I wrote this story (if you could call it that, sorry its so short) almost a year ago, it was my first ever fanfic and I was very proud of it at the time but now I really don't know. Let me know what you think. ; )

Alice stared out the window of Jasper and her room. She was laying on her side on the black suede couch with her head propped up in her hand. Looking out at the pitch black night she felt utterly empty. She turned onto her stomach and pressed her face into the soft material of the couch.

She still had no idea where she came from and even though she knew it had never been a good idea to dwell on that fact for to long tonight her emotions had gotten the best of her.

A door opened somewhere in the house, it was not unusual for any of the Cullen's to hear noises in other parts of the house and it was so soft that Alice was sure it was. But then she felt someone's hand moving slowly back and forth across her back and she knew instantly who it was. She turned her head to look at Jasper. His expression was gentle and knowing, he always knew how empty she felt.

"Jazz.." she whispered.

"Shh, its okay," Jasper pulled her into his arms and Alice wrapped hers around his neck as she leaned into him. He lay back on the couch and pulled her into his lap with her head resting on his chest.

Jasper could have sent waves of comfort through her, he could have taken away all of her loneliness but somehow this was better. Alice knew that this was somehow better then that, better than anyway he could have changed the way she felt. It was better to be wrapped the comfort of his arms.

I'll admit that I changed it a little but its still mostly the same as when I first wrote it.

I love constructive criticism! (no seriously I do!)