Hey finally another chapter. I'm sorry for the long wait…college is driving me crazy and on top of that I don't have a computer back there. Anyway thanks for reviewing you guys rock, please keep them coming and need to know what you guys think. Thanks to my beta. HAPPY READIN!

Draco walked to his side of the room squirming in pain. He couldn't believe what he saw. Hermione was not that type of girl; what got into her!

He jumped to bed without changing his clothes. He wanted to sleep and forget everything. He certainly didn't want to hear what went on downstairs.

Not that there was a lot going on…

Hermione was in her bed discussing Greek mythology with Chris. Finally he had something interesting. Chris loved Greece, just like her.

"I think Achilles was a great warrior," she said smiling.

"He was….but he was also bisexual, did you know that he had something going on with Patroclus?"

"Please Chris, people wrote that just to ruin his image. Achilles was not with him," she said rolling her eyes.

"Anyway…I can tell why you love Greek mythology; you are named like the daughter of Helen of Troy, before Helen of Sparta," he said grinning.

"Yeah I know. My dad loves Greek mythology too."

"So Hermione, you haven't told me how you ended with Mr. Blondie," he said winking.

Hermione's face changed. She was no longer smiling and sparkling. This was something she didn't want to talk. Maybe she needed it, but she wasn't ready.

"Chris, I'd rather not talk about that," she said getting up from bed and heading to the bathroom.

He nodded but didn't say anything. He could understand that it was her private life.

Five minutes later Hermione walked out of the bathroom in pajamas.

"Well Hermione I better get going," Chris said standing in front of her.

"Thanks for everything Chris," she said offering him a smile. He was such a nice man.

"You don't have to thanks me," he said in a low tone, then he practically shouted so Draco could hear, "I had a lot of fun Hermione. I hope we could do that again. You are amazing."

Hermione giggled while he kissed her cheek before walking out of the room.

She walked back to her bed and lied down. Despite having so much fun torturing Draco she didn't know how she was going to forget his hurt face. She never hurt people on purpose.

Hermione was lost in thoughts when she heard a loud noise upstairs. Draco was alone, so what was the noise.

She practically jumped out of bed and ran to the second floor.

Draco was in his bed, hand covered in blood…

"What the fuck," she shouted. Draco looked at her shock. Hermione never cursed. "What happened," she said running to his side.

"I grab the glass really tight and it broke in my hand," he said with tears of pain in his eyes.

Hermione felt a hole in her heart, and she didn't know if the pain was from the cut or what she did.

"Are you Hulk now?' she asked seriously, but at the same time mocking him.

"Granger, I'm not in the mood for jokes now. Now can you help me? I think I need to go to the infirmary," he said annoyed.

His shirt and pants were cover in blood too.

"Sure, let me change," she said running back to her room. When she walked out of the bathroom in jean and blue polo Draco was in her bed holding his hand. "Come on."

She helped him up. Draco had lost blood; he was weak.

Ten minutes later they finally made it to the infirmary; the place was empty, thank God!

Hermione helped Draco sit down and ran to the lobby. She needed help, pronto.

"Excuse me, I have a bleeding man," Hermione said almost in the merge or tears. She hated blood.

A blond, short nurse came running to her sight. "What's the shouting about, Miss?"

"I. Have. A. Bleeding. Man," Hermione said again pronouncing every single word. What didn't she understood?!

"Where is he?" the woman asked looking at Hermione like she was crazy.

"He is…" Where the hell was Draco!?

Hermione didn't understand. She left him in the waiting area.

"Did you drink a little too much tonight?" the nurse asked annoyed. She threw Hermione a dirty glance and headed back to her office.

Hermione stood in the lobby speechless. What the hell happened!

"Damn Draco," she cursed before walking back to her room.

When she got to her room Draco was lying down in her bed smiling broadly.

"Get Out Of My FUCKING.ROOM," Hermione shouted piss off.

She couldn't believe he trick her like that. Or did he?

"Granger chill out," he said getting up from her bed. "You should have seen your face when you saw me cover in blood. It was priceless."

"You're a jackass. Get the hell out of here before I do something that I may regret," she said throw clenched teeth.

"Relax Mione, I was indeed cover in blood. Its just that Granger…I can't believe you forgot I'm a wizard, I have my wand here," he said grinning closing the distance between them.

"You used magic in front of a muggle?' she said beyond shock. This was getting worst.

"Not in front of her. I walked out of the room when you ran like a maniac to the lobby," he chuckled evilly. "I'm telling you it was price…"


He didn't finish his sentence since Hermione slapped the hell out of him.

When Draco recovered from the slap he looked like he wanted to kill her. But he didn't do that…instead he grabbed the back of her head hard and put his lips in hers.

She moved and hit him at first; he was kissing the hell out of her. She could feel blood in her lower lip,. But after a couple of seconds she gave up. She couldn't believe how good it felt to have his lips again. The kiss turned sweeter. Draco took it easy tasting every part of her mouth with his tongue; she was doing the same.

When she realized what she was doing she put her hands in his chest and pushed him away, she looked at his eyes and he was smirking so she decided to…SLAP…him again.

That was just a game for Draco. He smirked evilly and took her face again, kissing her again.

Hermione pushed him away this time for good. "Stop!" she shouted cleaning her lips with the back of her hand. "What the heck is your problem? Are you ever going to stop hurting me and fucking with my mind?"

Draco backed off. He could see the hurt he produced her. For the first time in years he felt disgusted with himself. How could he treat such a nice girl so bad? He felt like he had slapped her.

"I'm…" but he didn't finish. He walked to his room as fast as he could unable to say a single word.

Hermione stood looking at him walking away speechless. It was the first time he shut up and didn't continue saying whatever just to win the fight.


Hermione woke up with a big headache from the events of the night before. She went to the bathroom, took a shower, got dressed and headed to the buffet to have breakfast. Today they were in Saint Thomas; she wanted to take a tour fast.

When she got to the buffet Draco was already there having something to eat. She saw that he wasn't alone. Veronica was there with him. To be honest Draco didn't look pleased, on the contrary he looked seriously annoyed.

Hermione snorted and proceed to ignored him and the lady. She felt an ash in her heart; the jealousy was taking the best of her. She was trying very hard not to go to them and kick her ass.

Hermione was surprised. She was always none violence and right now she felt so different. She didn't want to see that woman close to him, but she was not going to say anything. She was not going to show to him that she was hurting. She was a strong woman and she was going to make it.

"Hermione," she heard Chris calling from a table.

Draco was ignoring Veronica when he heard someone calling for Hermione.

That's my Hermione. Oh shit! Wait a minute I'm already talking about her like I own her. I God, I can't believe this. Am I actually falling in love with her? Or maybe I was already in love, he thought looking at Chris with a frown.

He certainly didn't like this dude. He didn't respect Hermione like she deserved. I mean if he respected her he wouldn't have sex with her the first opportunity he had, he thought.

"Hey Chris," Hermione said sweetly sitting next to him. She didn't miss Draco's look; he looked like a serious murderer.

"How are you doing, beautiful? Did you sleep well?" Chris asked talking out loud. He wanted Draco to hear.

"I did actually. I don't think I have sleep so well in months. You see when my ex used to stay in my flat, well he snores and I couldn't sleep," she said smiling broadly.

Draco was aghast. I don't snore¸ he thought stunned.

"Well I don't snore. But you wouldn't know that since you didn't let me stay the night with you," Chris said serious.


But she was cut with Draco's look. He was looking at her with intensity. Like if he was insulting her with his looks.

"Well I'm done here Chris. I'm going down to the island. I want to see every single thing, so I see you later," she said getting up.

"Can I go with you?" he asked standing up as well.

"Hmmm… well you may get bored. I mean…I'm going to see how many books store I can find here, and maybe go to a library to read some history of the island. I'm sure that's boring stuff for you," she said blushing a little. She certainly didn't know how to have fun.

That was one of the things that Draco hated. He used to say that he was next to her books. She of course always denied it, but now thinking about it she could think that is was sort of true. She did have a lot of love for the damn books.

"Oh well, okay. I'm planning on going to the beach so I'll see you later," he said walking away from her.

Did I scare him away? She thought. Nah!

She shrugged and walked to get out of the ship.

Draco heard every single thing, and he was happy Hermione didn't leave the books to be with some moron. Although he was not going to look for her, he was not going to spend his day in a bookstore or a library.

Is they would have got married they will probably stay in there room shagging like bunnies. (You know how newlyweds are.)

Draco stood up and headed to walk out of the ship.

Saint Thomas was beautiful!

Draco walked to the first tour bus he found and entered.

Hermione was sitting in the front with a Saint Thomas magazine.

"Oh great," she said when she saw him.

He smirked and sat in the back far away from here. He decided to stop making her life a living hell…well at least for the day.

"Hello my name is Maggie and I'm your tour guide," a short, middle age with brown hair woman said.

The first place they went was to the Aquarius. Hermione was really excited while Draco was bored to death. He wanted to be in the beach having a suntan and looking at hot, exciting women. Why did he even go into the freaking bus?! It was like if destiny wanted him to be in the same place as Hermione.

"This is so cool," he heard Hermione said to Maggie. "I love turtles."

"Glad you like them. You know this is one of the pretties Aquarius in the Caribbean," Maggie said.


"I heard the best Aquarius in the Caribbean is in the Dominic Republic," Draco said with an air of arrogance. Since he was rich he had been able to visit many countries.

"Ignore him Maggie, he's just being rude," Hermione said throwing him a dirty look. That was so Draco; showing to the world that he was rich and knew a lot about the world.

"I'm just saying the truth," he spat at her.

"Maggie, do you care to show me the sharks?" Hermione said sweetly trying to take the woman out of Draco's sight before she ended kicking his ass in front of people.

"Sure," the woman said blushing a little. Draco smirked when they walked away.

Ten minutes later they were back in the bus, with the exception of Draco. Where was he? They had no idea. The last time Hermione saw him was when he was being a jackass.

"Miss," Maggie said to Hermione. "Do you know where the blond is? I need to get going."

"I have no idea where he is," Hermione said looking around. To be honest she was a little worried, he was not a person that got lost easily.

"Well Miss I'm sorry but we have to leave," she said.

"Fine… I'm not with him," Hermione said softly. She wanted to know where the hell he was. What if he was hurt or something similar?

Five minutes later Maggie was driving threw the downtown of the island.

"Miss, where do you want to go?" Maggie asked courtly.

"Do you have a library near… or a bookstore?"

"Yes we have a bookstore near the port."

"Okay can you take me there, please?"

The store was very little, but it was the perfect one. She was looking for a book about the history of Saint Thomas, and in this bookstore she could find that fast.

After walking threw the entire store and taking a few books she walked back to the ship. She was tired and needed a nap.

When she was getting to her room she heard a familiar voice talking to her.

"Hey Hermione."

"Hey Chris, how you doing?"

"Good. Did you have fun in the island?" he asked sweetly.

"Yeah…I got my book," she said smiling broadly.

"That's great… so what you going to do later tonight?"

"I don't know yet," Hermione said opening the door of her room.

"Well I'll see you later," he said offering her a charming smile.

Hermione entered the room smiling. Chris was such a sweet heart.

"What are you smiling at Granger?"

Hermione stood shock in the doorway. What the fuck Draco was doing in her side of the room…or better yet what the fuck was he doing in the freaking ship?

"How…what…when did you got here?" she asked closing the door.

"I left the Aquarius and decided to take a taxi and come back to the ship," he said lying down in her bed.

"Get the hell out of my bed, Malfoy! And why did you left the freaking Aquarius? That was the rudest thing you could have done. Maggie was worried and waiting for you," she spat.

"Granger…. relax. What's the big deal? It's not like a committed a crime," he said smirking.

"You know what the big deal is. THAT I WAS WORRIED THINKING SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED TO YOU. THAT'S THE FUCKING BIG DEAL," she screamed before getting inside the bathroom and slamming the door.

Draco stood looking at the door speechless. She was worried about him! After all he had done to her she was still getting worried for his actions. If before he felt like a jerk now he felt like a donkey. How could he be so stupid! Hermione had dealt with him for many months, taking his arrogance, his jerkiness and his spoiled tantrums. She on the other side was a very mature woman, she never threw a tantrum, she was not spoiled, and she was certainly not a jerk.

He walked to the bathroom, but thought better. He didn't want to receive another slap. He was going to talk to her later and apologize for good.

He wanted to make peace with her because he heard Chris talking to her and he didn't want her spending another night with him. Yes, maybe he deserved that she was looking for someone after all he had done to her, but he was a selfish person and he was not going to leave her.

Not when a sudden realization hit him.


Hermione came out of the bathroom forty minutes later. Her eyes were a little puffy from crying. But not for Draco, he didn't deserve her tears. She cried because she was a stupid person; how could she still love a person like him? But she needed to understand that she broke up with him only three days ago, it wasn't like she was going to forget someone so easily.

Draco was not in her room, Thank God! She didn't feel like seeing him, not after confessing that she still cared for him.

She walked to her luggage and took the clothes she was going to wear that night. Tonight was going to be her night. She was going to party until late, drink and…. even have sex with Chris if that meant forgetting about Draco for a couple of hours. She needed to make this vacation worth it.

After showering, getting dressed in jean shorts, long sleeve pink shirt and black high heals and combed her hair in soft curls, she walked out of the room smiling. Nothing was getting in her way this night.


Draco got to the restaurant before her. He was waiting for her with a bottle of the best Champagne and two cups. He was willing to beg…for another chance with her.

Hermione got the restaurant and saw Draco sitting in her table looking lost in space. She cursed internally but walked to him.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy."

"Her…" Draco couldn't believe what Hermione was wearing. She looked beautiful he was not going to deny that, but those shorts were extremely…short. "What are you wearing?" he asked scandalized.

"Excuse me?" she said sitting down.

"Those pants… there so short. How could you wear something like that?" he asked shock.

"What? They look great," she said smiling innocently. She knew Draco hated those pants, she wore them months before and he made a huge deal out of it.

"Well…yes they do. I'm not saying they don't look good, but they are way to short," he said looking at her eyes. "Men can almost see your butt cheeks."

"Really? I haven't notice," she said drinking a little of water.

"Hermione…you know that I don't like…"

"Malfoy, you are nobody to tell me about these pants so don't start," she said in a voice that said 'I'm not talking about this anymore'.

"Fine…but then…don't star crying if someone calls you something bad," he said sipping some of his water.

He forgot about apologizing and the Champagne, this new thing caught his attention.

"Please what are they going to call me? A whore; I know that I'm not one so I don't really care what people think," she said rolling her eyes.

"I think I'm not going to eat. I'm not hungry any more. Bon appetite," he said before getting up and walking out of the restaurant.

She blinked rapidly and opened her mouth in shock. She did put those pants to make him mad and she actually loved his expression.

"Oh my God Hermione, he is jealous!" she thought smiling broadly.

Hermione had a reason to act like that. She wanted to prove to Draco that he really loved her, that he was just scared. What was going to happen after she proved that to him? Well she didn't know. She couldn't find in her heart to forgive what he did…not only he humiliated her in the altar but he also slept with someone in her face. Those were things that she didn't know how to forgive, and for that he was busted. Only time could tell what was going to happen.

So what do you think? Boring? Too much drama? I think is not the best chapter, but it needed to be written. Now this is not the end….I think you could believe that just because of the last line. But know the feeling are coming out and that sounded like a great line :). Anyway remember to review. Press the bottom below.