Asuka: I know I haven't been around a lot--

Kazuko: What are you talking about? You didn't once signed onto your account.

Asuka: eh...hehe... well, now I'm back!

Kazuko: Che, not that we want you back.

Asuka: -pouts- Well, anyway I'm here and I was thinking, what better way is there to try to erase how neglect of my stories? Write a new one of my... specialty?

Kazuko: SasukeHinata is not your specialty.

Asuka: ... maybe it isn't, who cares hm? Anyway, I was inspire by a song. If anyone wants to look it up its Replay by Shinee... well actually it was a different version I was inspired by, the English version made by this amazing singer Aozorafantasii-- on Youtube!

Kazuko: Che well, Asuka-dono doesn't own Naruto. She actually hates Naruto because apparently he's fat and useless.

Asuka: Sasuke ftw!

-- NA! --

He was staring at her again, not that she gave him any attention. When she turned around quite curiously and caught his gaze she squeaked and turned back around, muttering something about a cup of black coffee for a customer who didn't exist. He had admitted it a long time ago, she looked so damned cute when she blushed. Her dark blue bangs must have been cut to hide the soft red upon her pale cheeks. He wanted to get to know her, but a with a quick glance at his watch he noted he had only 6 minutes before he was later than he should be.

He stood up, looking through his bangs at the notes before him. Once he looked up because he felt a soft gaze turn on him, of course, it was different than those lustful ones the female population of the Cafe were giving him. Once he looked at her, she dropped the kettle in her hands. Yelping as it fell to the floor behind the counter and hot water missed her feet. Even though she'd dropped it she couldn't look down at the mess she'd made and he couldn't avert his gaze. There was some electricity from it, making his heart soar. She was pretty- no, that was an understatement. She pushed her bangs back, let her lavender eye's shine through she would be beau... cuter.


She jumped, he jumped, everyone in the Cafe stared at Hinata and a certain blond man ( not naruto ) rushed to her side. Sasuke watched her get scolded, blush and apologize with many bows. The blond haired cafe owner sighed and handed her a towel.

'Mental Note: pronounce her name Hi-na-ta'

As Sasuke tried to remember how to pronounce her name, Hinata was flustered and nodding fervently at her boss.

"I'm sorry Dei-kun."

"Just go, take the tables."

Her boss mumbled, moving to the back to get a mop. Hinata let her bangs falling onto her face and glanced at Sasuke through them again, the customer who charmed her heart for some... strange reason. He was looking down this time, gathering the papers before him. It made her heart sting, the meant he was leaving. He'd been coming there every morning and sometimes in the afternoon since... since 3 weeks ago. She sighed, walking around the counter and cleaning off the empty tables. Ignoring the curious eye's upon her.

Sasuke sighed as well. Why did he stay? The coffee was great and the pastries delicious. But of course there was an attraction here he had to see everyday before he went to listen to Tsunade bitch. He was still working on a battle plan, how to capture the girl who works in the coffee shop. He place his notes and sketches into a manila folder, watching the recite for his coffee and sandwich fall from the messy bunch of papers. His eye brow rose, slightly glancing across the cafe to the navy haired woman.

His the corners lips upturned into a smirk, he was a genius. He pulled out a pen, with a quick click the ballpoint instantly made contact with the small paper. He stepped back, picking up the folder and turning to walk out the door.

-- NA! --

Hinata was nervous, anxious, any minute he would walk through that door and order a medium black coffee. Then he'd watch her as she poured him a cup, she was too socially retarded to strike up a conversation with him. He was too busy looking at her, possibly thinking of all her defaults. Hinata stared at the crumpled recite in her hand. She blushed, remembering when she'd gotten to his side of the room. It wasn't like him to leave anything behind. She didn't expect him to leave anything behind, she didn't read the note but she saw writing in black ink on it. Normally he leaned back in his chair, stared at her whether she knew or not, leaned forward and stared at her some more. He had a habit of running his hand through his hair when he looked, well... stressed. He also only drank half of his coffee on Mondays, on Tuesdays he never drank his coffee... he just bought black coffee and sat chewing gum.

'Oh God! I know his habits... I feel like a stalker.'

She inwardly groaned, leaning forward on her elbows on the store counter. His stalkers would have rejoiced if they knew his habits. She was happy the Cafe hardly had any customers this morning. The less people around her when she blushed meant less embarrassment. She sighed, letting her arms fall she buried her head in them.

'I'm 21... I should have a boyfriend, if only Naruto didn't write pornography...'

Hinata's thoughts drifted off, she was quiet comfy resting her head in her arms. She didn't even hear the cafe door open and close, the small bells she'd hung on top ringing lightly. She couldn't feel Sasuke's smirk, as he walked up to the counter. Completely casual in dress wear today. He leaned on the counter, his head rested on his arms. His lips pursed together and he blew on her bangs. Hinata yelped, jumping back and almost knocking into the espresso machine. Causing the population of the restaurant to stare and glare at her.

"iee... g-gomen..."

She mumbled, regaining her composure. A heavy blush spreading across her cheeks, she looked down, trying to hide her face as she calmed the rapid beating of her heart. She took a deep breath and looked at him through her bangs. She clenched her right hand, suddenly remembering the recite she was hold. The raven haired man- didn't respond. Through his own black (chick butt) hair he stared at her.

"a-ano... y-you left this o-one your table... y-y-yesterday. I t-think if you w-want someone to have the p-paper... y-you s-should give it t-to them personally."

She mumbled, damn that 3rd grade stutter was haunting her again. Her hand thrust forward, sticking the recite in his face. Trying not to look at him as the heat radiated to his face. She felt warmth enclose around her finger tips, gently the paper was taken from her shaking hand. Her blush only deepened


Why was he smirking at her as he unfolded the note?

"I left it for someone. She was busy cleaning tables, but I knew she'd get this and she did."

Sasuke said, he pointed to her name.


He pointed to the digits scribbled under it.

"My number."

He pointed to the name under it.

"My name."

Hinata stared at him, speechless.

'I'm 21, isn't this what I've always lived for?'

Hinata took another deep breath in.

"Well, I didn't r-read it!"

"I figured knew you wouldn't, now that you have you can have my number."

"B-but... I don't have a c-cell p-phone."

She lied, she was bad at lying... He could see right through her.

"Then we can schedule a date right now."

"I-I... I don't go out with strangers..."

"You'll get to know me."

"I... don't want to."

"Are you sure?"

Hinata nodded furiously, wrapping her arms around her waist. She was denying a possible boyfriend to herself, here he was hitting on her with no evil aura around him. He was hot, no... handsome... and he was really nice... why was she saying no? Why were her lips betraying her?

'She doesn't know how to flirt.'

Sasuke mused, she was so innocent and cute. He would capture her even if it took weeks, it had taken him long enough to even get this far. He pushed off the counter and turned around.


"Call me if you change your mind."

Hinata's eye's widened, she watched him wave goodbye and leave the coffee shop. She gapped. He just walked away from her... stupid... stupid mouth... how could she have rejected him. She blushed, looking down she was the crumpled but legible recite.

For the first time this morning she felt heated stares on her. Well, heated stares of the majority of the women within the shop. If she threw out that paper they would dig into the garbage to find it. Should she save him from his fangirls? Which means she'll be keeping him for herself.

She pocketed the paper.

"Kami, I've fallen into a trap."

-- NA! --

Asuka: Aww! Wasn't that cute?

Kazuko: I thought cute was pucca or a chibi me...

Asuka: That stuff is cute too

Kazuko: Che, there are too many kinds of cute, go back to writing fanfictions where I shoot people.

Asuka: No -sticks her tongue out-

Hinata: -blushes- Thank y-you for r-reading. L-leave lovely comments or r-recommendations.