Title: A Different Path

Title: If I Chose You

Author: Felicia Zezili

Summary: Jedi Padawans Siri Tachi and Obi-Wan Kenobi choose to leave the Jedi Order and pursue their growing relationship. However, even as civilians they can not seem to stay out of trouble! The two travel to Telos to stay with some old friends of Obi-wan's and try to figure out what to do with their lives. While there, they notice that Telos is going down a familiar path to destruction.

Rating: Pg-13

Category: AU to "Secrets of the Jedi", Romance, Drama, Adventure

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the familiar places, people or things that appear in this fanfic. They belong to their respective creators (mainly George Lucas). I am writing this only for fun and make no profit of any kind.

Author's Notes: I'm sure that this idea has been thought of before. Probably has but I haven't seen them and I'm entitled to my own version. The only thing I could think about while reading "Secrets of the Jedi" was "What if things were different?" The Order and the galaxy go to hell even with Siri and Obi-Wan still around. What if they had chosen to leave? What things in the universe could be different? This is my version. The prologue picks up at Chapter 20 of "Secrets of the Jedi"

Prologue: Turning Point

Siri watched as Qui-Gon Jinn and Yoda left her and Obi-wan. She had a distinct feeling that they knew what was between the two Padawans. It did not surprise her really. She knew a secret like this could not last. Master Jinn had loved once after all. He would probably easily recognize the feelings he had once had for Master Tahl in Obi-Wan now.

"It's almost as if Yoda knows about us." She said turning her gaze towards Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan's gaze dropped to the floor for a moment then back at her. Guilt washed over him, though his mind told him that it was foolish to feel this way. He hadn't told Qui-Gon or Yoda. They had discovered it themselves. His heart, however, could not help but feel as though he had betrayed her for letting their secret be found out so soon. "He does." Obi-Wan finally said.

A sense of dread suddenly filled her as she realized that if they knew about her and Obi-Wan's feelings, they had no doubt spoken him. She could see it in his eyes. They had talked to him. They had convinced him to leave her. "Don't look at me like that." Her voice was near a whisper. "You look as though you're saying goodbye."

When Obi-wan did not reply, Siri's sense of dread grew. Her hand came up to her mouth as though trying to hold in her emotions. She felt like she could burst into tears. She resented feeling this way. She wanted to scream. She wanted to curse. She took a deep breath and tried to release these emotions into the force. She needed to keep a cool head in this. "What did they say to you?"

"They said to me what I already knew. What you already know. The rules will not change. And if we leave the Jedi together, we will never rest easy with that decision. We will regret it everyday. And sooner or later that would lie between us and be greater than our love." His statement was so assured, so absolute.

She hated him in that moment. She hated that he could believe that she would ever blame him or hate him if they left the Order. She could not even say for sure if she would or would not. How could he be so sure?

She turned away from him angrily. "I don't want to look that far ahead. I don't believe you can see what will happen. Anything can happen!"

Obi-Wan stepped closer to her, lifted his hand and touched her shoulder gently. She jerked away at first. She didn't want his comfort but then she realized that this could be the last time he could comfort her like this. If they were going to choose to give up each other for the Order then she couldn't see him again. She couldn't push her feelings down deep inside her and then continue their friendship as though none of this had ever happened.

She leaned back into his chest, her back against his chest. His arms snaked around her waist and held her close him. "What do you want to do, then?" He whispered in her ear.

Siri remained silent for a long moment, she relished in the feel of his arms around her. She allowed her mind to wander. What she wanted was to be with him. "I want you." She finally said. Her voice was soft at first but then grew confident. "I want you. That is my choice. I choose this without feeling pressured or influence from anyone except my own feelings. I want you."

"You know that the Jedi need our service." Obi-Wan said his hold on her loosened slightly.

Siri turned around to face him. "Oh Obi-Wan, try not to be so pompous?" She stood close to him and looked him in the eye. "I want to know what you truly want. And I don't want you to tell me what you think I want to hear or what Master Jinn and master Yoda would want you to say. I want you to be honest with yourself and to me. Lightsaber to your neck, what do you truly want?"

Obi-Wan looked down at her. He could say that he truly wanted to stay with the Jedi. For as long as he could remember, he had dreamed about since he could remember. Of course…all he knew was the Order. Memories before his life before the Jedi were just vague images and sensations.

These feelings he had for Siri were completely unfamiliar to him. He knew what love was. He loved his friends and master but those were strictly platonic. This love was different. It was something he had never experienced; could not understand or even knew that he wanted till now. A part of him even would admit that it was worth leaving the Order.

"I want you too…" Siri's face light up. "But I can't leave the order. Neither of us can. We have been blessed with being able to use the force. Can you really turn your back on the Order even after everything they have done for us?"

Siri stepped away from them, "Others have." She countered. "We would not be the first. The Jedi Order is not everything and to some it isn't enough."

A tense silence fell between them. Obi-Wan went back over to the bench where he had been seated while speaking to Qui-Gon and Yoda. "The masters feel that there are some troubling times ahead, for the Jedi and the republic. If we left together and something did happen, how would you feel knowing you are not here with them?"

Siri looked over her shoulder at him. "I would feel sorrow and want to do all I can to help them as a civilian." She turned and walked over to the bench and took a seat. "I would hope that whatever happens is not my responsibility and my leaving was not the cause. The future is always in motion Obi-wan."

Obi-Wan sat down beside her. He leaned foreword, resting his arms against his thighs and entwining his fingers together.

"I don't think we should drag this out anymore, Obi-Wan." Siri said and she took a shaky breath. She shifted her body on the bench so she faced him fully. Obi-Wan say up and turned to her. "I just want to make it clear to you again. I…I love you. I don't know what the future holds for us if we did leave but I promise I would never hate you or blame you if I ever regretted leaving the Order because it was my choice."

Obi-Wan's words were spoken softly. "If I chose to stay?"

"I would just have to accept it, Obi-wan. I can't force you to do something you won't want to anymore then you can force me."

Obi-Wan reached out and took her hands in his. He looked down at them, ran the pad of his thumb over the skin. "We should tell our masters before we see the council. It only seems right."

Siri stiffened slightly as he spoke those words. Was he really suggesting what she thought he was? Obi-Wan looks up at her and smiled softly, there was also a tinge of sadness behind his eyes. She was certain that her own gaze reflected the same feelings. They were giving up a part of themselves. No matter what choice they made, this would have happened and the pain of lose would have been equal no matter the choice but they had to accept it and move past it if their life together was going to work.

She leaned in and wrapped her arms around Obi-Wan tightly, laying her head against his shoulder. They both could sense that this moment was going to define the course of their lives from this point on.