Disclaimer: Listen, I know I'm not J.K.. It's just… sometimes it's so hard to admit!!
Beta: ManhattanWitch- for most of it.
Authours Note: you people-- I mean, really. Some 60-odd reviews, all begging me for a sequel, and you thought I'd never post it? Ha! Like I'd pass up any excuse to revisit this fic. Even though I promised the sequel sometime last year… (cringe)
WARNINGS::: Rimming, male-on-male sex, blowjobs, homophobic tendencies from Weasley's and subsequent Ginny-bashing…
Title: One Fine Line
Chapter 2
"Hermione!" Ron whined, "Where's Harry?" Hermione sighed as she ignored Ron's question for the fifth time. Resisting the urge to slam her head into the nearest wall, she stared fixedly at the student in front of her. The first time Ron had asked where their friend was, Hermione had also been worried, and had answered the question to the best of her ability.
But really- aside from 'maybe he's running late', and 'perhaps the Headmaster needed to speak to him', there was little else to add. This was Harry, of all people, and since he'd killed off Voldemort in the beginning of seventh year, he'd been different. He'd hidden from his 'adoring' public by any means necessary, and often Hermione and Ron were left in the dark.
And Harry had taken to hiding from his housemates as well, ever since Ginny had begun dogging him. Hermione snorted, tuning out Ron's inane babble to listen to her own thoughts. Ginny. The stupid, dumb, girl didn't even realize that she'd pushed Harry away all by herself with her incessant chatter. "Harry, lets do this," and "Harry, lets do that," no wonder the poor boy hid whenever he saw her. And the stupid bint thought Harry was pretending to be gay so she could chase him.
Ugly, stupid, bitch. Hermione, needless to say, did not like Ginny.
Hermione was jerked out of her thoughts when she rammed into Seamus' back. Frowning, she peered around the taller Gryffindor, wondering what the hold up was. But what with her being one of the shortest in her year, and the mass of bodies in front of her, Hermione saw nothing.
She frowned, then marshaled her features and shoved her way through the crowd, shouting over the noise, "Head Girl! Coming through!"
Obediently the press of students parted, and Hermione froze at what she saw. The students were standing around in a circle, surrounding what they had found. One ratty Muggle book bag lay on the floor, and Hermione's gaze went to the other item slowly, not wanting to see what she was about to. A pristine, silver messenger bag was laying on the floor a few feet from Harry's bag, and Hermione pursed her lips.
Trading uneasy glances with Ron (who was much better when it came to actually finding Harry than just talking about it), Hermione turned to Dean.
"Dean?" The boy looked up at her in question, and Hermione went on grimly. "Please get Professor McGonagall." He nodded, and left. Hermione turned back to the remaining students and glowered at them.
"You'd better be gone by the time I finish counting to one," she said, and the Gryffindors (including Ron) bolted. They knew better than anyone that when Hermione started counting, you did what she wanted. She had a nasty temper.
"…ten… nine…" Hermione began, smiling inside as she noticed the fast disappearing act the rest of her House had pulled, "…six…five…" By the time she'd gotten to "one", only three students were left, Slytherins the lot of them. Hermione grinned evilly, and pulled out her wand.
Within seconds Hermione's hexes were chasing the remaining students and the rest of the hallway was empty. Seven minutes later Dean reappeared with McGonagall, and left the two women alone. McGonagall stared at the bags, a curious combination of shock and acceptance flitting over her face.
"Who found the bags, Ms. Granger?" she asked, still eyeing said items.
Hermione shrugged, thinking back, and replied, "I'm not sure, Professor. By the time I arrived, there was a crowd standing around them and no one said who had seen them first." Hermione paused, then added, "though the Slytherins seemed particularly reluctant to leave."
Minerva glanced up sharply at the Head Girls statement, eyes narrowing as she thought of the possibility that a Slytherin had planned this. But neither boy had been heard from or seen since before the previous class, and neither were known cutters. Minerva sighed, and passed a hand over her eyes.
"Alright. I will inform the Headmaster of this-" she waved her hand through the air, looking for the right word- "fiasco. In the mean time, Ms. Granger, I want you to see what you can find out." Hermione nodded, and turned to leave as Minerva waved her wand at the forlorn bags. They separated, both lost in their own thoughts now, wondering what on earth could have happened.
"Harry James Potter, if you so much as think about stopping I will kill you."
Harry grinned at the breathless, imperious statement, chuckling softly as he ran one hand down Draco's smooth thigh. The blonde gasped, and glared down at Harry from the head of the bed. "You stopped!" The affronted Slytherin said, silver eyes shooting daggers at the Gryffindor.
Harry chuckled absently, ignoring Draco for the moment, and watched his hand move in slow, gentle circles on Draco's skin, marveling at the contrast in color. His skin was golden from heritage and an ability to tan, but Draco was pale, so pale. Alabaster, ivory, porcelain, cream- all these words couldn't describe the tone of the other boys skin. And with Harry's warm colouring such a distinctive contrast, the effect was even more surreal.
Though- and Harry had to smile- not all of Draco's skin held the same snowy shades. His chest was flushed a rich pink hue, his nipples a dark rosy red that stood out against the coloration of his chest. The same rich hue that painted his torso dusted his cheeks, making the brilliance of Draco's eyes even more noticeable. The eyes that were still glaring at him, Harry saw with a slight smile, though they were cloudy with the haze of lust that filled the blonde.
Harry licked his lips as his attention was brought even lower, to the centerpiece of the Draco-buffet. Tall, thick, and demanding Draco's erection stood before him, and Harry sucked in an appreciative breath as his eyes caressed the sight before him. The perfect cock was an angry red, practically yelling at Harry itself for the torture the Gryffindor was inflicting on it and it's owner.
Harry kept on with his sensual massage, waiting until Draco's head had fallen against the pillows to lick a thick stripe up the underside of his shaft. Draco sat up with a gasp, propping himself up on his elbows as he felt that warm tongue touch him again and again. Harry moaned in appreciation as he shifted his prone position between the blondes legs, eyes fluttering shut as he kitten-licked Draco.
Draco wanted to die from the sensations racing through his body. Harry had an obsession with his dick, it seemed, and could hardly stand to leave the organ alone. Not that Draco particularly minded- really- seeing as how he'd come twice already today just from Harry's incredible mouth and hands. His hands twisted in his sheets, and he felt Harry smiling around his mouthful.
Draco's breath was coming in short, choppy gasps as Harry swallowed him down, the feel of the head of his dick meeting and then passing into the Gryffindor's throat almost too much to handle, no matter how familiar he was becoming with the sensation. Harry swallowed continuously, knowing that the feel of his throat tightening convulsively around Draco would drive the blonde insane.
Gripping the sheets with stiff fingers, Draco let his hips jerk up and into Harry's mouth. The Gryffindor allowed the motion, though his hands tightened on Draco's hips, restricting the blonde's movement. The short jerks slid in and out of Harry's throat, no more than an inch in each direction but still making both groan in ecstasy.
Harry withdrew reluctantly, but the sight of Draco writhing on the bed, flushed, panting, and dripping with his saliva was more than worth it. Harry licked the tip of Draco's stiff dick, moaning at the salty taste of the precome. Draco gasped in shock at the action, and threw his head back against the pillows in reaction.
Harry took his time savoring the delicacy that was the Slytherin, and he smiled to himself as he listened to Draco's faint whispers. Broken words tumbled from Draco's mouth, encouragements and threats all wrapped up into one neat, tidy package of need. Harry paused for a swift moment, wondering what he wanted to do next, and how to go about it. Did he want Draco to come just yet? Or did he want to torture the blonde some more? His smirk was pure sinful decadence. Ah, if only all of the decisions in his life were like this…
Pulling completely away from the blonde, Harry sat between the Slytherin's legs and surveyed his work. Draco panted in want, eyes slit and clouded, body tense against the sheets as he struggled to gain control of his breathing. Another delightfully wicked smirk crossed Harry's face as a thought came to him, and it only widened as Draco noticed and raised a brow.
Harry slipped a hand under Draco's hip and rolled the blonde onto his stomach, running a hand over the teens' pale skin before pulling the hand away. Draco looked at Harry over his shoulder suspiciously, no doubt wondering what the Gryffindor was going to do to him. Harry smiled, and covered the slim body with his own, pressing his chest to Draco's back.
Draco gasped at the contact. Harry was only naked from the waist up, but he could still feel the hard ridge of the other boys erection pressing into the crack of his arse through the denim of Harry's jeans. A shudder ran through Draco, along with a wave of heat that left goosebumps in it's wake. Harry set his nose against silky hair, breathing deeply of the scent that was purely Draco, but carefully making sure that he didn't crush the smaller teen.
With his hands running along Draco's sides and arms, Harry began his newest exploration. With every touch Draco would gasp, with every lick he would moan, with every nibble he'd try to arch his back. Harry loved the responsiveness of the other teen, loved the fact that he and he alone was the one to teach the youngest Malfoy these pleasures, and that he was the only one in the foreseeable future who would be allowed to.
It was with that thought in mind that Harry traveled down Draco's back, licking and sucking and tasting every inch of the teen that he could reach. When he dipped his tongue into the crack at the top of Draco's arse the blonde squeaked, and looked over his shoulder at Harry with wide eyes. The Gryffindor looked up in amusement, knowing exactly what was going through the blonde's head at that very moment.
"Trust me, Draco," he said, his voice husky and deep with need. Eyes still wide Draco nodded, and watched as much as he could over his shoulder. Harry grinned at the Slytherin's need to know exactly what he was doing, but bent back to his task. His tongue traced a thin stripe down the crease, and Draco whimpered in the back of his throat as Harry pointed his tongue and outlined the perfect rosebud he found.
Harry grinned at the response, and repeated the motion, loving the sounds coming from above him. His pointed tongue teased the blonde for a few more moments before departing the area, and though Draco whined in disappointment Harry continued on with his exploration. Harry explored the curve of Draco's arse with his hands and tongue, memorizing the area and traveling further down.
Hips, thighs, knees, and calves were worshipped, and delicate ankles were licked and sucked as Harry came to them. Draco's elegant feet were gathered up in his hands, Harry pressing a kiss to the smooth tops of both them before moving back up to Draco's arse. Harry took a hold of Draco's hips and raised them, giving the Gryffindor more access to the area.
Harry took a great delight in provoking all sorts of intriguing noises from his Slytherin, and as he pressed a close-mouthed kiss to one smooth globe he chuckled deep in his throat. Draco's back was arched as he waited for whatever Harry would do, and as the Gryffindor began to lick and kiss his way across the alabaster flesh the moans and whimpers were music to his ears.
It was only when Draco was panting for breath that Harry removed himself from the enticing rosebud and sat back, waiting for Draco to gather his wits. Before long the blonde was glaring at Harry over his shoulder, demanding that the other teen continue. But Harry had other plans, and held up one hand. While Draco had been busy catching his breath, Harry had coated his fingers in a thick, slippery gel.
Draco's eyes widened, and he swallowed nervously as Harry's grin grew. The Slytherin dropped his body onto the bed and rolled over onto his back, watching Harry with a slightly wary expression on his face.
"Only if you want to, Draco." Harry said as the other teen stared at the lubed fingers as though they were the personification of the devil. "Only if you want to."
Draco's brow creased as he thought, and after a moment a shiver ran through the blonde. "Alright," he said, shrugging and laying back against the pillows, "I guess we can."
Harry nodded in understanding of what the blonde didn't say. It was alright for now, but if Draco wanted to stop at any time Harry would immediately.
"What do you mean, you can't find them?" Severus' sharp voice washed over Hermione, but she didn't let it bother her. By this point in her school career, she was more than used to the man's ways.
"I mean that I cannot seem to find them anywhere. They're not on the grounds, they're not in the library, they're not in the Forest. And if they are separated for whatever reason, they are still not in those places. I cannot find them."
Minerva intervened before Severus could do more than frown, asking Hermione, "Has anyone else seen them?"
"No, ma'am. And I've even asked some of the First Years. No one knows where they are." Hermione waited as Severus and Minerva exchanged a glance, before looking away from each other and sighing.
Minerva was the one who responded to Hermione's curious look, saying tiredly, "We have to bring it up to the Headmaster now. And hopefully he can do something about it."
Hermione nodded her understanding, and watched as her two Professors turned away from her and walked down the Hallway to the Headmasters office. She wished them luck silently, and went back to her own search.
"What do you mean, you won't find them?" Severus' voice was strained as he refrained from making a sarcastic comment about Albus' abilities to find the two, and glanced at Minerva with a pained expression. The woman pursed her lips in agreement, and glared at Dumbledore.
"Albus, they need to be found. What if one or both of them were hurt and they couldn't get back? We need to find them, and if they are alright we need to punish them. They cannot keep getting into these fights."
Dumbledore's eyes twinkled merrily, and he sat back in his chair and steepled his fingers in front of his chin. "I can assure you in all confidence that, wherever they are, they are not hurting each other. I would no more interrupt their peace-making than I would an assembly of the Wizengammot." This was a bogus claim, as both of his Professors knew without a doubt that he'd crashed many a Wizengammot in his life, and most even not his own country's.
But they couldn't call him on it, and as they made their escape they glanced at each other in commiseration. The old man was loosing it, and this only confirmed that belief in them. Dumbledore watched them leave, the twinkle in his eyes brightening. If only his two Professors knew what the boys were doing right now… if only. A smile curved the Headmaster's lips before he went back to his work.
They wouldn't find Harry until he was well and truly ready to be found. Albus had taught him that much, at least.
Harry very gently knelt between Draco's thighs, smoothing the pale skin with one hand as he let the Slytherin grow used to his presence there and what it meant. When Draco's breathing had evened out Harry began stroking the inside of the porcelain thighs, moving upwards slowly until he reached the crux of the blonde's legs. He let his hands wander as Draco began to move underneath him, and only when the blonde began to moan in need did Harry start to do anything.
Slowly, as Draco nervously watched, Harry trailed one slick finger down the blonds and very, very gently just let it rest on the tight little hole. Draco sucked in another nervous breath, but Harry took his time, and Draco managed to relax. In mere moments, it seemed, Harry's finger was inside Draco and the teen was remembering how to breathe around the awkward sensation.
But Harry didn't let the blond dwell on the situation for long- his free hand wrapped around Draco's straining cock and suddenly the blonds attention was split two ways- and somehow Harry had two fingers- three- inside him and there was something that the Gryffindor was touching that made sparks explode behind Draco's eyes and his breath come short.
Harry watched in silent delight as the Slytherin responded to his touch, and for a while he contented himself with feeling Draco tense and shake around his hand. But soon enough, Harry pulled his hands free, and gripped Draco's hips. Draco looked up at him, his wide silver eyes hazy with clouds of lust, and Harry grinned tightly.
But the sight of the Slytherin as he was- stretched and prepared and open and waiting for Harry- was almost too much for the Gryffindor to resist, and he didn't try to any longer. With one long stroke, Harry was inside Draco, and the blond was arching off the bed, fingers scrabbling at Harry's back and shoulders and arms- whatever he could reach- and staring at Harry as he tried to get used to the feel of Harry inside of him.
Draco felt the sharp ping of pain, but it was encompassed and overwhelmed by the pleasure that having Harry inside of him brought.
Harry… was inside of him- and Draco could feel every inch of the Gryffindor and it was kinda of weird, but he was getting used to it and then Harry moved.
Draco's world exploded with the sensation, the pleasure burning through his soul and leaving its trace everywhere, and he arched off the bed, keening in shock. Harry gripped his hips tighter and thrust himself even harder into the blond, face rigid with the determination to last longer than Draco.
But there was no competition- Draco was flying, higher than the birds- every forceful thrust of Harry's sending him higher, and he knew he would reach the end soon. Harry twisted his hips and Draco cried out at the new sensation, squeezing his eyes shut until he saw the stars that had previously been confined to his mind, and Harry continued.
There was nothing else for the two of them- the only thing that existed in their world was the other, and they strove towards their common goal with a determination that would have shocked anyone who witnessed it. For Draco, there was only the thrust and pull of Harry's body- his entire being was focused on it and he couldn't even think about anything else.
Harry knew he wasn't going to last any longer, and reached a hand out to Draco, grabbing him by the neck and hauling him upright, pulling him into his lap and claiming the Slytherin's mouth as his own.
Draco whimpered as the new position brought new pleasures, and wrapped his arms around Harry. They moved as one- a long, continuous ripple that they both created, that they both needed. And when Harry grabbed Draco's dick and pumped it, the Slytherin cried out in ecstasy and came, shuddering, all over Harry's hand.
Harry hissed as Draco tightened around him, and gave up, letting himself come. They stayed in their embrace, panting, arms wound around each other, until they could think again.
Draco pulled away from Harry weakly, and smiled at the sight of the Gryffindor's red-from-exertion face. He pressed a soft kiss to Harry's lips, and rested his head against the other boys shoulder.
Harry held Draco as close to him as he could, and breathed.
"Harry James Potter, you will listen to me this instant of I will never help you with your History of Magic papers ever again!"
Harry jerked his attention back to Hermione, alarmed at the threat, and smiled winsomely. The brunette sighed, but held onto her anger long enough to shake her finger at Harry and frown.
"I'm sorry Hermione. What were you saying?"
Harry really didn't mean to just tune his best friend out, but when he was sitting right across from Draco, he couldn't help himself. The blond captured all of his attention, without even appearing to try, and it was one of Harry's favorite activities to just sit and watch the Slytherin.
Of course, Draco knew Harry did this, and acted as distracting as possible, but Harry couldn't be annoyed. He doubted he'd ever be annoyed at the blond ever again.
Hermione huffed in exasperation as Harry zoned out again, and gave up trying to say anything to him. She didn't know what was going on, but ever since he and Malfoy had gone missing three weeks ago, Harry had been acting strange.
Granted, there had been no fights among the two rival Houses for the same length of time, but Hermione was a pessimist. For all she knew, the fighting would start back up tonight and then Harry would be off chasing Malfoy to beat his ass for one imagined insult or another.
Hermione turned back to her dinner, ignoring Ron for the moment (''Mione, why does Snape insist on giving us essays that we never do anyway???!!!') and froze. Ginny was making her way up Gryffindor Table, eyes centered on Harry and a predatory gleam in her eyes.
"Harry..." Hermione hissed under her breath, and Harry turned towards her with a question in his eyes. With a jerk of her head, Hermione indicated Ginny, and the green-eyed teen scowled, and straightened his back for the fight.
Harry glared as Ginny made her way over, the girl obviously thinking she as being sexy about it. But he was immune- now more than ever- and all he saw of her supposed sexuality was 'slut' and 'skank'. The youngest Weasley stopped next to Harry and smiled down at him, fluttering her lashes.
Harry briefly wondered how anyone could fall for someone who looked like that, but pushed the thought out of his head.
"Can I help you, Ginny?" He tried to make his voice as cold as possible, but unfortunately the mere fact of a response was enough to goad her on.
"Hey, Harry." she simpered, and Harry leaned back in automatic disgust. "What are you doing this weekend?" By now all of Gryffindor was eagerly watching the interaction, wondering how Harry would put her down, when the whole Hall suddenly fell quiet. Harry saw Hermione's eyes widen as she looked over his shoulder, and grinned. He knew what was happening, and stayed quiet.
"I'm afraid Potter has plans," an icy voice replied for him, and Harry saw the blond come up next to him out of the corner of his eye. "You can go and whore for someone else now."
Ginny narrowed her eyes as she looked at Draco, and her voice was venomous as she replied. "Why are you answering for him, Malfoy? Harry can talk on him own. He doesn't need you to speak for him." She turned back to an opening smirking Harry, and frowned. "Harry?" Her voice was suddenly uncertain, and Harry couldn't resist.
"Well, Ginny-" Harry broke off as Draco hissed, and gripped his shoulder hard enough to hurt. Harry subsided with another grin, and Seamus began to giggle like a little girl.
"Shut. Up. Potter." With that, Draco turned to Ginny and sneered. "Fuck off, Weaslette." As she gasped in outrage, Draco kept speaking. "Potter is taken, go back to your-" Draco waved a hand like he couldn't find the word, and smirked- "fellow sluts, and stalk someone else. He isn't interested." By now Seamus had developed into full-fledged laughed, and Dean had joined him. Neville was looking on, wide-eyed, and Hermione could only shake her head in disbelief as she finally understood everything that had happened over the last three weeks.
Ginny's cheeks turned blotchy, and she ran away covering her face with her hands. The Hall broke up into loud conversations as everyone talked about what they had just seen, and Harry grinned up at Malfoy.
Before anyone thought to question Harry or Draco, who was still standing by him, Harry smirked. "Oh, I like it when you go all dominating on me." Draco struggled to conceal the blush that was threatening to color his cheeks, and looked away. Harry slung an arm around the Slytherin's waist and pulled him close, uncaring of the fact that the entire Gryffindor clan- minus a Weasley- were watching.
"I think," he murmured, "that we'll have to try it sometime soon." Draco paled at Harry's words, but as they sank in he blushed. A bright, vibrant blush that suffused his entire face, his neck and his ears, and Harry chuckled as he knew it was spreading to other areas as well.
"Come- sit here," he said as Draco tried to deal with the images his very fertile imagination was providing him with, and helped the still- shocked Slytherin into an open space.
"What did you do to him, Harry?" Seamus asked, still giggling occasionally, and Harry raised a brow as he looked over.
"What do you think?" he responded, and shook his head as the other Gryffindor was set off laughing again, bracing himself against Dean, who still hadn't stopped.
"Gryffindor's," Harry muttered, and flinched as a sharp elbow jabbed him in the ribs. As he met a certain Slytherin's mortified glare, he knew he was going to pay tonight, but he didn't care. He pressed a quick kiss to Draco's lips, fitted his arm snuggly around the trim waist, and smiled happily at Hermione, who snorted.
"Three galleons, Minerva, theres a dear." Albus chuckled happily as he collected his winnings, ignoring a glaring Severus and a flushed Minerva, and counted. Six galleons, all his, just because the other two Professors' couldn't see what was right in front of their faces.
Albus smiled as he watched Draco settled down at the Gryffindor Table, and chuckled once more.
Ahh, how he loved being right.
Ok. That's it for this fic lol. NO MORE SEQUELS!!
Haha, but that's really all there is for this one. Thanks for all the reviews (OMG sooooo many I love you all) and I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as you did the first. Thanks again!