Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto
Epilogue: Five Years Later
"This is totally awesome! We should have thought of this first tebayo!"
"Hn. You're the one who wants to wait." Sasuke grumbled, straightening the blonde's tie.
"That's because I haven't thought of anything awesomely cool! And now Gaara beat me to it!"
Sasuke stared into his fiancée's eyes. "Getting married on your anniversary wouldn't take much effort to think of, dobe."
Naruto's eyes narrowed. "Well you didn't think about it either tebayo."
"Actually," Sasuke laid his forehead on Naruto's and smirked into his eyes. "I asked in spring so that if you wanted we could plan it for October without too much hassle. But since you couldn't decide on a date…" Sasuke picked up Naruto's left hand and kissed the ring that Naruto had worn faithfully every day since Sasuke had proposed. "We've been engaged to be married for two and a half years without any plan of the actual marriage. I'm starting to get impatient."
Naruto snatched his hand away glared at Sasuke. "Well you haven't been helping me tebayo!"
"Because I don't care what we do as long as we DO it already!" Sasuke growled and cut off anything Naruto had been about to say with a frustrated kiss. Naruto's eyes were wide when Sasuke pulled away. "You're my dobe, I want everyone to know it."
"Tch, everyone does know it; you're not exactly subtle in your possessiveness tebayo."
"That's not the point."
Naruto sighed. "I know. I just really want it to be special. I'm afraid I'll fuck it up."
"Unless you run out on me, there's no way you could fuck it up."
Naruto chewed his lip and opened his mouth to say something but someone shouted for everyone to get in place before he could get to it.
"Come on, teme." Naruto tugged on Sasuke's hand and they made their way to the front of the chapel.
Naruto parted from Sasuke and stood on the top of the steps on the right side, while Sasuke stood at the bottom on the left side, preceded by Gai sensei and Neji. No one was quite sure why Lee had asked Sasuke to be part of the marriage but nevertheless Naruto had talked him into it, seeing as how Naruto was the bridesmaid. Well, other-groom-maid since Gaara wasn't exactly a woman.
Naruto stifled a giggle as Lee situated himself in front of the priest. The boy was dressed in a god awful orange-pinstriped green suit. Sometimes Naruto wondered how the hell Gaara could stomach so much green. Then again, Sasuke stomached a lot of orange on his part.
Naruto tore his eyes away from the groom and watched the flower girl walk down the aisle, throwing rose petals with questionable enthusiasm. Naruto glanced at Sasuke and smiled at the tender but slightly confused look that graced his features.
The girl looked around when she reached the end of the pews, her bright blue eyes confused. Iruka stood up to retrieve her but she ran to Naruto before Iruka could reach her.
"Did you see! Did you see! Did I do good?" The little girl chirped, clinging to Naruto's leg.
"Yes, you did very well, sweetie, but now you need to go sit with Uncle Iruka, okay?" Naruto said softly, patting her head between her pigtails.
The girl pouted, looking even more like her blonde father. "But I wanna stay up here with you and Dad!"
"You can't sweetheart, now go sit with Iruka and Kakashi before Yuri comes and gets jealous!"
Naruto smiled after his pouting daughter as she stomped with four-year-old anger to her uncles.
"Kumiko, behave!" Iruka whispered to her as he led her to the pew he and Kakashi were occupying.
Naruto and Sasuke exchanged looks of amusement at their daughter's antics before they turned back to the door.
Naruto grinned when Yuri entered with the rings, his small hands clutching the pillow tightly and his face scrunched slightly in concentration. Naruto could almost hear the little chant of "I will not drop the rings. I will not drop the rings," running in his sons head.
The boy walked solemnly up to the front of the pews, looked at his fathers, and sat next to Sakura on the front pew.
"That was very good, Yuri." Sakura smiled down at him and he smiled, breaking the illusion that he was Sasuke's clone.
"Yatta! I'm glad!"
"Yuri! Yuri! I want to sit with you!"
"Kumiko! Sit down and behave! The ceremony is about to begin!" Iruka pleaded, tugging on her dress for her to sit.
Yuri turned around and put a finger on his lips. "Shhh! We can play later!" He whispered back to his twin.
Kumiko pouted and sat back, much to Iruka's relief.
"All rise."
Iruka tried to get Kumiko to stand but she stubbornly sat with her arms crossed as Kankuro escorted Gaara down the aisle.
Naruto sulked slightly that Gaara wasn't wearing a dress. The redhead sure picked one hell of a time to refuse to give into peer pressure. But Naruto settled that the white suit was gay enough.
Kankuro stepped down to the step under Naruto's and the ceremony began.
Naruto, with his short attention span, found himself staring at the orange pinstripes of Lee's suit until he fell into a sort of trance. Before he knew it, everyone was clapping and he snapped out of his trance to see Gaara and Lee kissing, a sight he always regretted witnessing. He turned away and was glomped by a ball of flying blonde hair.
"Do we get cake now?!" Naruto chuckled and nodded.
"In a little bit, Kumiko. Let's go get your Dad and brother, ne?"
Sasuke and Naruto met outside the chapel and exchanged their children and Naruto smiled down at the little Uchiha clone.
"Let's go find Iruka and Kakashi and head over to Aunt Ino's." Naruto said and Sasuke nodded before his face was grabbed by little tan hands and Kumiko made him look at her while she blabbered on about nothing.
Naruto chuckled and led the way to the car.
Twenty minutes later Sasuke and Naruto plopped the twins down into the laps of their unsuspecting uncles.
Iruka looked up in surprise when a mini Sasuke grunted at the impact.
"What—?" He glanced over at Kakashi to see Kumiko pulling down his masks, one by one with growing frustration.
"Teme and I have some reminiscing to do. Would you watch the twins for a bit?"
I think that's the smartest sentence I've heard come out of your mouth, kit.
Shut up, flea bag.
"Of course we will." Kakashi smiled up at them. Naruto stared when Kumiko got to the white mask and leaned forward in anticipation. He groaned with his daughter when the next one started the colors all over.
"It's like a goddamn magic trick!" Naruto complained and Iruka gave him a look.
"Watch your language around your kids, Naruto!" He scolded and huffed when Naruto waved him off.
"We'll be back later." Sasuke told them and he guided Naruto out of Ino's living room and down the hall to their favorite bathroom.
Naruto propped himself up on the counter and sighed as Sasuke locked the door behind them. "I wonder if she would sell this to us? It has so many memories tebayo!"
"The Sink Counter of Firsts." Sasuke agreed.
Naruto giggled. "Your first time, my first time as a woman, my first time enjoying myself, first-and last time, damnit- being knocked up." Naruto pretended to glare at the Uchiha climbing up on the counter with him.
"Whatever, I'm the one who had to deal with a pregnant dobe for nine months. I think I'm still bruised from when you found out it was twins."
"You better be."
Sasuke settled beside Naruto and kissed his engagement ring again. "Let's make a new first, ne?"
"There's something we haven't done?" Naruto asked disbelieving.
"Yeah, and it's been bugging me for a while. We've been together for five years, dobe, and I still have not been bottom."
Naruto choked on air and stared at the Uchiha.
Haha, he wants to be our bitch! Let's fucking DO this!!
Sasuke looked away, fiddling with Naruto's ring. "I keep reading about how gay couples usually alternate positions and it keeps bugging me that we might be missing out on something."
"Are you serious?!"
"Yeah, dobe, I'm serious." Sasuke met Naruto's shocked eyes and bit his lip. "You don't have to if you don't want to."
"It's not that, it's just that I never thought you'd be willing to bottom! Never even crossed my mind…"
Get over it and let's fuck him!!
Naruto sweatdropped and turned to Sasuke when the raven's hand squeezed his.
"I want to, Naruto." Sasuke said softly, staring into the azure eyes.
Naruto hesitated then smiled. "Have I ever told you how adorable you can be?"
Sasuke sighed. "Every other day, dobe."
"Aww," Naruto leaned close and kissed Sasuke softly. "I love you tebayo!" Naruto cooed and Sasuke smiled despite himself.
"I love you too."
Naruto smiled and looked around. "Then, I guess we need to find some lube for you, ne. I warn you, it may hurt like a bitch anyway."
"I know." Sasuke leaned to the side and kissed Naruto while he dug in his pocket for something. Naruto laced their fingers together on the counter and kissed back. Sasuke pulled away and handed Naruto the lube he had brought with him.
Naruto looked at it funny. "Just how long have you been planning this tebayo?"
"Few weeks." Sasuke shifted nervously.
Naruto chuckled. "Mint and aloe, huh? You'll be all cold and tingly!"
"Shut up, dobe, it'll help."
"Yeah, yeah." Naruto leaned over Sasuke and captured his lips and maintained the kiss while he stripped the Uchiha of his upper clothing. He swatted Sasuke's hands away when they tried to undress him. He had lost countless shirts due to Sasuke's impatience and Naruto didn't really want to have to buy another tuxedo. He glared at Sasuke's smirk as he carefully removed his own tux and laid it on the tub edge. Sasuke reached up and tugged on Naruto's boxers but Naruto swatted his hand away again and the raven fell back pouting.
"You're so cute dattebayo!" Naruto cooed and Sasuke wiggled as Naruto removed his pants and shoes and socks.
"You're taking too long! I'm getting cold." Sasuke complained.
See, I'm not the only one who thinks you two take far too long to get around to the sex!
Naruto frowned slightly and yanked off Sasuke's boxers, making the Uchiha squeak in surprise at the increased chill.
Sasuke almost giggled when Naruto tore off his own boxers, muttering something about impatience but he was not going to give Naruto anymore to blackmail him with.
Sasuke's mood immediately sobered when Naruto popped open the lube and poured some on his fingers.
"Do you want me to distract you?" Naruto asked.
Sasuke shook his head vigorously. "No. I want to feel everything."
"Okay, but don't kill me if it hurts. Tell me if you want to stop, okay?"
Sasuke swallowed and nodded. Naruto crawled on top of him and stared deep into Sasuke's eyes and smiled at the nervousness swirling in the midnight pools. "Just relax, teme."
Sasuke jumped when he felt something cold against his entrance and winced when it slid into him. Sasuke squirmed and looked back into Naruto's eyes. He clutched the arm Naruto was supporting himself with and nodded. He bit back a whimper at the second finger that brought a slight burning sensation. Naruto started thrusting his fingers in and true to his word, Sasuke started to feel cold and tingly instead of burning. Naruto started stretching him and he grit his teeth, trying to relax and breathe. Naruto smirked when he found the little bundle of nerves that made Sasuke twitch. He massaged Sasuke's prostate and soon the raven was completely relaxed and groaning in pleasure.
"Are you sure about this?" Naruto whispered and Sasuke looked up at him in surprise.
Sasuke smiled slightly and latched his arms around Naruto's neck. "Yeah."
Naruto popped the top to the lube, squirted some onto himself, and hissed slightly at the cold. Sasuke wrapped his legs behind Naruto's back, bringing him closer.
"Alright." Sasuke clinged to Naruto when he felt the prodding at his entrance and whined and held back burning tears when Naruto pushed through into him. "Just relax, tebayo," Naruto kissed Sasuke's cheeks and neck, earning an excited shiver from the man under him. Naruto groaned when the tension on him lessened from unbearable to amazing.
"Move." Sasuke demanded and Naruto kissed him hard on the lips and thrust the rest of the way in and almost passed out at the suffocating pleasure. He swallowed Sasuke's cry and coaxed the raven's tongue into playing with his as he built up to a steady rhythm. He shifted angles and broke away from the kiss and smiled when Sasuke screamed. He leaned down and started sucking and biting at Sasuke's neck, hitting his prostate every other thrust, causing the Uchiha to writhe and moan and arch in such an erotic way that Naruto had to calm himself down lest he come before Sasuke.
Naruto came back up and thrust hard into Sasuke's prostate, and Sasuke cried out and gripped Naruto's neck harder so that his fingernails scratched the tan skin. Naruto smiled and looked down into Sasuke's face, memorizing the image of his love panting and gasping and flushed in passion. He wondered if Sasuke felt this happy and accomplished when he was seme.
"Sasuke," Naruto gasped his name and trailed his fingers down the ivory stomach. Sasuke's eyes fluttered open and stared up at him, half mast and swirling with emotions. "Let's come together, ne?" Naruto smiled and wrapped his hand around Sasuke's member and groaned when Sasuke arched and clenched in pleasure. Sasuke's body started spasming more as Naruto stroked him and Naruto's arm almost gave out under the waves of pleasure washing through him. Sasuke moaned loudly and yanked Naruto down and kissed him hard. Their kiss was mostly teeth and tongues and panting but they didn't care. Sasuke broke away slightly and clutched to Naruto and Naruto ground against his prostate and stroked him roughly and Sasuke cried out as he came. Naruto moaned at the clenching muscles around him and released himself as well. Sasuke twitched when Naruto pulled out and Naruto giggled. Sasuke tried to glare but gave up and sat up against the mirror. Naruto slid off the counter and walked over to get a wash cloth with trembling legs. He smiled at Sasuke as he waited for the sink water to turn warm.
"So, was it everything you dreamed of and more?" Naruto giggled.
Let's fuck him hard into a wall and it will be.
Wasn't asking you, horny bastard.
Sasuke smiled and looked down at Naruto when he started wiping Sasuke down with the warm wash cloth.
"We are so taking turns." Sasuke sighed and looked at Naruto worriedly. "I didn't hurt you, did I? I saw you making faces."
Naruto chuckled and started wiping at Sasuke's supersensitive spots. "You're just really tight, that's all. Nothing I can't handle tebayo! How about you?"
Sasuke waited until Naruto was done cleaning him off and the twitching stopped. "I'll probably be sore later, but that's to be expected. But," Sasuke leaned forward and yanked Naruto towards him for another kiss. He broke away and smiled. "It was everything I'd hoped for and more. Thank you."
No, thank you.
Fuck you.
Fuck him!
Naruto smiled. "Of course! I'm glad you liked it." He finished cleaning himself off and soaped up the wash cloth. "So," Naruto watched Sasuke slide off the counter and start retrieving his clothes. "If I set the date, will you buy this sink counter for me as a wedding gift?" Sasuke paused in buttoning his shirt.
"Of course." Sasuke smiled at him and Naruto melted and wringed out the wash cloth.
Sasuke buttoned up his pants and pocketed his tie and handed Naruto his tux. "Come on, dobe, I'm sure Iruka is having a nervous breakdown trying to control the twins."
Naruto pulled up his pants and shrugged on his shirt and Sasuke started buttoning it while he zipped and buttoned his pants. He stared up the two inches the Uchiha had over him and leaned forward and kissed him. Sasuke leaned into him and cradled the blonde's neck and kissed back. They broke apart and smiled at each other.
"I love you teme." Naruto whispered.
Sasuke kissed the blonde's nose and Naruto giggled. "I love you too dobe."
Naruto grinned and shrugged on his jacket and hung his tie around his neck. Sasuke handed him his socks and shoes and they sat down next to each other to finish dressing and just stared at each other when they were done, the perfect picture of emotional intimacy.
Naruto grinned and leapt up and unlocked the door. "Come on, Sasuke, let's go find our kids. We promised to take them trick-or-treating, remember?"
"Fuck, I hate trick-or-treating." Sasuke growled and followed the blonde out into the hallway.
"I know. The things you sacrifice for our kids!"
"…are you being sarcastic, dobe?"
Naruto looked back at him and grinned. "Oh, I forgot to tell you tebayo!" He said, completely ignoring Sasuke's question. "Happy anniversary!"
Sasuke was about to yank Naruto back and demand answers but the twins attacked them before he could. Kumiko, sunflower no jutsu, flew into Naruto's chest and toppled him over. Yuri was dressed like a little skeleton and he clinged to Sasuke's leg.
"It was horrible, Dad! Kakashi started telling us all these scary stories!"
"Uncle Iruka took us to get our costumes though." Kumiko nodded and looked at her parents. "How come you're so messy looking, Dad?"
Naruto laughed and Sasuke blushed. "Me and Dad were playing a game, that's all."
"Who won?" Yuri asked and looked between the two. "It looks like Daddy won."
"We both won, Yuri, that's the best kind of game to play." Naruto corrected.
"He kicked your butt, didn't he?" Kumiko whispered sympathetically.
You did something to it!
"So are you two ready to go trick-or-treating?" Naruto asked.
"YOSH!" The twins screamed at the same time. Sasuke winced.
"Dad doesn't want to go." Naruto said slyly and Sasuke gulped when two pairs of pleading eyes met him.
"Please, Dad, PLEASE!!" Kumiko begged.
"Yes, let's go." The twins glomped him and he joined Naruto on the ground.
"Yatta!!" They ran off to find their uncles and Naruto turned to Sasuke and kissed him briefly.
"Happy Halloween teme."
"Happy anniversary dobe."