Since I just finished my other story, I started this one

Since I just finished my other story, I started this one. This chapter is just the beginning! So please read, review, and I promise it will be better and more plot oriented in the other chapters. (Obviously)

But please, enjoy…

Oh yeah, I don't own Kingdom hearts, even though it would be TOTALLY sweet if I did! There would be way more AkuRoku if I owned it. But read. NOW! Just kidding. But seriously, read…

Axel crossed his arms. Another day of listening to teachers ramble on about equations and history and blah, blah, blah… It's not like Axel listened anyway. To him, school was just a waste to half of his day.

Except for Music. He got a chance to rock out on his electric guitar, and everyone in the class loved it.

And Roxas. Axel smiled. The only adorable blonde that graced this hell of an all boys school. Axel liked him. But he couldn't tell a soul. Why? Because this place was a homophobic haven.

It was one of the best schools in the state, and Axel was a good student (surprisingly for his non-paying attention habits) but, this was the last place he wanted to be. His parents were all caught up in 'education' and 'good grades.' All Axel wanted was to play music. He didn't really care about good grades. (They came naturally I guess)

"Axel?" Axel looked up and saw his teacher, Luxord, right above his desk. "Is there a reason you're not paying attention?"



"Mr. Luxord, there isn't really a reason I'm not paying attention, it's just I guess, a habit." Axel smiled innocently.

"Yes of course." Luxord shook his head.


Axel shot out of his seat and ran out of the room. Music class. Axel pulled his locker open and threw his stuff in it. He slammed the locker, and heard something fall. He shrugged it off. He took off down the hallway toward the music room.

"Ax…" Axel's best friend Demyx huffed to keep up with him. "Why the hurry?"

"Music." Axel said.

"Oh." Demyx didn't know about Axel liking Roxas, he knew that Axel just loved music. "You wanna slow down a little bit?"

Axel slowed to a jog. He ignored calls from teachers yelling at him to slow down.

"Did you hear? That Roxas kid in music can play drums really good." Demyx said, still keeping pace with Axel.

"Really?" Axel turned to face Demyx.

"Ax!" Demyx motioned for Axel to turn around.

Axel looked around, but not in time to stop himself. He ran right into Roxas, and they both landed on the ground with a loud 'thud!' Papers and books flew everywhere. A pair of drumsticks rolled toward Axel's feet.

There were people laughing in the crowd formed around them. Axel rubbed his head as Demyx helped him up.

"You alright Ax?" Demyx asked.

"Yeah." Axel reached out a hand and helped Roxas up. Roxas wiped off his clothes and looked at Axel.

"Sorry about that, I wasn't looking…"

"That's all right." Roxas smiled. "I shouldn't have been in the way…"

Roxas bent down to grab his papers and books. Axel watched him, not taking his eyes off the blonde's frail body. Demyx bent down to help as well. When Demyx saw that Axel wasn't helping, he nudged him.

"Oh." Axel focused. He picked up the drumsticks and handed them to Roxas. "You play?" He asked.

"Yeah." Roxas grabbed the sticks from Axel. "But I'm not that good…"

"I hear differently!" Demyx chimed in. "People tell me that you're great!"

Roxas blushed. "Thanks." He put all his papers in his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. Roxas walked into class.

Axel and Demyx followed. They sat in their seats right next to each other.

"Nice job Axel." Demyx applauded.

"Shut up Dem." Axel glared. He walked over to his guitar stand, which the teacher let him keep in the room because his parents didn't really approve of music, and he pulled the guitar off and put the strap over his shoulder.

Their teacher, Xigbar, cleared his throat. "Please take a seat everyone." Everyone shuffled into chairs. When it was silent, Xigbar spoke again. "I want to take a moment to tell you about the contest that we are going to have against our neighboring all-girls school." Everyone groaned. "Don't worry, if it was a spelling bee, I wouldn't be telling you about it." The students laughed at this.

"Alright, alright." Xigbar put his hands in the air to shush everyone. "And exact date has not been set yet,"

Everyone looked when the door bursted open, revealing a panting Riku. "Sorry Mr. X, had to stay after one class." Riku quickly shuffled into a seat next to Axel, and slightly smiled. "Hey."

"That's quite alright Riku." Xigbar cleared his throat once more. "Okay, like I was saying, it's a talent competition, focusing mainly on playing instruments and singing."

"Can there be bands?" Roxas asked.

"Yes! That was my next point. You can rock out solo, or with a band." Xigbar chuckled. "You might be able to guess which school will focus more on singing, and which will focus more on bands…"

All the boys laughed openly.

"And there is one more thing…" Xigbar took a dramatic pause. "Right before the competition, each school will be holding a dance."

A chorus of complaining erupted through the room.

"Come on guys!" Xigbar waited for the room to quiet. "I'm not finished."

"How are we going to have a dance with just guys?" Sora, Roxas's best friend asked. "It's not like any of us are gay…" Sora spat out the word 'gay' like it was garbage.

"I wasn't done explaining, Sora!" Xigbar was starting to get annoyed very fast. "Each school is holding a dance, at the same time!"

"And…" Sora asked.

"In the same place…" Xigbar added.

"OH YEAH!" Demyx and Riku hi-fived, "We get to see all the girls!" All the guys around the room cheered, except for one fiery red head.

Demyx slapped Axel's back. "Isn't that great?"

Axel mustered the best fake smile that he could. "Yeah. Great." The last thing that he wanted his friends to know was that he was secretly gay. Axel thought about the day four years ago when he overheard his mother and father talking.

"Leon, I don't know what to make of this." Aerith cried. "Our boy- our boy!"

"It's alright honey, it's probably just a state of mind right now." Leon comforted his wife. "Maybe it's an influence from his friends."

"You're probably right." Aerith wiped her eyes. "His friend Zexion, maybe. I've always suspected that boy was… different."

"He needs to move schools. He starts high school next year, so we can move him to my old school." Leon smiled at the idea. "That school is the best for academics, and it will take his mind off of his music."

"But the school you used to go to is all-boys." Aerith said. "Isn't that a bad idea?"

"Hun, last I knew, that school was dead-set against gays." Leon said.

"Are you sure?" Aerith asked.

"Yes. It's good for academics, and he's a smart boy." Leon ran his fingers through his wife's hair. "He'll get over it as soon as he gets to that school. Zexion won't be there."

"I guess your right." Aerith sniffed.


"This is going to be great! This is the first dance that we've held with their school all year!" Riku was ecstatic. "I'm dying to look at some ass right now." All three boys were on their walk home from school. Their houses were conveniently located all next to each other.

"You can look at Axel's." Demyx joked.

"Dem, sorry, I'm not gay." Both boys bursted out laughing.

"Will you guys shut up already?" Axel snapped.

"What's your problem?" Riku asked.

"Oh, nothing… I was just thinking." Axel said.

"About what?" Demyx asked. Before Axel could say anything, Demyx shot his finger in the air. "I have an idea!"

"What is it Dem?" Axel asked.

"With your awesome guitar skills, Axel, and your bass guitar skills, Riku. And of course my amazing sitar skills…" Sitar was an instrument that Demyx well… had sort of invented. But everyone had to admit that it made good music.

"Dem, the sitar is NOT an instrument!" Riku smacked Demyx upside the head.

"It will be when we rock out with it in our BAND!" Demyx smiled expectantly at Axel and Riku.

"We don't have a band."

"That was my idea!" Demyx turned in front of them and started to walk backwards. "We'd be awesome! And at the competition, we could totally ask a great girl singer to be the lead.

"That's a good idea, but, we wouldn't have a drummer." Riku said.

"Roxas." Axel said immediately.

Demyx smiled. "That's a great idea Axel."

Riku nodded.

"I can see it now… Sitar Rock!" Demyx looked at each boy, who looked at him funny. "The name of the band stupids."

Riku and Axel both 'Ohhh-ed.' Then they both shook their heads 'no.'

"You need to get your head out of the clouds, and think for a minute." Axel said. "First we'd need Roxas to… I don't know… AGREE?"

"I'm sure he will." Demyx contemplated this for a moment. "He will want to compete and possibly WIN the competition!"

"Demyx! You're an idiot!" Axel rolled his eyes. "We can't get a singer for the competition if we try to find a singer at the competition."

Demyx looked at his feet, and then back at Axel. "Then we are going to have to scope out the dance."

"I'll give props to any girl who could learn a song fast enough for the competition." Riku said. "But let's just talk about this tomorrow, cuz we're home." Riku, Axel, and Demyx all waved to each other and walked into their separate houses.


Axel opened the front door and dumped his backpack on the floor.

"That you honey?" Aerith called from the kitchen.

"Yeah, mom, it's me." Axel walked into the kitchen, where his mom was stirring a pot of food.

"Hello, honey. How was your day?" Aerith set down the spoon she was holding.


"So what happened?"

"Riku and Demyx want to start a band."

"What?" Axel knew that his mother didn't approve of his music. But she was going to have to put up with that. He had to put up with his parent's not liking gays, thus pretending to be otherwise.

"It's alright mom. I'm playing lead, Riku's bass, Demyx is going to, well, play his instrument, and we're going to look for a girl lead singer." Axel watched relief wash over his mother's face at the mention of a girl.

"That's great honey." Axel knew that his mother had been skeptical of Axel going to an all boys school.

"I'm going to go in my room." Axel gave his mother a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Alright honey."

Axel walked into his room, and threw himself face-first onto his bed. He was tired of pretending to be something he's not. He hated how his parents wanted him to switch schools because they didn't like the fact that he was gay. And then they tried to blame it all on his best friend Zexion? What kind of shit was that? His father wanted to move schools because of 'academics.' Yeah, what the hell ever. He didn't want his son to be into guys. So he sent him to the number one homophobic school in the state.

Axel rolled over and pulled his cell phone off his end table. He scrolled through his contacts until he reached Zexion's name. He called.

"Hey Axel." Zexion's voice said through the phone.

"Oh my god, Zex, I am so sick of this!"

"I believe it." Zexion answered. "I would hate to be in your situation."

"I know." Axel stopped when he heard a knock on the door. "Uhh, one second Demyx…" He put his hand over the receiver. "Yeah?"

"Dinner in 20 minutes sweetie." He heard his mom call through the door.

"Kay." Axel took his hand off the receiver. "Back."

"Haha. I still think it's funny that your parents banned you from talking to me." Zexion laughed.

"Yeah, you think it's funny."

"I was thinking…"


"I think your school needs a ass kicking from me."


"I'm switching schools."

"Are you serious!"

"Yes. I wanna see how uptight your school really is. Besides, it's senior year, and I wanna have fun. Plus, I wanna see this little blonde eye candy that you've told me about."

"You sure?"

"Positive. It's about time your school got a taste of the real world."

Axel laughed. "You're right. So when are you coming?"

"Few days. And I better see Roxas being friends with you when I get there."

"Oh, speaking of that, I ran him over today."

Pause. "What?"

"I was jogging to music, and I kinda ran into him. He's a really nice kid."

"That's good. Now make friends with him."

"Easier said than done."

Zexion laughed. "I have to go now, but I will talk to you later, okay?"

"Yeah. Bye."


Axel hung up the phone. If Zexion was coming, then things were about to get very interesting.

So there it is. Don't like it so far? Well please give it a chance because AkuRoku will enter, and eventually so will Zemyx. That pairing will take a little while. So please, review!