You'll Always Be Mine

SUMMARY: Sequel to "I'll always Take Care of you". Tony goes through the hard transition of having no one to having a father who cares. To make things harder: someone from his past wants back into his life.



Tony grinned at his boss…no, his Dad, "We won!"

"I told you it'd all work out," Gibbs smiled back.

With a firm hug and a quick ruffle to his son's hair, Gibbs turned to the lawyer, nodding; the warm smile and blue eyes silently exuding satisfaction and relief, "Thanks for everything."

"It was my pleasure, Jethro," Mr. Welling replied shaking hands with Gibbs. Turning, and offering his hand, the lawyer nodded and offered his blessing. "Tony, I wish you and your dad luck."

The lawyer had observed these two men for weeks. There was never any doubt in his mind that they were most definitely family. Every silent exchange, and knowing look proved it. Most genetic parents couldn't hope for that much.

"Thanks, Mr. Welling," Tony shook the man's hand enthusiastically, smiling warmly as his eyes glistened slightly with joyous tears.

Mr. Welling ushered his clients and the rest of the team into the halls of the courthouse before parting ways with them.

McGee, Palmer, and Ziva hung back, while Abby all but tackled Tony in a bear hug and Ducky gripped Gibbs hand tightly, pumping it up and down. Approval radiated from his actions.

"Oh, Tony," Abby cried. "I'm so happy for you." Abby held tightly to Tony, her fists twisted into his Jacket. Her pleasure, as always, plain to see, she couldn't remember the last time that she'd seen Tony this happy.

"Congratulation's, Jethro," Ducky smiled.

Gibbs and Ducky ventured a few steps from Tony, as the rest of the team came forward to offer their congratulations. Ducky continued to squeeze Jethro's shoulder in silent support. He new how much the man had given to go through with this, but the rewards were plain to see.

Gibbs watched as Tony threw back his head and laughed at something that was said.

"I've never seen him so happy, dear friend," Ducky sighed.

"I know, Duck," Gibbs replied, "I just hope I don't let him down."

Ducky chuckled, "The boy worships you, Jethro; I'm sure you won't let him down."

Gibbs watched Tony and the team for a few more minutes before deciding it was time for them to leave. After a moment he managed to grab Abby's attention and signal to her. She nodded her head and, pulling McGee with her, said a quick goodbye to Tony and left.

Seeing the quick departure of the two younger people, Ziva, with a nervous Palmer in tow, followed suit, leaving Gibbs, Tony, and Ducky standing in the hallway alone.

Glancing between his two colleagues, Ducky patted Tony on the back. Meeting both men's eyes, he once again smiled and offered his excuses for leaving.

"I must go and check on, Mother," Ducky declared. "I shall see you both later."

"Bye, Duck," Tony grinned while Gibbs nodded his head in farewell.

Tony and Gibbs stared at each other exchanging pleased looks before Gibbs took Tony's shoulders and steered his son toward the marble staircase, and to his car. Tony glanced over at his dad, who kept a reassuring hand in the middle of his back. Tony reveled in the contact. The delight of having someone care that much about him, that they'd do this gave him butterflies that teased his insides and warmed his once lonely heart.

It didn't go unnoticed to Tony, that Gibbs action was unconscious, confirming the man's affection for him. The smile still planted on his lips grew bigger as he approached the car.

Gibbs had glanced at Tony, and grinning once more shook his head as he reached for the car door. Tugging at the handle and getting in, he noticed that Tony still stood outside the car, a ridiculous smile still plastered on his face.

Gibbs lent over, and opened the door.

"Anthony DiNozzo, are you getting in? Or are you going to stand there all day?" He remarked with mock sternness.

Hearing his full name, Tony snapped from his own internal revelry and hoped into the car.

"Sorry," he enthused, "Just thinking."

"I guessed as much, Tony. You gonna put your seat belt on, son?" Gibbs chided continuing his playful tone.

Tony laughed, and grappled to plug in the belt before they drove away.

Gibbs drove a little way before stopping at a deli, where he and Tony grabbed a light lunch.

While sitting at the small stainless steel table, chicken sandwich in hand, Gibbs observed Tony still looking at him absently, the same smile still touching his lips, but a slight uneasiness about him.

Tony, who was still racked with insecurities, considered the fact that Gibbs may have done this for concern that his senior agent may not have recovered after the accident. Tony so desperately wanted this to have been Gibbs' choice, and not a necessity born from fear and uncertainty.

"Yes," The older man said looking his senior agent in the eyes.

Tony refocused on him, stunned, his brow furrowed in confusion. "I-I didn't say anything."

"You're thinking loud enough to wake the dead, DiNozzo," Gibbs smirked.

Tony blushed, and moved his gaze down to the coffee mug he was rolling around in his hands before sighing. He hadn't meant to leave himself open enough for Gibbs to read him. He looked up at the older man with guarded eyes, and a serious expression, "But, are you really sure you want this, Gibbs? I-I'd understand if you'd rather…" He stuttered.

Gibbs raised a finger, stopping the doubting words. He leaned across the table and touched Tony's fidgeting hands with his fingertips, reassuring the younger man. "I signed those papers knowing full well what it meant, Tony. Yes, I'm sure I want this. No, I'm not giving up." He nodded, his eyes crinkling with a gentle smile.

Tony nodded, accepting the declaration for now. "So what happens now?"

As Tony took a sip of his coffee, Gibbs pulled away, sitting up a little straighter. "What do you want to happen?" Gibbs asked, his head cocking slightly in expectation of the answer.

Tony shrugged his shoulders and took a bite of his sandwich. The truth of the matter was he wasn't used to having a father. His own father had been a bastard of a man who had made sure his son felt unloved and unwanted.

For most of his young life that was indeed how Tony had felt. It was one of the reasons, he surmised, why he'd moved from police department to police department. He'd been searching for something that he didn't understand until he found it in the form of an ex-Marine Gunnery Sergeant.

"You okay?" Gibbs asked, pulling Tony out of his musings.

Tony nodded his head and gave the older man a small smile.

Gibbs finally took control of the situation, "How about you stay with me for a couple weeks?" Tony's eyes went wide causing Gibbs to grin broadly. "You can stay with me, we'll work on the boat, and maybe, you can talk me into watching one of your movies."

Tony now broke into a broad grin of his own. "Any movie I want?"

Seeing the grin on his son's face, Gibbs conceded. "Any movie you want."

The two sat and talked for another half hour before Gibbs finally decided it was time to go back to....Gibbs smiled to himself 'it's time to go home'.

Gibbs hid his smirk as he ushered Tony out of the car and into the house that was now his home. Tony gave the older man a side glance but didn't say anything. What ever was going on, Tony knew he'd find out soon enough.

Sure enough, the moment he entered the living room he was greeted with shouts, "SURPRISE!" Looking around the room, the two men laughed together.

The room was decorated in blue balloons and hanging from the doorway was a banner that stated 'it's a boy'. Palmer and McGee were each supporting a side of the cake that had the same thing written on it.

Abby was holding the, now framed, adoption documents, a wide grin on her face. Ziva was holding a bottle of champagne in one hand, and two glasses in the other, while Ducky, held the rest of the glasses in his hands.

Tony looked up at the man who had adopted him, and once again smiled broadly. Seeing the joy in his son's eyes, Gibbs ruffled his hair before taking the proffered picture frame from Abby. He'd already had a nail waiting, having been the one to ask Abby to frame the documents. With Tony at his side, he hung the gilded frame up, gently brushing his fingers over the two signatures on the document.

Turning to Tony, Gibbs hugged his son once again. Everyone 'awed' in the background and Tony sniggered, as he pulled away and cast a look around the room at his friends.

"HOORAY" They cheered and took it in turns to pat Tony on the back.

Gibbs opened the bottle of champagne and poured everyone a glass before claiming one for himself. The group lifted their glasses in silent salute to the new family.

The party continued unabated for another half an hour before Abby found Gibbs chatting to Ducky, and tugged at his sleeve.

"Did you show him yet, Gibbs?" she asked with a mischievous grin. Gibbs shook his head and winked.

Seeing Abby accost his dad, he heard the question and saw the look on Gibbs face.

Tony's eyebrow furrowed, "Show who what?"

"Let's all go look," Gibbs suggested, grasping his sons arm and guiding him towards the stairs.

Leading the way upstairs to what used to be the guest bedroom, Gibbs turned to smile at Tony, his hand resting on the door handle to the guest room. Tony looked at him, confusion playing across his face. The night before he'd slept in Gibbs room, because Gibbs told him that he was working on something. Tony hadn't questioned him on it.

Ziva snuck up behind Tony, and put her hands over his eyes. It was harder then she thought as Tony was taller then her.

"Hey!" He hollered, trying to bat the hands away.

"It's only for a minute, Tony." Ziva chided.

Gibbs shook his head, and opened the bedroom door. The rest of the team filed in, broad grins on their faces.

"Let him go Ziva," Gibbs ordered, laughing at their antics.

Ziva took her hands off her partner's eyes and slipped into the room quickly. Tony blinked a couple times before taking a step into the room, feeling his dad's hand rest on his shoulder and gave a squeeze; Tony gave a smile and looked around in amazement.

"What…" Tony's voice trailed off. The room had been barely furnished, but was now all made up.

The walls were painted a beige color. His bed was made of furnished oak wood. There were three pillows, a dark blue quilt folded down to reveal beige color sheets. On the left to the door stood a book / movie shelves. On the right wall stood a tall six drawer dresser also made of furnished oak wood. Leaning against the left wall was a desk. One that Tony instantly recognized as the one he'd admired not so long ago; a computer on the top.

Abby opened the closet door and Tony found it held both short and long sleeve t-shirts. The book/movie shelf held several new books and DVD's. The computer was hooked up to the internet already. Palmer opened one of the computer desk drawers revealing a stash of Tony's favorite candy. Courtesy of Ducky the walls held several candid pictures of Tony with Gibbs and of the whole team.

Sensing that the new father and son needed a moment alone, the rest of the team slipped out of the room and went downstairs. Abby, McGee, and Ziva placed a call to one of Tony's favorite restaurants, so that they could have supper, when the two came down.

Left alone, Tony examined every inch of the room. He stopped before Gibbs, looking into his fathers pale blue eyes. Unshed tears threatened to fall as he thanked the man before him. "I don't know what to say." his voice nearly cracked.

Gibbs threw his arm around Tony's shoulders and squeezed, "Do you like it?" He inquired.

"I…" Tony looked around the room again. "I love it."

"Then there's nothing to say," Gibbs informed him.

Feeling unconditionally loved for the first time in his life, fat hot tears rolled down his face, "Thanks…Dad." He murmured, unable to control his emotions.

Gibbs smiled at being called dad, it gave him a warm fuzzy feeling he hadn't had in a long time.

Releasing his hold, Gibbs moved in front of Tony and lifted the young mans chin with his hand, bringing Tony's lowered eyes to meet his own.

"Tony, look at me," he gently insisted.

Tony's dark blue eyes lifted, and met his fathers, tears still pooling on the damp lashes.

"You are my son, Tony. In my heart, you've always been my son, and now that it's official, I want you to be happy and comfortable staying here." Gibbs absently swiped the tears from Tony's face before drawing him into a hug.

'There was nothing and no one that could come between him and his new son' Gibbs silently vowed to himself. 'No one…'