Sorry I haven't written in a while. I have way too many things going on. But anway... Like I said. Gwen isn't dead. I wouldn't kill her off if someone off if someone offered my a thousand dollars. That's how much I think she and Kevin need to be together. I mean seriously, aren't they so cute together. Except for the face that Kevin still hasn't made a stinkin' move! As usual, thanks for the alerts and reviews. Anway, continuing...

Ben and Kevin were in the car. As usual Kevin was driving. Though ben had recently turned 16, he still didn't have a license. The two guys were pulling up to a building with no windows. It was a maroon color and looked hideous with the sun. Kevin parked his green car and they got out.

"Come on, let's go."

"Something about this doesn't seem right."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm telling you, I don't like this."

"Kevin. Seriously. Come on. Gwen told us that there's a plumber's kid here."

"Now that I think about it, Gwen sounded kinda different on the hologram. Not like herself. You know what I mean?"

"No I really don't. It's a hologram, Kevin. She's not supposed to sound like she does in reality."

The two guys walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

"Look Ben, I really feel like this is a big trap."

"Do you really think that Gwen wants to kill us? Kevin, that's ridiculous!" Ben rang the doorbell again.

"I don't think it's Gwen that wants to kill us." The door swung open and there stood Morningstar. He seemed to have a plain look on his face. His eyes were completely yellow and he was glowing like crazy. Kevin quickly touched the floor and became solid rock. Ben waited before activating the Omnitrix.

"Where's Gwen?" Kevin immediantly demanded. The door slammed shut. Kevin, Ben, and Mike were all standing in a dark room. There was barely any light.

"Why? You two dating or something?" Morningstar smiled.

"Oh for cryin' out loud." Kevin rolled his eyes.

"Where is she?" Ben stepped up.

Morningstar snapped his fingers and the room lit up. Gwen was lying in the middle of the floor just a couple yards away from the trio.

"Gwen!" Kevin shouted and ran over to her. He lifted her upper body and held her in his hands. His rock body disappeared and he was just regular Kevin again. Gwen's whole neck was covered in blood and it was starting to pour on her shirt. Her skin was all wrinkly and had Morninstar's symbol all over her arms. Gwen's eyes were closed.

"No. Gwen. Please don't be dead." Kevin said quietly. His eyes tearing up. Gwen slowly opened her eyes.

"Kevin. I'm so sorry." She said in a raspy voice.

"No. It's all my fault. I'm sorry for everything that happened."

"I know that you didn't mean it." She tried to raise her right hand, but she couldn't. Gwen coughed.

"Save your energy."

"No. There's no point now. I really am sorry for everything. Good-bye Kevin."

"Don't talk like that. You'll just take that asshole's power again like you did last time." Kevin breaths started increasing rapidly.

"No. I can't. I'm not strong enough."

"Gwen. Please. Don't. I love you." Kevin started tearing up even more now.

"I love you too, Kevin." Gwen sighed and her eyes. Her chest stopped moving.

"NO!! GWEN!! PLEASE!! WAKE UP!!" Kevin bellowed at the top of his lungs. Tears started pouring down his cheeks. It's all my fault. If it wasn't for our stupid argument, she would still be alive! I'll never forgive myself. Kevin gently placed her on the floor and wiped the tears off his face. Kevin had never cried before in his life. Or at least, for as long as could remember. Morningstar would pay. He touched the floor again and became solid rock. Kevin quickly got up.

"Aw. Look. Poor Kevin is crying." Morningstar cackled.

Ben quickly slapped the Omnitrix and became HUMONGOSAUR. He tried to head-butt Morningstar, but ended up hurting himself instead. Quickly, Mike blasted HUMONGOSAUR against the wall. Ben regained his human form and tried to get up. But he was too weak. It was all up to Kevin now...

I didn't have too much time to write. I'll honestly try to post the next chapter up really soon. I totally promise that this fic will have a happy ending. Please don't stop reading. I know it's really easy to predict what's gonna happen next. I promise that Kevin and Gwen will be together in the end. Please just don't stop because you think Gwen's dead. I'm serious. It will be really romantic in the end. Please. Just take my word for it!