I'm so sorry for the long wait! I had a mental block and SO much stuff to do, it's untrue. This chapter isn't even that long... I'm so sorry! T.T

Please read and review and all that Jazz. CHU!

Pain! Torture! Oh gods, no more, please no more…

Experimenting on me! He's mad! Crazy! Twitching eyes staring at me, always staring…

I know what he plans. He's insane! Pain again…

I no longer care about his plans. Who cares about people outside my cell? My cage? My chains?

All I can see is torture…Did anything else even exist?

Revenge! He screams it again and again, until it's imprinted in my mind.

Revenge! He needs revenge!

Pain! Lost… Stop, please stop…

Let me die…

Then… a chance! A tiny stupid chance.


I had to try.

Morphing, changing, again and again… Blind and ruthless…

Smash everything! Through cracks! Throw him across the room!

Escape! Revenge! Escape!

Light! Air! I'm outside and running, sun blinding me, sand burning me.

I had to escape, had to warn them… had to… tell them…

Tell who?

My mind is muddled… I can't see past the torture, the staring eyes…he's still watching me, I know it.

My friends?

Did they even exist? Or just a fragment of my imagination, trying to escape the torture… the experiments…

No. I had to warn them. Tell them-

Pain! My neck!

On fire!

Escape! Revenge! Escape!

Oh God, pain! Stop the pain… my neck…

Suddenly… blank. Lost. Free?

Who was I? What was I doing? Why?

I see something in the distance. Cars. Trucks. Cages. Most importantly, people.

Help me! I try to scream but my voice is croaky and sore. Help me!

I try to run…

They could help… Maybe they knew who I was… What I was…

I needed to be faster. I had to escape! That's all I knew.

I had to escape.

I feel my self changing. More power! Speed! Adrenaline!

I'm running on four legs, easily catching up… What?

My body changes back to normal… is this even normal?

How did I change? What was I?!

A car stops. A man in green is coming towards me.

He's smiling.

Escape? I ask, hoarsely.

He nods and smiles wider…

Everything goes black…

Pain! Torture!


Beast Boy woke with a jolt, sweating, a scream dying in his throat. He blindly smacked his hands against the walls. Walls everywhere! He was trapped… he was… still…trapped…

No, that was wrong wasn't it? Beast boy paused. He was sure he had escaped, hadn't he?

The last thing he remembered was running through the desert, trying to escape… he frowned… the other last thing he remembered was watching a movie with his friends and wishing he had more popcorn. It was like trying to piece together two totally different stories and it made his brain hurt.

He had escaped and then… lost his memory! And now he remembered again! You have no idea how confusing it is to remember not remembering.

Confused, Beast boy laid back, noticing mildly that he was in his room.

"Count with me!!"

He yelled in surprise and promptly fell off his bunk bed.

"OWW!" He moaned, glaring up at his toy monkey which was smiling innocently down at him. "Stupid monkey!"

The monkey didn't respond.

No surprises there.

Scratching the back of his neck, Beast boy grumbled and stretched; every one of his bones seemed to crackle. Ewww…

He looked out at the mist from his window; he couldn't see the moon tonight, the fog was so thick that he could hardly see the city across the lake.

The city?

He jumped a metre into the air, everything suddenly clicking together. He had to warn them!

Pausing only to hurriedly get his belt and boots on, he skidded out of his room and started running down the corridor, slipping clumsily.

Terra's room was only round the corner, so he started there, his throbbing head and shaky knees making him fall over once in his hurry.

"Terra! Terra!" He yelled, banging his fist on her door before he even stopped skidding. "Ter? Dudette, you in there? I've got to talk to you!"


He stood, feeling like an idiot, realising that she wasn't in there. Suddenly, he felt slightly stubborn, deciding that he was going to find Terra even though he could have easily warned one of the other Titans first.

"O.K. no problem…" He muttered to himself. "Um. Err. If I was Terra where would I be?"

He grinned suddenly and turned on his heel, knowing exactly where to go.

More or less.


Terra sat sullenly on the edge of the roof, feet dangling in thin air. She was feeling slight miserable… okay, a bit more than slightly miserable.

She sighed and wondered why she had decided to join the world of heroes again. I mean, you don't exactly get common problems you can go to the school councillor about; Excuse me miss, I need some help because I'm scared to use my full power in case I turn someone into stone, and then there's a small worry about a masked physco who has recently come back to life after I threw him into a lake of lava.

She sighed.

She didn't suppose 'I'm scared that my boyfriend might go into a coma after my friend went into his mind to give him his memories back' would be too high on the list either.

Hugging her knees, Terra focused at the island below her, which could only just see through the unsettling fog. Aiming vaguely, she sent a small golden spark down and managed to pick up a flat rock from the shore, despite the fact she couldn't actually see it. She sent it skimming expertly across the water, managing to spot the ripples before they faded into the darkness and fog.


She was the only person in the world who could skim a rock from a hundred feet up.

There was that silver lining she was looking for.

The chill began to sink into her, so she stood up, deciding to go inside or at least get a coat. A skinny tank top and shorts weren't exactly the best thing to be wearing. She was about to turn and someone caught her eye, wandering around down below and calling something.

A certain green someone.

"Beast boy!" She shouted in delight.

She couldn't hear what he was shouting but obviously, he heard her; Score one for the pointy ears. Beast boy turned and waved madly at her.

Terra tried to concentrate and call a rock to her, but found her mind buzzing too much.

He was okay! At least, it looked like he was.

God, she was so sure she'd lost him again.

She could only giggle stupidly and he flew up to her as a hawk, twirling a few times for her entertainment.

He landed and quickly de-morphed. Before he knew what was happening, Terra had flung her arms around him.

"Beast boy." She marvelled. "You remember? Everything?"

"Course!" He laughed, returning the hug and burying his face in her soft golden hair. "I'm the amazing Beast Boy, remember?"

"You're an idiot." She corrected him affectionately.

He laughed and hugged her tighter, happily thinking of excuses not to ruin the moment.

Let's see… Beast boy mused to himself. Stop hugging a girl I really like and tell her an insane dude's plans for the city…OR wait a few minutes and enjoy the moment. Gee, such a hard choice…

"Beast boy, what happened while you were missing?"

He blinked. Darn.

"Um. Well…"

Terra frowned at him and he sweat dropped, suddenly wishing he had sorted out how he was going to tell her.

"Well, I went to that…"

"Wait a second."

Terra looked around suddenly, staring hard into the fog.

"What's up?" Beast Boy asked, put off.

"I… I'm sure I just saw something…" She pointed behind him, into a dense patch of freezing fog. "A light… Just there…"

Beast boy turned and stared blankly into the thickening fog for a second before laughing and winking at her.

"I can't see anything; it was probably just something from the city. Or maybe you're just seeing things."

Terra flushed and laughed. "Am not!" She protested, pushing him playfully.

Suddenly something shot out of the fog and smashed into them, knocked them clear from each other.

"Terra!" Beast boy shouted, struggling to his feet when something suddenly ploughed into him, lifting him into air.

Terra stared in a horror as a huge machine, with wires hanging out clumsily, grabbed Beast boy with four metallic tentacles, lifting him into the air and squeezing tight. BB's eyes widened as he tried to morph but found he couldn't. Everything was slowing down, darkness eating away at the edges of his sight…

Terra felt anger start throbbing through her mind. The thing had injected something into Beast boy making him instantly go limp.

She swore at it loudly, and sent a pulse of golden power randomly into the ground. Instantly, lumps of concrete broke away and span to her palm, light covering her eyes.

She sent the rocks speeding towards it but the thing managed to dodge her attack, flying away from her and weaving across the roof. Fog was already swirling in and impairing her vision. She lifted some concrete and jumped on it, preparing to race after it and destroy it if was the last thing she did, when the other one appeared.

She could only let out a strangled gasp as it destroyed her rock, and she only just missed its attack by diving off at the last second.

Unfortunately, this dive sent her hurtling off the roof.


She screamed and flew through the air, trying desperately to grab onto nothingness. Wasting a few seconds by kicking out in pure terror, Terra enveloped a rock far below in energy and sent it hurtling skywards.

For a second, she thought it would never come… count your prayers, Terra she thought… Then she smacked into the rising rock.

Though she had only fallen a handful of floors, the impact instantly knocked her unconscious.

Powered by no conscious mind, the rock began to fall slowly, then faster as the energy wilted. Just as it was about to fade completely, a dark aura smashed it into pieces and sent it falling to the land below.

Terra however was already being levitated to a certain sorceress's room.

Raven quietly set Terra down on her bed.

What's happened now? She sighed to herself, quickly rising to get the other Titans.

Outside was silent.

The machines had disappeared.

And so had Beast Boy.


"He's waking."

"Good. It's not quite as fun if you can't hear his pain."

"… Of course."

"Now, leave!"


At the sound a hasty footsteps, Beast boy forced open his eyes and he felt his heart drop. He was back.

Oh God, he was back.

Two robots were securing him tightly, making movement impossible. His first reaction would have been to morph if a voice didn't suddenly hiss in his ear; "I wouldn't morph if I were you. Any slight change in your shape and my friends here will shock you with all the juice they've got. Lethal, though I believe you would be awake to enjoy the experience for a few long moments."

BB tried to act totally unafraid but fears suddenly fogged his mind and he subconsciously let out a short, quiet whimper.

Instantly angry with himself, he turned his expression into a snarl and spat at the Professor's feet. He hated him!

The Beast was practically roaring from somewhere in his mind.

It wanted to kill him!

But the Beast was held back by the Boy; him and his feeble human emotions. The boy was scared, terrified.

The man cackled, jaw crackling almost as loud as his hissing laughter.

Beast boy crunched his face, trying to block out some of the sound and look tough at the same time. How did he get back? Terra. What had happened to her?

If this creep had hurt her…

Then he looked up and suddenly, all he saw was those mad staring eyes.

"Revenge." The man whispered.

Beast boy almost nodded.

Yes, He thought, defeated. Revenge…

Hope you liked, I'm not too happy with this chapter. The action scene sucked so much! Thanks for reviewing if you do, I'll try to get the next chap up faster but I've got coursework to do and a GCSE exam so it's not gonna be that quick... Sorry again! T.T

Peace Out for now Dudes and Dudettes! :D