He had no flaws

DISCLAIMERS: SUE AND FACE MY WRATH! *insert maniacal laughter*

Second Best

Today, the sun was shining as usual and clouds drifted by lazily. A warm fall breeze swept the already reddened leaves off their branches. He breathed in and continued walking to school. Everyday, for seventeen years, he had walked the same exact path to school. Not once did he ever get sick of the same scenery. His navy blue uniform was neatly ironed and crisp.

The time was 7:30. Exactly 5 more minutes to get to school. No problem. He tucked his book safely under his arm and ran to the large building that stood on the horizon. Running was one of his favorite things to do in his spare time and he was the captain of the track team. He jogged inside the building and regained his posture. Straightening out his uniform, he walked to his locker. After playing with the lock, his locker opened and he was able to place his books inside and gather his other books.

"Hello, Heero," a voice spoke from behind him.

He turned his head and made a small quirk in his lips (he's smiling). "Good morning, Sylvia."

She placed a kiss on his cheek and giggled. They were dating seriously and were very popular students among the school. He shut his locker and walked with her to their first period class. When they reached their room, the bell had just rung and people were settling into their seats.

"Alright class, settle down," the teacher spoke as she placed her bag on her desk. "As you know, today during second period, we'll all be having a school wide pep rally. As most of you have heard, this pep rally is dedicated to none other than out very own Heero Yuy for bringing this school through the 100th straight win in the track area."

The class went into an uproar as Heero smiled and signaled for everyone to quiet.

"Now, if no one has any questions, we will begin today's lesson…"

The first period breezed by. Heero had left class a little bit earlier to go to the gym and to change into his athletic uniform. Roars from the gym could be heard. The coach then popped in and told every member to go out immediately. Heero tossed on his shirt and ran outside, where the whole school burst into screams and applause. The band started blasting music and the cheerleaders did their little routine. Sylvia, who was a cheerleader started jumping up and down like a lunatic.

Heero walked up to the microphone and took a deep breath. "…Thanks for your support."

He then stepped down and the school broke into hysterics again.


"Let's see if they can handle what we go through everyday…" a voice whispered in shadow of the school building. He/she pulled a mask over their head and grinned to themselves.


Heero sat down on the bleachers and listened to the band play.


The wall on the eastern end of the gym blew up, rubble and dust flying all over the floor. Heero jumped to his feet as panic washed over the school. Everyone scrambled out the doors as the teachers hurried them out. The dust began to settle but the mayhem still pursued. Heero looked at the sizable hole in the wall and saw someone standing there, half concealed by the wall.

"Hey, you!" he yelled as he began running towards the hole.

The figure turned around and ran away. Heero was a persistent person. He made his way out of the hole and quickly regained his posture and continued to follow the person who was up ahead. He quickened his pace and soon enough, he was a few meters behind. He then went even faster. The person had a mask hiding their entire head. Heero stretched his hand out and grabbed onto the cloth and pulled as hard as he could. The mask tore off as their golden hair spilled out and trailed behind. He then lunged forward and tackled them to the ground.

"Get…off…of me!" a feminine voice screamed.

"A girl?" he thought to himself.

She jutted out her leg, kicking him on his shoulder. He fell backwards from the impact and she used this time to scramble up and make her escape. He composed himself quickly as he lunged at her again. She fell once again onto the hard ground.

"You asshole!" she cursed as she tried to writhe away.

He turned her around and grabbed a hold of her collar. His breathing was ragged as his hands fisted full of cloth.

"Why did you make a hole into the gym wall?" he asked in a demanding tone.

She didn't reply. Her aquamarine eyes pierced him, as he stared at her for seconds. He then loosened his grip on her shirt but she saw this as a time to attack. She spat into his face and Heero quickly moved his hands to his face, wiping it off. She go up and ran into the thick woods. Heero stared into the rustling bushes and mentally swore at himself for letting his guard down.

"Heero! Where did you go?" a voice called from the building.

It was Sylvia. He called back to her as he placed the girl's mask into his pocket. The police were already in the gym, checking out the damage. Heero winced slightly at the pain in his shoulder. The school was gathered in the cafeteria where teachers were chatting away. Heero sat down next to Sylvia, his mind blurred and confused. Sylvia began to talk about how the smoke would ruin her facial complexion.

"Students, listen up!" a teacher yelled over the noise. "School will be dismissed early. Please get your books and go home. All after school curriculum will be rescheduled. We will see you tomorrow."

With that, everyone ran to their lockers and got their stuff and left. Heero decided to walk home instead of car pooling with his friends. He slung his book bag over his shoulder and made his way home. The sun shone brilliantly in the noontime. He gazed up at the sky and saw birds flying through the sky, free and without a care in the world. He winced again at the pain in his shoulder, the pain worse than before. He placed his hand on his shoulder and decided to sit down until some of the pain went away. He propped himself onto the chair and applied some pressure onto his shoulder.

Suddenly, there was rustling in the bushes. He turned his head around and looked at the bush. As if on cue, a part in the bushed spread apart, revealing two pairs of aquamarine eyes.

So…what do you think? Confusing, ne? Don't worry! All will be explained in future chapters…if NICE reviews are made…^-^