Fruits Basket Karaoke I hope you like this first up Shigure!! I own none of fruits basket or music.
One day our favorite characters decided to have a Karaoke night and guess who demanded to be first? SHIGURE!! He picked I'm too sexy by McHammer!
too sexy for my love
Too sexy for my love
Love's going to leave
(Hatori groans) …………..idiot
(shigureI'm too sexy for my
Too sexy for my shirt
So sexy it hurts
(Yuki) perverted dog…you are staying away from Tohru from now on!
I'm too sexy for Mylan
Too sexy for Mylan, New York and Japan
(kyo) Well you dirty old man……I suppose you could always leave Japan for the sake of Tohru but you are too obsessed with yourself!
I'm too sexy for your body
Too sexy for you body
The way I'm
disco dancing
(Hiro) Who would want you on their body?
(shigure)I'm a model, you
know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk
On the
catwalk, on the catwalk, yeah
And I do my little turn on the
(Akito) You know my torture room has been empty for some time now…I could ….…….(stops after a glare from Hatori)
too sexy for my car
Too sexy for my car
Too sexy by far
(Ayame) AH! Gure-san You Speak words that are all True! I WILL NEVER LEAVE Your SIDE!!
(shigure winks)
( Kyo Whispers to hatori) and… do you put up with those two again?
(Hatori) puts head on his hands) I have no idea….I need a break.
(rin) Have you ever considered Gure-san could be gay.
(hatori) Impossible…..he talks about high school girls all the time!
(shigure)And I'm too sexy for my hat
Too sexy for my
Whatcha think about that?
(Ayame still blushing from the wink) Tehe (hisses)
(rin) what the hell was that?
(yuki) Shigure might not be gay but I am starting to wonder about Ayame….
I'm a model, you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the
Yeah, on the catwalk, on the catwalk, yeah
And I shake
my little tush on the catwalk
(ayame) OHHHHHHHHHHH (eyes Light up) Gure – san I LOVE YOU!! (Screams like People did when the beatles were around! Btw that was an idea from my aunt)
(shigure)I'm too sexy for my cat
Too sexy for
my cat
Poor pussy, poor pussy cat
(kyo) OH HELL NO!!
(Yuki) Baka Neko!!
I'm too sexy for my love
Too sexy for my love
Love's going to
leave me
And I'm too sexy for this song
(All except ayame) THANK GOD IT"S OVER!!
(All except shigure) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
(ayame) I knew you would like it. (skips off to get ready)
The end of chapter one
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