A Midnight Snack:
Cyborg ate, glancing at the rain that pattered against the windows, gloom spread into his heart. He didn't like the dark sometimes…
It reminded him of her…
"What's wrong? Scared of the DARK?"
He closed his eyes. Munching silently on his meat sandwich, he hated the dark…He had accidentally grasped her hand when they had both been trapped. Nobody with them but themselves. He had smiled when she had said that she hadn't been scared, he had known. He had always known.
Because that night, when she had helped him defeat Overload and fix his car, even though she hadn't known it. She had opened up to him in a way he could never explain properly…Even to his mom, he couldn't explain it to anyone at all. He had tried to hide the feelings. He had tried so hard. Now he had what he had personally called 'The Ache'
He didn't know what this was. Love? Lust? Passion? How the hell was he supposed to know? That's what scared him.
He didn't know. And if Cyborg didn't know something…
That was bad. It must be bad. Cyborg didn't understand what this ache was, he didn't understand why it was constantly hitting him in the heart every time he looked at her. He had almost died when he saw her 'sacrifice' herself for the End of the world. He had almost cried when she had come back, healthy and happy. He had almost DIED when he saw her place a hug on the Boy Wonder. Jealousy had creeped into his system, something he hadn't experienced until that very day, when she, Raven and the Boy Wonder had hugged. He thought he was being paranoid, it was nothing. She didn't like Robin like that, in fact, she liked Aqualad more than Robin in romance! Yet, it had eaten him away until he had thrown the controller at Beast Boy in frustration. That had happened today and he had saw nobody since. Well, that was a lie really, he had heard Robin talking to him through his door, his words oddly comforting…
"Cy? What's up?" The Boy Wonder asked, concern deep in his voice.
"Nothing, go away." He grunted, scribbling on his notepad angrily, he didn't even know what he was doing.
"I know something's up. Tell me what's wrong Cy. You can tell me everything and anything, remember Cy?" Robin asked, leaning his ear against his friend's door.
"No I can't." He had replied harshly, scribbling harder and harder onto the piece of paper, his anger almost out of control.
"What? Cy? Do you know who you're talking to? It's me! Rob!" Robin had gasped, simply taken aback at his friend.
"Listen man…I'm sorry, you just can't help me. Y'know it's just hard, you wouldn't understand…" Cyborg had muttered, rubbing his chest with his mechanical hands soothingly.
"I can try to understand." Robin's reply had been quick, not a saying that he had taken much thought of.
"Do you like Raven?" Cyborg had regretted it as soon as it had left his mouth.
"Well, yeah. As a friend." Robin's calm voice made Cyborg feel guilty instantly.
"Oh…" Was all Cyborg could murmur.
"This is about Raven?" The Boy Wonder had said in surprise.
"No." He had lied through gritted teeth.
"Cy…I'm your best friend. You're like a brother to me. Don't play games that I can already see through." Robin had smirked. Cyborg didn't know how he knew, he just did…
"Do you like her like you like Starfire?" Cyborg had asked, his head in his hands, breathing heavily.
Cyborg had heard a thump which he knew belonged to the Boy Wonder banging his head against the door.
"You think I like Raven like that? And by the way…" Robin started.
"Well…Yeah. And what?" Cyborg answered back, his eyes staring at the blue printed patterned carpet.
"Guess what big guy, I don't like Raven like that. We're more like brother and sister than boyfriend and girlfriend…We should really stop saying like." Robin had laughed weakly.
Cyborg lifted his head from his hands, staring at his door with a feeling of confidence. He chuckled weakly at Robin's sly way to cheer him up. It was starting to work though.
"Thanks Rob…"
"No prob."
Cyborg felt his human eye waver to the Game station. His loyal companion was so silent, it made Cyborg feel uneasy. Finishing his first meat sandwich, he started on his second, only looking up to see if anyone else was up.
He sometimes wished he was human. Then he could be attractive, he could have many more pickings when it came to women. Even though he wasn't even interested, Cyborg wanted to know what love was. Of course, he had his friend's love alright. It seemed selfish of him to say so, but sometimes, he wished that he had someone like they did. Robin had Starfire and Beast Boy had Terra. It was only him and Raven who didn't have someone. That, he could not understand. Raven was one of the most beautiful girl he had ever met since he became half-machine - maybe it was because she understood him more than the others, maybe it was because her smile seemed to brighten up the whole room when it happened so rarely. It didn't just lighten up the room. It lightened his heart as well. Sighing, Cyborg finished his sandwich. Nobody was going to get up, he might as well leave and go to bed and dream. Dream about her.
They would do no good. He would just yearn for her even more, they would just make trying to avoid his feelings for her even harder. Damn. Sometimes, mostly these days, he wished he was like her. Emotionless…
Of course, that would be a disaster.
Phweee! (A/N. That my friends was a pathetic excuse of me doing a kettle when it is boiled -.-)
He jumped straight off his chair, wide eyed and mad looking as he turned his head towards the sound.
There she was.
Sitting on a stool, her legs crossed, her eyes never leaving her herbal tea as she sipped silently.
A slight blush escaped him but he quickly coughed it down as he watched the gothic girl closely.
"Hey Rae…" He whispered, sitting next to her on his stool. She didn't even spare him a glance.
"Hello Cyborg." Was her cold response.
Cyborg felt his mechanical hands tremble on his knees, this wasn't exactly how he wanted to say he had feelings for her.
"How long have you been here?" Was all Cyborg could manage to pronounce without stuttering like crazy.
"Since you made your meat sandwich." Quick, sharp…Emotionless. He felt his heart fall heavily.
"I didn't notice you come in…" Cyborg replied, his voice now the same cold that she had once owned. So cold, that by the looks of her expression change. Raven had been caught off guard.
"I'm gifted like that." Raven replied, putting her tea down and staring at the dark walls.
"Huh?" Cyborg scratched his head. Confused at his friend's statement.
"It doesn't matter." Raven responded, taking her tea again and bringing it to her lips again.
"Oh, well…Okay. But if you need to tell me something. Y'know I'm here right?" Cyborg said quickly. To quickly.
She nodded, oblivious to the blush that was christened on his cheeks.
"Why are you up so late anyway?" He asked, flicking the switch on the kettle.
"Couldn't sleep. And can you stop doing that?" Her eyes flickered with annoyance for a second then reduced to their normal emotionless state. "Why are you up?"
Cyborg shrugged, he knew why. But he couldn't exactly blurt out that he couldn't sleep because it would bring him more pain.
"No reason." He replied, lifting his hands away from the kettle switch that was tempting him.
"Oh." Her response made Cyborg shut his eyes and mentally scream.
He leaped up off his chair, his anger blazing.
"God dammed Rae! Are you blind or something?" Cyborg yelled, his teeth gritted, his pain almost blocking his vision.
"What in Azar? What's wrong Cyborg?" Raven gave him a puzzled look. Slowly getting off her stool, she faced him, eyes sprinkled in plain confusion.
"Answer me honestly Rae, answer me honestly. Can't you see in my eyes? Well, eye! Can't you see how much I feel for you?" Cyborg moved forward towards the empath, arms grabbing her arms and shutting them to her sides.
Raven felt confusion turn into anger, anger turn into…An ache?
"What? Feel for me?" Raven raised an eyebrow. "Is this some sort of sick joke?" She continued.
"Sick joke?! Me loving you is a sick joke?" Cyborg felt her eyes widen and immediately sank down. His muscular self becoming more human than ever.
"You…love me?" Raven said, almost inaudibly.
Cyborg nodded, his eyes closed.
"Yeah…I love you. It killed me when you spent all your time with that Malchior guy thing. I didn't show it Rae, but it did. I almost died seeing you with him. You were happy and - and I thought I'd never be able to do that…Me being…Well, me and everything. So…I gave in. I tried so hard to stop loving you…Nothing worked, it just got worse and worse…" He stuttered, eyes stinging with tears. He blinked them away and looked deep into the empathy's eyes. Searching, hoping for love that he wished he could have of her.
A smile passed on her lips. Replaced with a frown. His heart leaped as she looked down, her hand pushing a violet hair strand out of her eyes.
"Okay…If we're going to confess things tonight. I guess I should join in." She looked into his grey eyes, curiosity and plain comfort was inked in her eyes.
"I liked you a lot Cyborg. You're more than a older brother to me and more than a younger annoying little brother like Beast Boy to me. You're my best friend. Always will be. Of course, my feelings developed after Overload. It was fast, sudden. I was confused, a little scared. So I pushed my feelings away, like I normally do and ignored my feelings with ease. It became worse after you were with the H.I.V.E. I became jealous. Jealous is something I don't do. Then Sarasim. I became distant at first. Don't hate me for this Cyborg…I, didn't want you to go back to help them. I wanted you here, with me and the rest of us. It was jealousy, I never wanted to experience it again. Question…Did you like - Bumble Bee?" Raven asked weakly, her hands shaking a little.
Cyborg laughed.
"Hell no! She got on my nerves sometimes. She's a good friend and that's all she'll ever be Rae." Cyborg reassured her, placing a hand on her shoulder. Raven shrugged.
"I guess so…" She whispered. Finally turning away, she proceeded to walk up the stairs to her room when he stopped her.
Turning around to face him, she was about to tell him to let go so she could have her sleep when a pair of lips clasped on hers.
It was long and passionate, Raven felt his hands wrap around her waist, lifting her up, pressing down hard on her.
However, it suddenly ended as he placed her to the ground.
She exhaled, her eyes closed. A smile pasted to her lips.
"We should do this again…Sometime." Raven whispered, as another kiss was planted on her lips.
"Mhmm." Cyborg said in agreement. He pulled away again, looking around at the kitchen.
"Want a midnight snack?" He mumbled, pointing towards the refrigerator.
She jumped up to be caught in his arms again. Leaning forward, she continued with a kiss, groaning as their tongues entwined. Her tea then exploded over the kitchen floor.
Pulling away - again.
"I've already got my midnight snack."
He winked as he carried her out of the doors into the corridors to her room.
(I love this oneShot. :) Of course, I'm making others. But i'm also working on TWO sequels so be paitent. Thank you.)