A/N: Sorry for the long delay! I started classes and got bogged down!

A/N2: The parts in italics are supposed to be flashbacks...kinda like the last chapter of the original. ("I'll Always Take Care of You")

A/N3: Well...this is it all! My last chapter...I have to admit, I'm gonna miss it! It's been a stressful yet fun ride! Thanks so much to everyone who reviewed! Your words inspired me to keep writing despite everything else! Please take a look at my profile where I have a poll set up. Thanks again to everyone!



Tony felt his dad's hand on the small of his back, comforting him, as they walked up the familiar marble staircase. It's almost to much of a memory for the younger man and it's only the hand on his back that keep him from fleeing.

Gibbs seems to know this as his hand drifts upwards and he gently gives Tony's neck a squeeze. His hand goes back to the small of Tony's back as his son gives him a gentle smile.

As they reach the top of the staircase, Gibbs extends his hand to the man standing there, waiting for them, "Mr. Welling."

"Good morning Agent Gibbs," The man smiles, "Good morning Tony."

"Morning," Tony greets back.

"It'll be a few minutes before we're let in," Welling explained as he led father and son to a bench in the hall. "Will anyone else be coming?"

"They'll be here soon," Tony answered.

"Good; while we're waiting, I'll explain a few things and then you can ask any questions you may have. First..."


It was a quiet ride from the park back to the house. Both men were too consumed with their own thoughts to talk.

Tony laid his head on the head rest and closed his eyes, trying to calm his tears. It took him over half the ride back home to do so. The only thing that helped was Gibbs reassuring hand on his arm, letting the younger man know that his dad was there and would take care of him.

Gibbs for his part kept taking side glances at the man he called son. He wanted nothing more then to go back to the park to finish the job he'd started on Senior. He wouldn't though since he knew Tony didn't want him to.

He'd only been driving a few minutes when he noticed that Tony was starting to shake uncontrollably…not that it was a surprise. Adrenaline had gotten the younger agent through the confrontation and was now starting to wear off. Gibbs wanted nothing more then to hold his son in his arms but as he was driving he knew it wasn't possible and instead settled with putting a hand on his arm, giving it a slight pat every few minutes.

Even after Tony had calmed, Gibbs refused to move his hand, needing to keep some contact with the boy. Tony had accepted it as fact and said nothing.

As Gibbs drove only slightly above the posted speed limit, it took them several minutes more to get home then usual.

The two were greeted by the site of Ducky and Palmer each standing on the porch in obvious anticipation.


Palmer was the first to arrive which didn't surprise either man. They greeted him with a nod of their heads. Palmer sat by Tony, making it so that their shoulders touched.

Abby showed up next, giving father and son each a kiss on the cheek, before sitting on the other side of Tony.

McGee and Ziva showed up as one. Ziva nodded her head in greeting before standing on the other side of hall. McGee nodded his head in greeting to Gibbs before stopping to talk with Tony and Palmer. When done he joined Ziva on the other side of the hall.

Ducky came last clapping Tony on the shoulder before going to stand with Gibbs and Mr. Welling.

The wait soon proved too much for Tony as he started a restless pace down the hall. He never realized how far he'd gone until he found Jimmy at his side.

"Going somewhere?" The younger man inquired.

"Sorry," Tony muttered finally noticing that he'd actually made it all the way down the marble staircase.

"We better hurry before your dad realizes you're gone," Palmer ushered his friend up the stairs. "Wouldn't want you to get grounded again, would we?"

Tony blushed at the reminder and gave his friend a light smack to the back of the head. He retook his seat on the bench and gave his dad a rueful grin when the man looked over at him with a raised eyebrow.


"Grounded," Tony's blanched. "You're kidding me, right?"

"I do not kid," Gibbs answered.

"Gibbs…" Tony started.

"You didn't think I was going to let the temper tantrum this morning go?" Gibbs started out of his son's room.

"Gibbs," Tony called again.

Gibbs stopped at the door and turned around, "Or the fact that you left work without telling anyone and we can't forget the fact that you were going to leave home without so much as a word to anyone.

Tony looked away; the two had already talked about that and he didn't want to get into it again, "Dad…"

Gibbs put his head back into the room, "What"

"I'm sorry," Tony replied.

Gibbs walked back in and motioned for Tony to lie down. Gibbs knew the man was too old to be tucked in but he couldn't stop himself. He tucked the edge of the blanket under his son and gave him a kiss on the forehead; effectively shocking Tony into silence.

"You need to trust me Tony. Trust that I will always help you and that you can always come to me," Gibbs gave his son a hard look.

Tony looked away. It was hard for him to trust. But still, Tony knew, "I'll try."

"Good," Gibbs walked for the door once again, shutting the light off and starting to close the door, "You're still grounded for two weeks."

"Da-ad," Tony called but it was too late; his door was shut firmly.

With a sigh, he turned to his side and fell asleep.


Tony stood up and followed the attorney into the court room. Looking back as his dad he whispered, "What's the point of this?"

Gibbs shrugged, "We were told to come here."

In truth it was the not knowing that made them all nervous. DiNozzo Senior had left the area the same day as his alteration with Gibbs and hadn't come back in the past couple of months.

The tape with his words had gone straight to Mr. Welling for safe keeping and the man had been able to get a restraining order against the elder DiNozzo quietly.

There had been one more thing Gibbs had wanted to finalize. Welling had been seeing to it when he'd gotten the summons for them to appear in the court.

Though none of them thought Senior stupid enough, they couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

The judge smiled at the group and Gibbs was quick to notice, and point out to lawyer and son, that they were the only ones there.

"Your honor," Welling greeted.

"Mr. Welling," The judge greeted back, "And how are father and son doing?"

Though the question was directed to both the judges eyes looked at Tony who answered, "Everything's going fine sir."

"Good, good," The man replied. "Let's get started, shall we. This is the closed proceedings for a legal name change."

"Yes, your honor," Welling stood up and produced the documents. "We've done all the steps in order sir."

"I know," The judge smiled at Tony once again. "You want to become Anthony G. DiNozzo; correct, young man?"

"Yes sir," Tony replied, side glancing at his dad.

"G, standing for…" Came the next question.

Knowing that lying was no use Tony replied, "Gibbs sir,"

"Anthony Gibbs DiNozzo," The man repeated, "That has a nice ring son. Am I correct in assuming that you can't go by Gibbs because of your jobs?"

"That's correct your honor," Gibbs answered for his child. "Sir, can I ask what's going on?"

"Son, if you could choose any name to go by," The judge ignored Gibbs question, turning to Tony once again, "What would you like to be called?"

Tony didn't hesitate to answer, "Anthony Gibbs."

"No middle name?" The man's eyes flicked to Gibbs once again.

Tony looked over at his dad with a raised eyebrow. Gibbs thought about before turning to stare behind him.

"Thomas," Gibbs replied his eyes landing on the Colonel.

"Anthony Thomas Gibbs," The judge smiled, "How does that sound to you son?"

"I like it sir," Tony replied, a lump catching in his throat.

"To the rest of the world and on all legal documents, you are no Anthony G. DiNozzo," The judge signed the documents that the bailiff had taken from the lawyer.

The papers were handed over to Mr. Welling who handed them over to Gibbs, "Thank you, your honor."

Everyone was still tense, not understanding the judge's line of questioning.

"Young man, a couple months ago, I had an interesting visit with someone from your past," The judge held up a hand to calm the sudden buzz in the room, "The fact that you've managed to find someone to love is a miracle all of it's own. I ask that you keep me in the loop, so to speak, of how things are going."

"Of course sir," Tony replied instantly, realizing exactly what the man was saying.

"In the years to come I hope that you get to go by the name you so richly deserve," The judge continued, "Until then you shall, by the people hear today, go by the name Anthony Thomas Gibbs."

With that declaration a second new certificate was produced. This one was signed but not notarized and therefore not legal. There was a card attached.

"That number is my granddaughter," The man explained, "When the time comes, you go to her and she will help make that legal."

Tony and Gibbs had bright eyes as they looked up from the document and spoke as one, "Thank you."

The judge got down from his perch and walked over to shake their hands, "Take care of each other."

As the man left the chambers Gibbs pulled his son into a hug, "You know what this means?"

Tony shook his head, the tears that had gathered moments before slowly starting to fall.

"It means," Gibbs leaned in to whisper, wanting Tony to hear his every word, "you'll always be mine."