

He freezes. Surrounded by his enemies. Black, long cloaks. Red clouds. Among them, in black and white, his best friend. His brother. His worst enemy. His traitor. His eyes widen when he's kicked. He falls to his knees. His head is slipped though a hole in a sword. The demon of the mist's sword. His eyes tear up.

"Why are you doing this?" He yells to his brother.

"Revenge," is the bland answer.

He is cuffed, chained and collared. Dragged to a small series of houses and dumped in a cold stone room with a seemingly mute giant. The giant smiles.

After a time, he doesn't know how much, he is taken to a cave. Bare and cold. A large statue, with large hands, at one end.

He is dumped on a stone floor again. The raven's team takes to the walls…to watch…as the cloaks stand on the fingers of the statue. Their chakra flow awakens the statue and he feels like his stomach is being ripped out. His second soul is being stolen. But instead, it wraps around him and enters him again through his pores. The statue slept again.

The two groups surround him as one. The masked one grabs his collar and lifts him up.

"What happened?" is growled out of the bright mask.

He smirked. "Mergence. He and I are now Me."

The shark-faced man barks out a laugh. "Well, he's useless now. And after all the trouble he's put us through let's just kill him…slowly."

"No," the traitor interrupts. "I'll…deal with him…a different way."

He smirks.

Everyone except the raven and him leave identical grim smiles on their faces. The two teens face each other. He is pinned, face down into the dirt. His pants are ripped off. He gasps in surprise.

"No! Stop! Don't Do This! PLEASE!" He yells at his once brother.

"Shut up! I know you don't mean that. You…you've wanted this since the day we became Genin. Why else would you have gotten angry when I 'died' otherwise? Why would you have followed me this long if this wasn't what you wanted?"

The raven grabs his head and forces his mouth open. It is dragged to the raven's limp member.

"Suck," the raven commands. "Anything else and I'll make you watch as I destroy all your dear precious's."

He sucks. He licks. He hums. He is dragged off and thrown face down again. He feels his hips dragged up. The raven's now hard cock slams into his tight ass. He screams. More as he is pounded into relentlessly. Again, he loses time, not really caring. Screaming, just screaming, until a final grunt from the raven and he is released. He drops.

The raven pulls both their pants back up and goes to leave.

"Not bad, whore, but shouldn't you say 'thank you'? Next time you will."

He is alone. He struggles to sit against the wall. He realises the dirt is clinging to his face by his tears. He lowers his head in shame.

He sleeps. He dreams. His dreams are terrors. All he sees is the raven's smirk. He wakes. He throws up. He struggles to stand. He trudges out of the cave. He wants to go back home. He wants a bath. But if he goes home, they will know. They will know what he did. Where now?

A stick crunches behind him and he spins. A small redhead stands there. A large group behind him. Pink hair, grey hair, blonde hair, black hair, brown hair, blue hair and hoods. He falls to his knees again. They are around him. Talking in worried voices. Exclaiming their joy that he's alive. He shakes his head. He wishes he were dead.

The redhead kneels in front of him.

"What did he do to you?"

He shakes his head. He can't tell them. They will find him disgusting. The triangle-cheeked boy sniffs the air and growls.

"He…he…did that to you? That bas…"

He shakes his head again. He doesn't want them to know. They will find him disgusting. They will find him weak. The redhead glares.

He is dragged up by the redhead and held to his chest as the pink-haired girl runs healing hands over him.

The one-eyed man draws him onto his back. He is too weak to fight, but he shudders as the taller man handles him. He cannot sleep as they race through the trees to home.

He meets with the blonde leader, who has already been informed of what happened. He does not speak. He will not degrade the woman by looking at her. He shakes in fear at another tall raven that stands near him. He looks so much like the traitor. He shifts further away from the dark one.

He can't be here. The dog-people growl when they are near him, still able to smell the traitor on him. The pink girl cries, so does the white-eyed girl. The ponytail girl is still in shock. The weapons mistress breaks things on mention of what happened. The boys sit and trade pain and torture techniques that they say they will give to the traitor. The adults offer words of comfort and guidance.

The three from Wind country stay with him. The puppet master sits, silently sharpening his puppet's blades. The tall girl fetches nourishment – juice, fruit, milk and water. He knows she sits with the boys to vent sometimes. He lays his head in the redhead's lap. The redhead runs his fingers through his hair, rubbing behind his ears. It calms him.

He wanted, once, to lead this village. He does not think he could do it now. Not now he knows how weak he really is.

The wind trio have to leave tomorrow. The redhead needs to go back to run his people and land. He does not want them to leave. To leave him with his old friends. He says this his leader. The woman is worried. She can't ask them to stay. But for him, she does.

The next day, the trio are at the village gate, bidding a temporary farewell to the villagers and their leader. They leave. He is with them. Walking alongside his new family. The cloaked ones and the traitor won't come after him again. He is useless to them. He won't be useless to his family. He can't be. They wanted him. Even knowing what happened. Only they know the whole story. Every detail. Only they were given permission to sit by him when he screams in his sleep. They arrive at a desert. The redhead sends him a small smile – hidden from his siblings. The girl whacks him on the back as she grins at him. The puppet master claps him on the shoulder and says,

"Welcome home Naruto."

He melts into the warmth of the hot sand country.

A.N. Well, what do you think? Is it good, bad or ugly. Please R+R – I would really love some reviews.