Mourning came Cloud woke up looking around at the sleeping group. Cid was the only one awake sitting on the window seal watching the storm outside. The same one him and Vincent were in barely a day ago. He looked utterly lost and hopeless. Cloud couldn't really blame him, he just lost the most important thing in the world to him. Getting up to talk to his friend, Tifa came rushing down the stairs.

"Cloud!" Tifa's panicked voice made him fully awake. "Cloud Yuffie's gone!" she yelled. Cid stood up.

What do you mean gone?" She shook her head tears falling down her face.

"I woke up this mourning the bed next to me was empty...i looked all over and...oh god..." She whispered. "What if...the same thing that happened to Vincent happened to her?" Cid looked down sitting back in the window seal.

"What happened to Vincent...?" Tifa looked away hiding her face in her hands.

"The attack...what if what killed Vincent...killed Yuffie?" Cloud sighed. Two nights...and there lives were going to hell.

"Tifa I'm going to go look around upstairs...Cid is down here the others are still asleep you'll be fine...just wait for me here ok?" He turned ready to go upstairs.

"Cloud..." She called. "Be careful" He nodded heading up. Tifa now thinking she was alone, forgetting what Cloud has said about Cid. Turned glaring at the sleeping redhead.

"Why you..." she whispered "Why you..." she repeated moving closer.

"You knew...?" she nearly jumped in fear turning to Cid who was still looking out the window. His voice was broken and lost all of its cheer.

"Knew what?" she played dumb. Standing there trying not to look back at Reno.

" know" he turned to her. "Tifa...what happened with Vincent?" he asked softly. He had a right to know. He needed to know. Even if the end it left him broken, he still had the right.

"I'm not...sure...he was talking to me about something I heard a bang...and he was bleeding out.." She whispered.

He sighed looking at his shoes. "He didn't deserve one shouldn't have happened...if only I made him stay in the room..."

Tifa felt a sharp pain run though her chest. No! His words were making her feel guilt. She couldn't, if she felt guilty then her plan to rid of that redhead skank would fail.

"Cloud is taking awhile..." she said. Cid shrugged knowing the blond would be fine.


Mean while Cloud was carefully looking around. It was quiet the floors creaked as he made it to the end of the hall. Going into each door checking every were. He walked into the spare bedroom. It was dark old and never used, dusty furniture was piled in there making it almost impossible for him to move around in there. Checking one last time he made to leave before a reflection in the mirror on the door caught his eye. A hand.

Moving to the back of the room where the reflection was originating from he found a large white sheet stained crimson. She was right...

kneeling he lifted the sheet genitally. He fell back onto his ass fighting the urge to vomit. Covering his mouth he looked away. Another friend...he failed to protect. Yuffie was annoying sometimes, and she did steal a lot. But she was like a little sister to him. So bouncing full of energy. Moving to cover her again he saw her hand clutching something. Long black hair. To long to be hers, and to short to be Vincents.

Thats when everything finally clicked.

She was the only one in the room with Vincent. He wouldn't think she would ever hurt him his guard was down. Yuffie...Yuffie must have found out. And paid the price. Picking up the bloody knife he hide it in the waist line of his pants. Recovering yuffie he stood standing there for a moment to respect his dead friend.

"Thank you...Yuffie..." He muttered turning and leaving. She gave her life, to tell them even in the end she was worried about them.

Heading downstairs trying to keep his cool he saw the others has woken up. Reno was playing some game with Red on the floor. He noticed Tifa's hateful gaze at Reno. And then he noticed Cid's gaze at Tia, he knew something.

"Cloud...find anything?" Reeve asked the first to see the blond come downstairs. Tifa's whole face changed to the loving gaze of his best friend.

"...Yes...i did" Tifa eyes widen in shock has he pulled out the knife. " all id like to know"

Reno stood up. "Shit Cloud...dose that mean...the brats dead...?" he whispers. Cid walked over also.

"Fuck...fuck! She didn't do nothing she was just a fucking kid!" He yelled Clouds gaze remained on Tifa.

"Why?" he repeated everyone fell silent confused.

"C-Cloud what do-d-do you mean why?" she stuttered trying to keep her kinda face up. His cold stare didn't falter.

"She got your hair. Even in the end she wanted to do did it didn't you? Yuffie and Vincent..."

Tifa's look finally broke she turned away laughing. "They weren't even my main targets" she laughed "just victims who found out...i couldent have Vincent stoping me" Cid was held back by Rude as swore loudly complete confused.

"Why? These are your friends Tifa..." She turned her maroon eyes burning.

"I shouldn't have to explain myself to you!" she yelled. Cloud shook his head.

"Why?! These are your friends! Vincent trusted you! Yuffie trusted you!" She growled finally truly snapping she grabbed the person closes to her. Much to her enjoyment and Clouds horror it was Reno. She held his head at the point of almost breaking he cried out whimpering and falling to his knees.

"Him! Him! Him! I loved you!" Cloud gasped, she knew, and she reacted a lot worse then he wanted. "I spent the years he was an enemy, the days you were ill. Taking care of you! I was there the whole time!" Cid and the others growled Cloud held his arm out to stop them.

"Tifa...i was with him long before...i had forgotten but at sector 7 I knew...i knew I loved him" he whispered Reno didn't move knowing she wouldn't hesitate to break his neck if he tried to get away.

He face fell. "!" Lighting flashed and thunder boomed in the room the power flashed out causing the room to fall dark. He heard Reno's cry then foot steps and silence. Cid swore loudly. Red 13's tail began to pick up a glow lighting the area around him. Cloud was afraid to move in the dark.

Lighting flashed once more and the room lit up. "Reno!" he yelled running to his lover who groaned.

"I'm fine, she threw me down pretty hard yo...wheres Cid?" everyone looked around as Cloud helped Reno sit.

Cid was gone...

"Get flashlights anything to light up the house we cant be caught in the dark. Go in pairs stay on guard shes not going to hesitate to kill us now." Everyone nodded and Cloud helped Reno stand. Reno limped over to the bed he slept in laying down and wincing.


Everyone returned just in time as the power went off. Quickly the lit the room up with candles and other lights found around the bar.

"Cid...don't die on me" Cloud whispered.


Cid leaned against the wall. She...she killed him...his friend, killed his lover.

He turned to return to the others to be violent hit over the head. "No more guilt" Tifa whispered raising the pipe up again.





XD im sorry

he died

and yuffie and vincent
