Since I've lasted updated Camp Rock Past and all that and the reason is...because I can't do it anymore. Major writers block not going away and I'm just not feelling it. So I'm going to take down the latest chapter probably and just end it with the original and one sequel. Sorry people, but It's just not there. Maybe one day it'll come back and then I'll post again. But no hopes really. I have a mibba, so go and check that out. Go to my home page and it's linked on there. I have a lot of great stories up there dealing with the Jonas Brothers, and soon there will be a story called Camp Rock: ALY Styled.

I'm not on Fanfiction a lot, and so this might be the last time I post anything on this site. I'm terribly sorry and I'll miss you all. Join Mibba and you can read those stories too. I'm going to keep those updated.

Thank you all, and I love your comments.