Hey everybody! I am so so so so so sorry for not updating sooner. School's been hard and all my weekends have been packed from soccer to parties. I am very proud to present to you last chapter of Percy Jackson and the Silver Pyramid. Enjoy. I dedicate this to all of you.

Chapter 39: The Silver Pyramid

Rachel POV

The sun shone through my window and a gentle breeze made the curtains flutter. A blue-jay flew past my window singing happily. It was absolutely beautiful outside but I didn't notice. All my attention was focused on the wooden door in front of me that for some reason finds it amusing to watch me attempt to open it and fail miserably.


I had to know what was happening.


"This really sucks." I said to myself.


"In the past two hours..."


"...the world seems to have..."


"...flipped and I'm stuck in this..."


"...god damned room not knowing a thing!"

Thud! Thud! THUD!

I let out a string of cursed and finally gave up trying to knock down the door with a very expensive looking chair I found.

I slumped down onto the bed face down and started to whack my head against the pillows in frustration.

I kicked one of the bedpost in frustration and immediately wished I hadn't.

"Shit!" I yelped, hopping on one foot and rubbing my newly broken toe with my hands at the same time.

I sat down on the bed and tilted my head back and screamed at the top of my lungs just to get all my anger out.

I grabbed my blue hair brush out of my hair and chucked it at the door in frustration.


I jumped so high that I hit my head on the chandelier hanging over my head.

"Mother of God! Shit shit shit SHIT!!" I yelled now rubbing my head and toe at the same time while hopping on one foot.

My eyes scanned the room for the source of the noise and stopped when they reached the door. Or what was left of it.

I slowly walked up to the now pile of shattered wood that used to be the door having no idea what just happened.

I walked over to my hair brush and examined it. It looked the same until I flipped it over. On the back, in golden letters, there was an inscription.

It read: A gift to you for helping save Olympus . When the time is right you will know what to do with it. Z.

I smiled and thanked the gods silently as I ran out the door.

Percy POV

I fell to my knees in front of the statue of my friend.

My covered my face with my hand and just sat there.

I would have cried but all my tears have dried out. I have to be strong.

The beautiful day seemed to be mocking Sebastian's death. How could the world be so happy?

Sebastian had died to protect that which was dearest to him, his friends, his city, and his family. He had died a hero's death and I wasn't about to let him die in vain.

I turned around to face Andrea. Here eyes were misty and glimmering wet tracks ran down her face as she cried silently.

"Is there a way?" I asked her desperately over the deafening sobs of Annabeth.

There was a long pause.

"Maybe." Her face was hard. I could see no emotion on her face but her eyes seemed to sparkle as if there was one last hope.

"Then what is it?!" I asked not knowing I was yelling at her.

"The Pyramid."

I was about to say something but I heard someone yell from behind me and immediately turned around to face the incoming danger.

It was Rachel.

Both her hands were over her mouth and her eyes were full of tears as they saw what was left of Sebastian. She fell on her knees and started to rock back and forth crying her eyes out.

I walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her and told her everything will be alright and not to worry.

Suddenly she stopped crying. She pushed my hand off her shoulder and stood up strait.

"Do you hear that?" she asked.

"Do I hear what?"

"The sound."

"Rachel what are you talking about?"

She didn't respond but instead walked over to Sebastian's statue and placed a hand over his chest.

"His heart is still beating."


"He's still alive!!" she shouted exitedly.

Andrea's face lit up and she turned around and started to run towards the castle.

It took me a couple seconds to process what was happening by which time everyone was already running after Andrea.

It took me a bit but i finaly caught up to Andrea.

"Where-are-we-going?" I asked between gasps for air.

"If what she says is true we have a chance of saving him." She said and took a sharp left into a small alleyway.

She ran strait towards the dead end and for a second I thought she was going to run face first into the wall. But miraculasly she ran strait through it.

With out even thinking I ran at the wall and had this strange feeling of floating in warm water then suddenly my feet touched solid ground and I was by myself in a pitch black void.

I paniced for a second but then was suddenly hit in the back by three heavy soft objects.

I slowly got up maoning with pain and uncapped Riptide. It didn't give of too much light but it was enough to see Annabeth worried face.

Wow. Deja- vu

(a/n: Get it? from PJO 4 when Percy and Annabeth fall in to the labyrinth)

"Andrea!!" I called into the void.



I heard a howl to our left and knew Andrea wanted us.

I ran toward the sound and after a minute of looking I found Andrea.

She motioned me to follow her and after a few minutes we reached a wall.

"Stand back." she said.

There was a blinding white light as a door appeared and she entered through it.

We followed and were immediately greeted by the gift of light as we finally were able to see our surroundings.

We were in the middle of a rain forest. I looked back and I saw the castle in the distance.

Without a word Andrea kept running and me, Thalia, Annabeth, and Rachel were again in hot pursuit.

When Andrea finally stopped I swear I thought I was about to have a heat stroke.

I was about to say something but then i saw it.


It was huge. It shone like the sun it's self. It was magnificent.

"The Silver Pyrimid."

Andrea shot off once again towards the base of the pyramid.

As we approched a small golden door appeared on the pyramids side.

We slowly opened the door and were struck dumb with what we found inside.

The Pyramid was completely hallow. No passage ways or anything. Just one big pyrimid shaped room.

The walls were completely covered with gold and on each of the walls was a huge cresent moon delicatly carved into the gold. But what was most amazing was in the middle of the room.

It was floating in the mid-air, it sparkled with the light that filtered through the small hole in the top of the pyramid, it was El Mano de Vida.

Andrea slowly walked up to it and with shaking hands plucked it out of it suspended state.

Suddenly the whole pyrimid started to shake. Scorpions flowed out of little doors in the walls, arrows started to shoot at us from out of nowhere.

"What do we do!" I yelled dodging the incoming projectiles.

Andrea's face was white as chalk and I knew we weren't going to get out of this one alive.

Rachel POV

It couldn't end like this. We had to save him.

The brush...

I reached into my pocked and took out the my hair brush and raised it in the air.

"Are you barking mad! Find cover!" shouted Thalia.

But I stood there with my arm raised and hoped beyond hope that something would happen.

Suddenly the world started to constrict around me. I couldn't breath and i felt like i was being squized through a mouse hole. And when I finally thought I could stand it anymore the pressure released and I opened my eyes.

I was standing on grass. I looked up and saw that everyone was with me.

I looked up and in front of me was the statue of Sebastian.

I turned around to face my friends, everyone was looking at me.

Andrea walked up to me and handed me El Mano de Vida.

I took it and gave her a weak smile which she didn't return.

I turned back around to face Sebastian.

Please let this work.

And with trembling hands I slipped El Mano de Vida onto Sebastian's hand.

There was a terrible moment when nothing happened but then suddenly El Mano de Vida started to glow and color started to appear on Sebastian's feature.

He suddenly gasped for air and collapsed into my arms.

For some reason I started to laugh. Then Percy. Then Annabeth. Then everyone started to laugh.

Sebastian was alive.

We all were.

And together we will survive.

And together we will fight Kronos.

And together...


The End.

Thank you for reading Percy Jackson and the Silver Pyrimid. I wil probably write my next story over christmas break but until then...LONG LIVE OLYMPUS!!