Don't know how else to get in touch with everyone who has followed/liked this story, figured it was easiest just to update with this message:
This story will be deleted.
I know, I am sorry! But with the re-write of RTK going so far from the main storyline, it seems as though Desert Flower will no longer make sense as a sequel!
If you wish to have a electronic copy then please PM me, I have had difficulties with people posting RTK on other sites etc and would appreciate if you let me know that you want a copy and I will happily send you one.
Thank you so much for your support. I think the new RTK is shaping up to be something amazing so fingers crossed!
The above is what I wrote about a year or so ago and the re-write of RTK is a good 30 odd chapters now.
I'm updating to let you all know that this WILL NOT BE DELETED because I'm proud of it. However, it is in NO WAY CONNECTED TO THE STORY OF ROMANCING THE KAZEKAGE and instead will serve as a little extra AixGaara for those who want to see a bit more of them.
Thank you so much to anyone who is still with me from 2008!