Jurassic Park
Summary: Cross Over between Suite Life and Jurassic Park. The gang gets the chance to be the first ones to try out the world's newest and most extreme theme park. However will this vacation be more than they bargained for?
(A/N) I don't own Suite Life or Jurassic Park
Chapter 1: Hammond
"So which one you doing for your project?" Thirteen year old Cody Martin asked his twin, Zack. He then pushed open the revolving door that led the twins into their home, the Tipton hotel.
"What project?" Zack asked dully.
Cody rolled his eyes. "The one for science class, remember?" Cody replied, placing extra emphasis on the word "remember." Zack stared at him blankly. Cody sighed as he continued. "Remember we have to pick a dinosaur species and write a report on it."
"Oh yea," Zack said. "Eh, I dunno I'll just have you pick one and write it for me."
"I don't think so."
"We'll see," Zack said devilishly. He turned and made a beeline for the candy counter. "Hey there sweet thang!" He said to Maddie, the candy counter girl. He then winked flirtatiously at her.
Maddie smiled as she shook her head. "Hey Zack, the usual?"
"Yea, but throw in an extra Choco-Holic Bar," Zack said. "I'll need the extra energy for my report."
"Really?" Maddie said as she rung up his order. "Since when do you care about your school work?"
"I don't," Zack replied dully. "I need the energy to decide what dinosaur to make Cody write my report on."
"I already told you," Cody said. "I'm not writing your report."
"Yea, yea, yea" Zack said as he handed a dollar to Maddie.
Maddie smiled as she handed Zack the candy bar, after which he ripped it open and began to devour it. Maddie's face shrunk as she watched him eat. Cody made a similar face as he watched Zack make short work of the candy bar. "I guess Tyrannosaurus-Rex would work," Maddie muttered. "Judging by what you just did to that candy bar."
"Tyranno-soar-a-what?" Zack said as a look of confusion washed over his face.
Cody rolled his eyes. "T-Rex, the king of the dinosaurs. It was the most feared predator to ever walk the earth."
"Then why haven't I seen one?" Zack said. "Can't be that scary if they're always hiding."
"It's because their extinct," Cody replied dully.
"Sorry dude, but those candy bars just go right through me," Zack said sheepishly.
Cody sighed as he rolled his eyes again. "Why do I even bother?" He muttered to himself. "Extinct means they're all dead."
"Oh, ok," Zack said. "That makes sense."
"How about you Cody?" Maddie asked as Cody bought a snack. "Which one you going to do?"
"I was thinking Velociraptor," Cody replied. "The 'speedy-thief,' which was actually trained killer that terrorized the early Cretaceous world."
"Well I don't care how fast they are," A voice said from landing near the candy counter. "They'll never be fast enough get my diamonds." Maddie, Cody, and Zack all made an "ook" face as they looked up to see London Tipton, daughter of the hotel's owner walk over to them.
"Hi London," Maddie replied dully.
"Hey London," Cody and Zack said in unison. Cody then continued on his own. "Velocirator was a dinosaur that went extinct millions of years ago. In fact their remains are probably part of your diamonds. So I don't think their gonna take them."
"Wait so something that stinks made my diamonds?" London replied with a confused look. "I thought they smelled because I used too much polish."
"Uughh!" Cody said as he wiped his face. "I give up!"
London ignored him as she turned around to walk away. However a sound from the doorway caught her attention. She looked over and saw an older, somewhat short man walk in. He was wearing a a white safari outfit and carried a cane with a small amber globe at the top of it. "Hi Uncle John!" London yelled as she ran over to the door and hugged the man who just walked in. Zack and Cody followed.
Mr. Moseby, the hotel manager also walked over. He shot Zack and Cody a look before turning to the man who had just walked in and was now greeting London. "Ahh, Mr. Hammond," Mr. Moseby said. "Good to see you again. How was your flight?"
"Excellent, excellent," John Hammond said, releasing London to shake Mr. Moseby's hand. His voice had a Scottish accent to it. "A bit bumpy towards the end, but that always happens this time of year. Wouldn't you say?"
"Yes I know," Mr. Moseby said as he attempted to show he knew what John was talking about. "Those thermals throw you up and down, up and down." John just nodded.
"Yes, of course." John then turned to Zack and Cody. "And who might you two be?"
"I'm Cody," Cody said. "And this is Zack." He pointed to Zack. "We're friends of London. Our mom sings here."
"Ah yes, I've heard a lot about you two," John replied as he smiled. He looked at Cody. "I heard you helped London out several times before." Cody nodded. "And I've heard nothing but good things about your mother's performances. Best this side of the country. I can see Mr. Tipton spared no expense."
"Thanks," Cody said quickly before Zack could say something cheeky.
"And you my darling," John said to Maddie who had also followed London over. "Who might you be?"
Maddie smiled. "Maddie Fitzpatrick."
"Oh, so you're Maddie," John said. "London's told me so much about you. It's a pleasure to meet you." He reached out and shook Maddie's hand.
A moment later another man walked through the door. He wore a light brown suit and a black tie. He was about six inches taller than John. He had gray hair with a bald patch in the middle. "John, we really gotta get going," he said urgently. "I don't know why you wanted to stop here, but we're gonna fall even further behind."
"I know Donald," John said with a sigh. "I'm well aware of the schedule." He hugged London again. "Well my darling, it was nice see you again. But I have to get back to the park."
"Your safari park in Kenya?" Cody asked, the others looked at him. "I heard it's the best in the world."
"For now," John said with a smile. He then got an idea. "You know Donald, this is our target audience. I'm sure their opinion will be very influential."
Donald looked at John with a stunned face. "What are you kidding? No."
"Oh, come now," John said. "I'm sure they'll enjoy it. Besides I'll get to spend more time with my favorite niece." Donald shook his head and walked out.
John then looked over at London, Maddie, Zack, and Cody. "How would you all like to come spend the weekend at my new park? It's absolutely spectacular, spared no expense. Afterwards all I need you to do is write down how much you enjoyed the weekend."
"Sure!" Zack said almost immediately.
"That'd be great," Cody said with a sigh. "But we got this huge report on dinosaurs due on Monday."
John smiled. "Well then I can't allow you to say 'no.' I assure you, this trip will be quite beneficial for your reports."
Cody looked up at him. "What do you mean?"
John smiled.. "Well this park is right up that alley. If it's a project on dinosaurs you have to do, it's imperative you come along."
"Well, ok" Cody said. "That is if mom says we can."
"If mom says you can what?" A voice said. The voice belonged to Carey, the twins mother. She looked at Zack and Cody as she walked over form the elevator.
"How does she always do that?" Zack muttered to Cody who shrugged his shoulders.
"Ah, Ms. Martin?" John said.
"Yes," Carey replied.
"I've heard you're quite the headliner. Nothing but good things from Mr. Tipton." John took her hand and kissed it. "I'm John Hammond. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"He's my uncle!" London said.
"It's nice to meet you too," Carey replied. She then returned her gaze to her sons. "Now what was it you two wanted to do?"
Before either could say anything, John interjected. "I've wondered if they can come on a little excursion this weekend and be the first ones in the world to try out my new park. I also assure you, their homework will be completed and they will receive top grades for it."
Carey's eyes widened. "Really? How can you promise me that?"
"He says his new park has a lot to do with our assignment so we can get it done." Cody said.
"Please mom?" Zack said with pleaing eyes.
"Yea can we?" Cody added.
"PLEASE?" The twins said in unison.
Carey looked from her boys to John, to Mr. Moseby who had been silently watching everything. He silently was also pleaing for Carey to allow John to take them for the weekend. "Are you guys sure you're old enough to be away by yourselves for the weekend?"
"MOM!" The twins yelled, again in unison. "We're thirteen now," Cody said. "I think we can handle it."
"Ok," Carey said.
"Well you boys better get packed," John said. He then looked at London and Maddie. "You two also."
"Come on Maddie!" London said as she bolted for the elevator.
"Meet you all back here in five minutes," John said, still smiling to himself.
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