Well this is the chapter of my first uploaded fanfic I hope you all find it good and review it this takes place after Robin and Marian's marriage in the disney version of robin hood xx

Marriage… The wonders of it as Robin sat back in the new king size bed he shared with his wife Marian, the vixen who lay soundly asleep beside him, her gently breathing soothing to the young fox who had so often dreamt of being beside his beloved like this.

As he slowly and carefully put his arm over her sleeping form he lay down once more still thinking about how this life was so different from that where he lived only with little John behind the waterfall which hid their secret home so well. For the last year or so he had spent his time selflessly risking his life and freedom stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, his most daring attempt was to save all those who had been jailed through excessive taxing by Prince John who had held a grudge over the villagers that had started a song which put him down underestimating the effect it would have on them.

He had remembered telling Marian his plan to rescue the villagers, the colour had drained from her face though she agreed secretly she feared for his safety, Robin had felt awful leaving her like that but he knew if he didn't help no one could with all of the town members cornered and facing jail and friar tuck sentenced to death he had no choice. The night was dark and though he tried his best Robin was nearly caught out in his final act of jumping from a tower roof half the castle in flames, the burning embers catching up to him when he dived for the water, his life long friend little John and Skippy the young rabbit who yearned to be like Robin who had become his idol and hero who looked on in horror waiting desperately and thinking the worst when Robin did not resurface for some time.

He remembered hitting the water its cold surface meeting his fur and clothes soaking them through as he dived under darting out of the way of the last fatal arrows that would be shot in his direction, one capturing his hat and as Prince John, Hiss, Little John and Skippy assumed his life. Little John only stammering 'no' as the water remained still not giving away any signs of life from the brave fox, yet as he watched from beneath he rose to the bank using a reed to breath more steadily Skippy being the first to notice only for Robin to splash Little John relieving him immensely and Robin to once again have the last laugh. Whilst the water saved him in buying him more time to avoid the arrows that travelled in a slower motion as they took to the water, Robin though only of his love for Marian those he had helped and the final pray he made to make it for his wedding which miraculously came true. Friar Tuck had only ever said since that 'the care and bravery shown for the greater good, would have allowed Robin to see another day in Nottingham.'

'Morning Robin,' the soft and enchanting voice brought him from his so recent memories to the attention of the graceful vixen now sat closely beside him, 'your awake early is something the matter?' she asked, his expression unaltered as he smiled before kissing her gently 'nothings wrong it's just that this is all so different I still sometimes think I'm an outlaw,' he replied chuckling. Marian whispered in return 'you were never an outlaw to begin with, the sheriff and his assistants were the outlaws you were our saviour and without you I don't know how the people of Nottingham would've survived.'

'Good morning milady sorry to disturb you and your newlywed but the kitchen staff were curious as to when you would like your morning meal?' a young lady cat asked opening the door slightly, Marian instantly recognised it as one of her ladies in waiting though she had requested for none as she felt that she didn't need staff like that certain that they must find it demeaning 'please call me Marian' she began politely 'and we shall be down in the dining room shortly.' 'Very good milady…I mean Marian' the cat finished corrected herself as she left as swiftly as she came 'is that your first lady in waiting?' Robin questioned 'yes well no Clucky is but you see she was such a good friend and companion so I requested for her to have a higher position, and though I'm quite happy they still seem to insist I have a lady in waiting but I will speak to my uncle about it' she replied settling in Robins arms contently as he stroked her fur lovingly holding her close, yet as they felt happy knowing they had no worries or concerns, they were to be proven wrong.

Sitting in the royal dining hall the fact that Robin, Marian and King Richard were waited upon by many servants sometimes seemed uncomforting to Robin who was still adjusting to the idea of becoming royalty in a matter of weeks, though King Richard whom Robin had always argued as the rightful king (which often led him into worse circumstances than the risks of stealing from the wealthy merchants including Prince John himself). 'Do help yourself and I hope you shall accompany me in going for a visit to see Friar Tuck I believe you have not seen him since the wedding ceremony?' King Richard had asked as they sat eating the feast that was laid out for them 'Yes but I was wondering if I could stop off somewhere on the way back there's somewhere I'd like to pay a visit to myself' Robin answered trying not to sound out of the ordinary even though he felt Maid Marians chocolate brown eyes now on him, 'of course not dear boy, what ever you wish to have shall be yours you did a great honour in my absence and I am in your debt' the King replied bowing his head slightly the golden crown upon his thick mane not moving from it's place the rubies and diamonds glittering in the morning light through the stained glass windows surrounding the spacious room in the castle.

'Thank you sir' Robin answered 'you don't have to call me sir, your family after all' he replied, Robin then felt Marians hand interlink with his as she gave it a comforting squeeze, he looked over and gave her a tender kiss before they continued with their morning meal, Marian curious as to what was bothering Robin though she wouldn't mention anything in front of her uncle, so decided she would remain silent and perhaps speak to Clucky over it. Riding through the village Robin had grown to love with all the flowers once again in bloom that fine spring had been a new start for all who lived in Nottingham who did not live in fear of the sheriff and Prince John. The King and Robin nobly riding their horses masterfully until they came to the church just as the bells had stopped ringing for the hour of that day. Robin thinking back to his wedding day, Marian dressed in her luxurious white dress so many tears flowing as the pair said their vows the radiant vixen standing opposite him blushing lightly her own eyes wide as small crystal teardrops formed as he put on her golden wedding ring and finally their lips met in a soft kiss Robin embracing his bride and holding her close as hand in hand they left the church for the horse drawn carriage awaiting them.

Well I hope you enjoyed it there will be more to come and I will submit it as soon as it's finished please R & R xx