A/N: This story is slightly AU, but mostly takes into account all seven books. The Characters are all sadly not mine; I am just making them do things that would make Ms. Rowling shudder.
The war between the Dark and the Light is finally over. Harry was awarded the Order of Merlin First Class, Hermione and Ron were honored with the Order of Merlin Second Class, and Neville and Ginny, received the Order of Merlin Third Class for their efforts both during the Battle of Hogwarts, and while Snape and the Carrows were running the school. They were the youngest wizards ever to receive such an honor.
Harry and Hermione testified on the Malfoys' behalf and therefore, were responsible for Lucius' commuted sentence and Narcissa remaining out of Azkaban under house arrest. It was decided that since Draco had tried to aide Harry, Hermione, and Ron when they were captives in his home and the fact that he never actually killed anyone that he would not face any punishment.
Ron was still furious that Draco had gotten off with nothing more than a slap on the wrist, and refused to do more than confirm what Harry and Hermione said in their testimonies. He was certain that Draco had performed some kind of dark magic to remove his Dark Mark, and refused to listen to Harry and Hermione when they tried to make him believe that it was impossible to remove it.
With the celebrations dying down, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the rest of their class were invited back, to the rebuilt Hogwarts, by the newly confirmed Headmistress, Minerva McGonagall to finish their seventh year of magical education. Most of the students from Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff were returning. However, only a handful of Slytherins were coming back. Most of them were not welcome back due to their unwillingness to renounce the Dark Lord during the Battle at Hogwarts. Of the trio's seventh year class, only Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Millicent Bulstrode, Daphne Greengrass, and Draco Malfoy were returning.
As before, Horace Slughorn had agreed to continue teaching Potions, and act as the Head of Slytherin House. With McGonagall busy with Headmistress' duties, Bill Weasley replaced her as the Transfiguration Professor. Mirroring the pre-war tradition, Defense Against the Dark Arts needed another new teacher. The Gryffindors were excited to hear that Remus Lupin was going to be returning as their new DADA professor and Head of Gryffindor House. As for the rest of the teaching staff and house heads, they remained the same.
When they got their Hogwarts letters, the previous week, it was no surprise that Hermione was made Head Girl. Harry was still Quiddich captain, Ron and Ginny were Gryffindor Prefects. Because Ginny's sixth year was cut short, when she had to go into hiding during the Easter break, she was repeating her sixth year. In Slytherin, Blaise Zabini and Daphne Greengrass were prefects, and everyone was stunned to realize that Draco Malfoy was Head Boy. Well, everyone except Hermione questioned McGonagall's logic. No one except her knew that he got excellent marks.
In lieu of the usual owl delivery, the headmistress had personally come to the Burrow to deliver the trio's letters. She knew that she would need to explain why she appointed Draco as Head Boy. However in actually, it was not her choice to make Draco Head Boy, but Minister Shacklebolt requested the appointment. Since the three Malfoys gave overwhelming evidence against the surviving Death Eaters, it was his way of repaying their debt to Wizarding Society. The family allowed the Ministry to identify others that did not wear the Dark Mark, but were still supporters of the cause. This was Shacklebolt's thank you to Draco for effort in convincing his parents give their testimony.
After McGonagall left, Hermione and Ginny decided to go to Diagon Alley to shop for the upcoming year. The girls flooed from the Burrow to the Leaky Cauldron to buy their clothes and supplies for school. A set of grey eyes watched them walking around Diagon Alley. Draco noticed how pretty Hermione was during the height of the battle, when she was facing off against Bellatrix, and again when she was sitting with the Weasleys mourning Fred's death. He didn't understand how he had never noticed how beautiful she was. Hermione Granger was stunning with her long curly locks, full lips and big whiskey colored eyes. She had a long svelte figure, and without her Hogwarts robes, Draco was able to appreciate how shapely she had become. It was just too bad that she was in love with Ron Weasley, the stupid, redheaded git.
Despite Draco's attempt to be inconspicuous, Hermione knew that he was behind her. She always noticed where he was. How could she not notice? He was so handsome with his beautiful, soft, blond hair, sculpted arms, and stunning gray eyes. She had always thought that he was handsome, but even more so now. She was glad that she didn't have to act as if she hated him anymore. In fact, the Headmistress had asked that she make a special effort to cooperate with him. She would make the "effort," since he was the stuff all women dreamed of and Hermione Granger was, after all, a woman.
He saw them walk into The Magical Menagerie and followed. He knew that now would be the perfect time to start a conversation with the Head Girl, since they were going to be sharing a suite this year. He needed to start "getting use" to her sooner or later and there was no time like the present. Coming up behind her he said, " Hello Granger, nice to see you again." He saw her shoulders stiffen and heard her quick intake of breath.
She slowly spun around, and asked, "Malfoy, are you following us?"
He stared into her beautiful, eyes and replied, " Sorry, Granger, I just wanted to say hello before term started, I figured it would be nice if the Head Boy and Girl were on civil terms before we started our seventh year."
Hermione felt a blush rising on her cheeks, but quickly composing herself, she said, "I agree Malfoy, we do need to be on good terms. How has your summer been?"
Draco couldn't believe that she asked that question. With an incredulous look, he replied, "You do remember that I have spent the entire summer testifying in front of the Wizengamot, right? I know that you spent the whole summer at Order Headquarters. I saw you there with Potter and your boyfriend when I came to talk to Kingsley and Remus..." Draco slowly trailed off, noticing when he mentioned Weasley's name her beautiful eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry Hermione, what did I say?" queried Draco, but it was too late. His question was posed to her retreating back. Looking at Ginny, he asked, "What did I say?"
Ginny shook her head sadly and said, "Malfoy, Hermione caught Ron cheating on her with Lavender Brown last week. I only just got her to agree to come out and talk to me, and now you've gone and ruined it. Now I'll have to start all over again." With those words she stormed off after her best friend, leaving Draco standing looking sheepish.
"How was I supposed to know, that the stupid git cheated on her? What an arse the Weasel is! He had the prettiest, smartest witch in London and he threw her away. His loss is my gain; I may finally have a chance with Hermione. I just have to show her the real me, and how much I have changed. Now, I just need to find Potter and find out why he hasn't killed the stupid arse." With those thoughts swirling around his head, Draco spun on the spot and apparated back to the Malfoy Manor.
A/N: So that is chapter one. Please read and review and let me know if you think you might like this story. I had the most wonderful beta in the Harry Potter Universe, edit this chapter and I hope you all enjoy it. Once again BuffyXO, you are amazing!