Garu arrived at the Guh-Rong, Pucca wasn't there. "She's with Ching..,"said Uncle Dumpling from the kitchen. 'What the fuck does he read minds?!',thought Garu in shock.

Meanwhile Pucca and Ching were walking along the dirt road when Garu rushed up to them. Ching decided to make a joke out of this, "What is it boy? Speak!" Pucca giggled for a moment then turned serious.

"Garu what is it?,"asked Pucca. Garu pulled out a piece of paper that he already wrote what he was going to say, but because of the silence. She began to read;

I saw Yoro kissing another girl,and he's cheating on you. Pucca I'm not lying either, I would never lie to you. I just don't want you to get hurt finding out the other way.

When Pucca finished she was raged, not at Garu. "I knew he was a fake.,"said Pucca handing the letter to Ching. "Damn.,"said Ching. Pucca and Garu's heads turned to her, "Ching you've never said that before. How did it feel?,"Pucca asked. "It felt fucking good..,"replied Ching revealed. "Okay now your just pushing it..,"Pucca turned back to Garu.

Yoro was heading up the road towards Pucca, and Yoro saw her hanging out with Garu. "Hey Pucca why are you hanging out with him?!,"screamed Yoro. "Because, he's my best friend.,"replied Pucca back fiercely. "I can't believe your doing this to me!,"said Yoro. "Why don't you introduce me to some of your lady friends? HUH?!,"Pucca yelled.

"I would never cheat on you!,"said Yoro hurt. "Yeah right! Garu would never lie to me, I've known him longer so I trust him more.,"replied Pucca pissed off in rage. "It's me or Garu!,"yelled Yoro. Pucca looked back at Garu with hard eyes.

"Garu.,"replied Pucca happily. Yoro grabbed Pucca by the arm and slapped her across the face. Garu blew up like a bomb, Yoro dropped Pucca and started to go after Garu. Garu gave Yoro a good fight, then he had Yoro pinned down about to stab him. Garu swung and was stopped by Pucca. "Garu let me finish if I may..,"suggested Pucca.

Garu respected her wishes, and helped Yoro up. Pucca faced Yoro, and said, "You left a little mark on my face, let's see if this will make a big one. Pucca got Garu's sword and cut Yoro's face. The police came and got Yoro and put him in jail for 5 years for abuse towards women.

Garu put his arm around Pucca's shoulder. Pucca blushed unruly. Garu whispered in her ear, "I love you." Pucca smiled in agreement. "Meet me at the Guh-Rong tonight besides Ching's throwing a party there..,"said Pucca.

That Night...(Garu's POV)

I had just arrived at the party and Pucca was stunning in a little red dress. She came up to me with a question I wouldn't say yes to anyone else.., "Would you sing with me?,"asked Pucca. "What song?," I asked, not knowing it would be a song I actually know.

"No air.,"she replied. "Um..okay.,"I said, I knew I was going to be made fun of like no tomorrow. We got up on the stage, the song started to play. I've never heard Pucca singing, I haven't sang once myself.


If I should die before I wake it's cause you took my breath away,losing you is like living in a world with no air oh..


I'm here alone didn't wanna leave my heart won't move it's in complete

If there was away I could make you understand..


But how do you expect me to live alone with just me, cause my world revolves around you it's so hard for me to breathe.


Tell me how I'm supposed to live with no air

Can't live,can't breathe with no air

It's how I feel when I know you ain't there

It's no air, no air

Got me out here in the water so deep tell me how you gonna be without me

If you ain't here, then I just can't breathe

It's no air, no air

No air, air

No air, air

No air, air

No air, air


I walk,I ran, I jump, I flew

Right off the ground to float to you

There's no gravity to hold me down for real


But some how I'm still alive inside

You took my breath but I survived

I don't know how but I don't even care!


So how do you expect me

To live alone with just me

'cause my world revolves around you

it's so hard for me to breathe

Got me out here in the water so deep

Tell me how your gonna be without me it's..

No air, air

No air, air

No air, air

No air, air

No more


Got me out here in the water so deep..


Tell me how your gonna be without me..


If you wait here I just can't breathe..


There no air, no air...

Pucca's POV.

We did great, Garu wasn't really embarrassed at all. I knew I kinda was, I walked up to Ching, "Where did Garu go?,"I asked. "I don't know he kinda disappeared off the stage. I walked outside to see him sitting on the steps, I sat next to him. I whispered something we both wanted to hear, "I love you too."

He grinned at me, he got a little closer. I blushed until our lips met, which made me blush even more. The kiss became more profound, as a minute passed. We had our first kiss, it was really magical. Our lips parted and Garu grabbed my hand, "I love you.,"he whispered. I thought to myself, 'this night is too unreal, then again...'. We sat there looking at the stars thinking about our future, our hopes, our dreams, we sat there together.

You know what your all right, I'm going to keep writing no matter what. I shouldn't let anyone get me discouraged. Two people told me something that I will always remember, "it's about the quality instead of quantity" and "Show the world how you feel and don't care what others think". I'm proud to be a writer, and I'm going to tell it to the world if I have too. I just realized it's about what I write, not they write. I may be eleven, that isn't going to stop me from now on. Thanks all who supported me through out my time on here, I really apreciate you guys.
