but I can't help it when I have a new idea! By the way, I hope the person who said this before doesn't mind if I steal their words : "I'm writing this for my enjoyment not yours so flames will be ignored, but your critique and comments are welcome"

Well this is Haruka/Haru/Ka-chan/Oujo-san (call me whichever one ) and I'm ready and writing!