A/N – No clue where the heck this came from. The Zutarians almost got to me last night, so I need some Maiko. Kataang is too fluffy for what I'm thinking right now. This will only be a few chapters, if I even decide to continue it at all. I don't own Avatar.
He is a bad boy.
Misunderstood, quiet, mysterious…maybe even dark.
But who am I to judge?
I'll tell you who I am. Mai Konata. Daughter of the governor, but practically invisible. I have one best friend, Ty Lee Evans, and even though I know she'll leave me one day to join her "popular" friend Azula, I'm embracing the days we have left together like they're sacred. In a way, they are.
"You so like him," she teases in a sing-song voice.
"Who?" I ask. Of course I know exactly who she's talking about, but I'll pretend, because the truth is she might be right.
"That emo kid," she says. I snort.
"I don't even know him. And he's not emo. He's just shy."
"You're defending him!"
"You like him, I know you do. And I don't blame you, even though he's all weird and dark and stuff, he's pretty cute. I mean I've never really seen his face because of all that hair, and he's always in the shadows…what was I saying?" I sigh and shake my head.
"Leave it, Ty Lee." I sit down on the soft grass of our favorite spot. It's a big hill looking down over the town where you can see the sunset from an amazing view. She settles down next to me.
"Really, Mai. You're always sad. Maybe a boyfriend would be good for you," she suggests.
"Who are you, my therapist or my friend?" I joke. She giggles.
"Nobody said I can't be both."
No one really knows him; the mysterious factor.
He doesn't talk, and sits by himself at lunch. He barely eats.
Sometimes he's classified as "emo" or "a loner," but most people just call him a freak.
Me? I think he's misunderstood. I wouldn't have any friends at all if Ty Lee wasn't so outgoing. Maybe he has trouble meeting people. Maybe he really is shy.
One thing's for sure, he's not emo. He doesn't wear any makeup or black nail polish and he doesn't constantly flip his hair. He leaves it be, shading his amber eyes. He usually has on skinny-ish skinny jeans and plain T-shirts. He doesn't wear the labeled clothing and his skater shoes are all scuffed up.
If anything, he would be labeled as "lonely skater boy".
I silently nibble at my sandwich while Ty Lee sits there, droning on and on about clothes and hair and boys. The usual things girls talk about at a school lunch period. But am I usual? No. I'm stealing glances at Skater-Boy in between sips of water, praying that Ty Lee doesn't notice.
He really is cute, I think. The hair slides away from his face when he looks up expectantly at the person just walking up to his table.
"Go away, freak," the boy says. When the silent teenager doesn't move, the he gives his reason. "Look around. This is the only available table." Skater-Boy shrugs and continues eating, but the bully sits down and pushes him. I let out the breath I was holding when he catches himself and stands up before hitting the ground. He turns and leaves the room.
"But it's so cute!"
We're at the mall, and I'm standing before my begging mother in a frilly pink baby doll top and denim miniskirt.
"It's not my thing," I explain gently. She frowns a little and talks to me while I go back into the dressing room.
"Mai, we have the money. Why not use it?"
"But I could get things I likewith it instead of things like this. I look like Azula."
"I think Azula dresses quite nicely," she argues. I sigh, stepping out of the dressing room in my own clothes.
"Jeans. Jeans and T-shirts and maybe new shoes. That's all I want, Mom."
"Fine. And what do you have against Azula, anyway? Your fathers work together, you go to school with her, and for goodness' sake, you used to be friends! What happened?"
"I don't know," I answer, shrugging. Then turn away and murmur, "I guess I got tired of being a slave."
"I'll let you guys off easy today," our history teacher, Mr. Drake, says. Mr. Drake is one of those cool teachers who likes to "connect with his students" by letting us address him by his first name; Drake. Of course, the strict school only allows it if we put "Mr." in front of it. So that's why instead of Mr. Laughlin, he's Mr. Drake.
"All you have to do is a worksheet," he continues, passing them out. "Look up the answers in your textbooks. And since I know I can't trust some of you to work alone," he says, with a quick glance at Azula, "I will pair you up with a classmate. Jet, pick a name from this hat," he orders, holding out the paper-filled fedora. Jet carelessly reaches in and pulls one out.
"Ty Lee," he reads aloud. She smiles and gives him a girly little wave, and Jet winks, sending his girlfriend, Azula, off the edge. I really don't like Jet, but anything that makes Azula angry amuses me. I hold back laughter as Mr. Drake walks up to me. I grab a paper and unfold it quickly.
"Zuko," I say, wondering who he is. I look around the classroom, hoping my confusion isn't obvious. Suddenly, Skater-Boy raises his hand in a still-wave, and I gather my books.
Zuko, I think, moving to the desk next to his. Interesting name.
I set down my things and take a seat.
"Uhm…hi," I say lamely. Zuko nods in greeting and leans back in his chair. "Do you know what page we're supposed to be on? 'Cause I don't remem-"
"672," he replies simply.
"O-okay, thanks."
He shrugs. "It's on the board."
I look to the front of the room, and, sure enough, "672" is written in bold, chalky letters.
"Oh, right. Sorry."
"For what?"
"Ah…I don't know." I self-consciously fix my hair and see a smirk grow on Zuko's lips.
Maybe this won't be so bad after all.
A/N – So, here's chapter one. Please vote on whether or not you think I should continue this. Oh, and somewhere in there I put, "skinny-ish skinny jeans." That was NOT a typo. :D Thanks!