Disclaimer: Zoey 101 belongs to Nick and Mr. Schneider. If I owned Zoey 101…well, Chasing Zoey would probably have a better ending. But other than that, I'd probably keep it the same.

Author's Note: Since I have way too many stories, but I've been bit with the Zoey 101 bug, I'm just gonna have a small collection of drabbles. Though small might not be a good way to describe it. I have three notepad pages filled with ideas. Enjoy!

Timeline: Senior Year

Characters: Michael, Chase, Vince, Lola, Lisa, Zoey, Logan, Quinn

Couples: Chase x Zoey; Logan x Quinn; Vince x Lola; Michael x Lisa

Words: 477

Note: Inspired by the fact that the gang isn't normal.

Beta-Read: None.


Moment One: Normal

"Okay, you people are so not normal."

Michael Barrett was sitting at lunch, as per usual, but he was staring at his friends, shaking his head. The other seven of them raised an eyebrow or looked oddly in his direction. Chase Mathews tilted his head to the side. "How so?"

"I mean, my best friend is finally going out with the girl he's been chasing—no pun intended—for three years, despite having switched places for a semester. Our roommate, Logan Reese, the cocky, arrogant Reese, whose father is rich, is going out and is in love with Quinn. Quinn Pensky, the science geek, one of the smartest people ever. Together!

"Not the mention that we're friends with the guy who beat us up and is now going out with one of our best friends. Oh, and of course all the weird stuff happens to us."

Everyone blinked collectively. Vince Blake shifted uncomfortably, but Lola Martinez laid a hand on his arm and he smiled at her. Lisa Perkins, sitting beside Michael, smirked.

"So that makes us not normal?"

"Yes, it does," replied Michael.

"What about you?" asked Zoey Brooks, looking very pointedly.

"What about me?"

"Well," said Lisa, "this is coming from the guy who got attached to a horse, which you used to get Zoey to class. And then there was the time when you threw up on my shoes, which in turn led to you saving my life because of Chase and his go-cart."

"Yeah, but—that's all normal—" started Michael. Lola laughed.

"Normal, is it? It's as if we're in a TV show. That's not normal," she said. "At all and you know it."

"Well, yeah, but that doesn't make me not norm—"

Logan slapped him on the shoulder. "Dude, you're sitting here telling us we're weird. We're your friends and you don't have any normal ones. What does that make you?"

Michael opened his mouth to say something but closed it. "Since when did you get to be reasonable and somewhat—smart?" he asked, surprised.

Logan shrugged, glancing over at Quinn. "I blame her," he said, nodding in the direction of his girlfriend. Quinn playfully slapped his arm before giving him a peck on the lips.

Michael blinked. "Okay. If Logan can have occasional moments of smartness, then I can have occasional moments of abnormalness. But I am still normal!"

"Whatever you say, dear," said Lisa, absentmindedly, having started a conversation with Lola. Michael glanced around the table and found himself quite unsurprised that the majority of his friends were ignoring him now. Sighing, Michael turned back to his hamburger.

"I see how it is," he mumbled under his breath. Chase shook his head before patting him on the back.

"Give it up, man. You're in no way normal. If only by association."

Grudgingly, Michael tore into his lunch.

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