Hey everyone! I'm sorry about the last chapter (formatting). I hope this chapter works fine! Please notify me and let me know! Please and thank you! Did everyone have a good Halloween? I didn't I was bored had no parties to go to and didn't go trick or treating sad I know. Who saw High School Musical 3: Senior year? I did! I loved it! Better than 1 and 2! Awesome! I'm mad fanfiction deleted most of my stories. I'M PUTTING THIS CHAPTER UNDER PG-13 FOR EXPLICITE THIN THAT AREN'T MEANT FOR LITTLE KIDS UNDER THE AGE OF THIRTEEN! Any ways enjoy!
Jason's P.O.V
I was walking down the dirt path to Danielle's cabin. This was going to be awesome. I finally got a girl to like me! (A/N: I feel bad for Jason.)
I finally made it. I knocked on the wood part of the screen door and waited for Danielle to answer. While I was waiting I heard my uncle Brown's voice come over the PA system.
'Good morning everyone! Midsummer's Jam is in 6 days! Remember practice! I'll be checking in on all classes today to see what kind of progress is being made! Have a great day!'
Danielle came to the door and opened it.
"He-" I cut myself off when I saw Danielle in nothing but a T-shirt on. (A/N: Couldn't resist that either, get it? T-shirt by Shontelle.)
"Hey. Why don't you come in?" She asked.
"Uh um maybe that's not the best idea." I said.
"Why not?" Danielle asked me, politely.
"L-look at what your wearing." I said.
She looked down at herself.
"Oh, sorry 'bout that." Danielle said, shyly.
"No it's fine I'll just wait out here until you're fully clothed." I said.
I wasn't going to let myself fall for the temptation. Not this time. (A/N: What did Jason mean by 'not this time?' Oh something for you to think about until later on in the chapter! Lol!)
"It's okay. Come in I'll get changed in the bathroom." Danielle said, motioning for me to come in.
"Okay." I said, walking into her cabin.
Danielle went over to her dresser and opened it. She started rummaging through it and stop when she noticed I was looking at her. Danielle smiled and walked over to me. Oh no she just sat down on the bed next to me.
"You're to cute." Danielle said, chuckling.
"I am?" I asked, dumbfounded.
"Yeah, of course." She said sweetly, running her finger up and down the tip of my ear.
I backed away.
"Thanks." I said, awkwardly.
"No problem." She said.
Danielle moved closer to me again. She did something that surprised me. She kissed me on the lips. I stupidly kissed back. Then pulled away.
"I can't." I spoke.
"It's okay. I'm not mad I want this." Danielle said.
She leaned in and kissed me again. She ran her tongue along my lips begging for an entrance. I stupidly accepted. I pulled up her shirt and unclipped her bra. I can't believe I'm doing this. Danielle unbuckled my belt and unzipped my jeans. We leaned back on her bed and actually had, well you know what we had, sex. I'm so dead.
1 hour later…
Danielle's P.O.V
I think that made him happy. Hmm that sex wasn't so bad. Wait a minute I am not falling for him. Wait another minute this could ruin my plan so much. Crap I'm screwed! I looked over at Jason he was looking back at me with those soft hazel eyes. Crap stop it Danielle! Get a hold of yourself! I noticed Jason had a kind of sadness in his eyes.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I have to be honest with you." Jason stated.
"Go ahead." I said.
(A/N: The moment you've all been waiting for! Have you been thinking since my last author's note? Well here's the answer to what he meant by 'not this time'!)
"Before now. I mean before our um you know sex, I uh wasn't a virgin." Jason said, rubbing the back of his neck.
I sat up in my bed, holding the covers to my chest and making sure he still had covers on his privates.
"WHAT? BUT YOU HAVE A PURITY RING!" I said not believing him.
"I know. I kept it on because Shane, Nate, my parents, my uncle Brown and the press thought I was still a virgin and I wanted to keep it that way." Jason explained.
"What happened? I thought you made a promise to yourself and god to stay pure until after marriage?" I asked in disbelief.
Jason took a deep breath. (A/N: In my story Jason is already 21.)
"It was my 19th birthday bash back at the house and me and this girl really hit it off. I guess I just couldn't resist the temptation because the next thing I know I'm in my bed with her having sex. I just kept the purity ring on to fool everyone because no one found out. I wanted to keep it that way so no one thought of me as a disappointment. I'm really sorry I lied to you. If you hate me I completely understand. I'll go now if you want me to." Jason said, picking up his clothes off the floor and putting his boxers on.
"Jason don't go. I know where you're coming from. I couldn't resist the temptation either. I also wasn't a virgin before today. So please don't go." I said, revealing my deepest darkest secret.
Curse Jason for being so cute and sweet. Why did I have to fall for him anyway? I can't believe I just told Jason Grey my secret no one else ever knew that either. So why did I have to choose him to tell out of everyone? Was it because of my plan and wanting him to stay so it could work? Or maybe it was because I really like him and wanted him to stay for my own pleasure? I think it was the second choice. Damn him.
"You weren't a virgin either?" Jason asked putting his jeans on.
"No I wasn't. I'm sorry." I said, actually meaning it.
"It's okay." Jason said, pulling his shirt over his head then sitting back on the bed.
Jason looked down at his watch and jumped off my bed.
"Crap I have to go! I already missed one of my classes and my uncle Brown said he'd be checking in on every class. I am so dead! I'll see you later!" Jason said, waving to me and running out the door.
I am falling hard for Jason Grey.
Jason's P.O.V
I ran past the cabins and to the room with the door that read 'GUITAR EXPERTS: 101'.
I ran into the room to earn stares from the whole room and to see my uncle Brown in the front of the room giving me a death glare.
"Jason glad you can make it." Uncle Brown said.
I smiled weakly.
"Sorry Uncle Brown. I lost track of time. I was busy having s-sessions with one of the campers. Yeah that's it I was having a private session with one of the campers she didn't get what I was teaching." I said.
Crap I was so close to saying I was having sex. I am so smart.
"Your just lucky I don't have a class to teach right now." Uncle Brown said sternly.
"I know." I said.
"Take over." Uncle Brown stated.
"Yes sir." I said.
Uncle Brown left the room.
If I wasn't close next time I could reveal that I haven't been a virgin in two years.
Review please!
Did you like it, love it, or
hate it?
How did you feel about Jason's secret?
How did you feel about Danielle falling for Jason?
Will it ruin her plan?
I haven't ever written a sex scene in one of my stories before so it was hard to do.
Hopefully it wasn't boring.
And hopefully the formatting is all right again.
Please notify me and let me know if it is or not!
Please and thank you!