My Cruel Life

By: ikkin.


Mikan Sakura was accused by killing Natsume Hyuuga. Because of this incident, everyone abandoned her. Nobody stayed on her side, even her oh-so-called dearest best friend, Hotaru Imai. Since then, she never ever trusted someone.


omg. I've uploaded this next chapter. I am soo happy. Minna, gomen if it takes a hundred years to make the next chap. I am soo busy.

Disclaimer: I don't own GA. (yay! I wish I do.^^)

Chapter 2: New Classmate? New Friend?

(Mikan's POV)

I'm here again listening to my 0h-so-boring teacher. He kept on blabbing things about the kingdom so whatever it is. The hell I'm interested. All right. His subject is now finish. And this gay teacher suddenly wants to announce something. Argh. I'm soo tired of their stupid announcements.

"okay class. I'm going to introduce someone tomorrow." the teacher said.

"err. Narumi-sensei is the new student a boy?" a girl with green and curly hair asked.

"yes. Shouda-san." Narumi answered.

"that's all I want to say. Be good class. Your teacher is absent today so it's your free time." he added.

Another free time. Sigh. What the heck am I going to do? I opened my bag, searched my iPOD. I Turned it on and listened to my favorite song.


by flyleaf

I had a dream in earlier days
loved by the one my Heart desired
Then it all started to fade away
Our love, once so strong,
flowed through our hands
Human so helpless, what could we do
I could but watching him walk out of my life

Oh, my Heart, why art Thee weak,
Oh, my Heart, how deep art Thy wounds
Thou who thought that love was life
Thou who thought love never dies

Cry out Thy sorrow
and seek to heal Cry out Thy sorrow
and try to forgive

He that promised worlds unseen
He that caused Thy pain unreal
How could Thou believe his words How could Thou believe his love

Cry out Thy Sorrow
and seek to heal
Cry out Thy Sorrow and try to forget

I had a dream in earlier days
loved by the one my Heart desired

Again. Tears are forming in my eyes. Tch. Why can't I let go of my stupid past. Darn! I turned off my iPod, wanting to seek some silence. I walked out my classroom, searching for a quiet place to think and to clear my mind. There I found a nice sakura tree. Well, it's beautiful because it's spring right now. Oh-my-gosh. Winter is now approaching. The season that I once love because of HIM. All right stop right here mikan. Stop thinking of your stupid past. I,then, closed my eyes trying to breathe in the wonderful fragrance of the flowers surrounding me. What will happen tomorrow?


I was awake by my stupid alarm clock. It's just 5:35am. So damn early. I walked inside my bathroom. I fixed myself. when i looked in my clock it's only 7:30am. WHAT?!?! 7:30am? Oh-my-gosh. It took me 2HOURS to fix myself. damn. what in the world is happening to me. I quickly went out of my house. And i managed to arrive in my school right exactly before my teacher went in. My freaking homeroom adviser introduced a guy with blonde hair and blue orbs.

"Class, this is Ruka Nogi your new clasmate" Narumi said.

"oh gosh. he's so handsome" shouda said.

Screams and shouts is what i've heard from my slutty classmates. So damn irritating. argh.

"Ruka-kun. Sit beside Sakura-san. Sakura-san please raise your hand." Narumi said to ruka.

WHAT?!? He's going to seat beside me.???? I never ever approved anyone to sit beside me. I wanna be alone. I want to create a big barrier between their world and my world. Soo dramatic huh? I didn't raised my hand. I pretended that i'm asleep. I wish my stupid teacher would just let him sit beside shouda or beside the other gurls.

"Sakura-san? she's sleeping again huh? okay. ruka-kun. Sakura-san is the girl with long brunette hair." Narumi said then pointed out the blank seat beside me.

That guy silently walked and he sat beside me. I don't want to lift up my head. Okay, i'll just pretend that i'm still sleeping.

"Hi. Your sakura right?" a musical voice asked. He's voice is soo.. calm.. What the heck am i saying? I still tried to pretend that i'm still sleeping.

"okay. I know your not asleep. Why are prtending you're asleep? Don't you want to talk to me?" His soft and calm voice said to me. The hell he care if I'm just pretending. He's starting to get on my nerves. tch. What an irritating guy!

"oi! Stand up or else I'll kick your chair. I know I'm being rude or what. But would you please introduce yourself to your new seatmate?" He said then stood up.

Okay, I'm really annoyed and pissed right now. What the heck is this guy!?! Stupid Jerk! I lift my head up. Stood up. I grabbed my bag. Walked quickly out of my room. What a nice move to irritate another person. haha.

(Normal POV)

"Ditching class again Sakura?" Shouda asked Mikan. Mikan didn't mind shouda and walked straight out of the room. Mikan left Ruka surprised.

"whoa. She's something." Ruka whispered.

After the oh-so-boring class. Ruka walked around the school and saw a Sakura tree.

"I never thought they are growing this kind of tree." Ruka said. But something caught his eye. A girl with brunette hair was sleeping soundly on one of the branch of the tree. He shook the tree wanting to wake up the sleeping lass. Well he did it. He woke up the girl.

"Who the hell is that?" Mikan said irritatedly. She look down and saw a certain blonde guy.

"What do you keep on pestering me? See, i want to be alone so would you please leave me?!?!" Mikan said annoyed.

"I'm not pestering you." Ruka answered calmly.

"And tell me. What the heck are you doing? are you some kind of spy? Why do you keep on following me?" She angrily said then jumped out of the tree.

"I'm not a spy. I'm following you because i want to be your friend. I see that you don't have anyone who you can get along with. So here I'm offering a friendship. But if you don't like to be my friend...."

"oh, just shut up. I prefer to be alone. No one in this world understands me. So just quit. I'm no good to be your friend. A lot of girls like to be your friend but i'm not one of them." She cut off the explanation thing of Ruka. She started making her way out of his sight but she was stooped by a hand gripping on her arm.

"let me go. i told you i don't want to be your friend."

"But why?"

"you really want to know?"


"because i'm a criminal, an ex-convict. I myrdered a person once and it's very dangerous for you to hang around with me. Got it.?" Mikan seriously said to ruka. She left Ruka astounded.



at last. chapter two is now finished. Sorry guys for late update. Im so busy in school and right now, i'm suffering from a great stress bec. of my physics project. ^^
