A/N: yay! The sequel to always be. Wow, I'm so damn tired to write right now but the idea stuck me.

--Chapter 1--

--And now we're Old--

"So was that really jam?" Lira asked as she set two mugs of steaming coffee on the table. She sat on a chair opposite he companion, Beyond Birthday. The younger boy nodded as he took as sip of his coffee, scowled, and reached for the sugar.

"Of course it's jam. It's not something disgusting as you may think," B answered as he piled up sugar on his coffee. He looked around for a teaspoon but can't find any.

"Can you give me a teaspoon please?" He requested of the woman in front of him and she obligingly stood up and searched for one in the countertop.

"So what are you planning to do now?" Lira asked as she handed the requested teaspoon and sat back to her place.

"Just one more person will die and it will be over for me," B answered thoughtfully.

"Meaning?" Lira asked cocking an eyebrow. This is not the first time they have discussed this matter but she was still determined to change the mind of the person before her.

"You know very well what I mean. We've already been through this several times," B replied.

"What about that detective? Misora, isn't it?" Lira asked, changing the subject.

"Well she's got her heart in the right place, but she's completely under that bastard's control," B snorted as he took another sip of his coffee and once again, reached for the sugar.

"You mean L?" Lira interjected as B dropped several cubes of sugar into his coffee.

"Don't say his name. I know that you're utterly in love with the bastard but don't say his name in front of me. I want to hate him properly," B said as he stirred his coffee.

"I think that's too much already," Lira said pointing at the mug of coffee.

"It's perfectly normal, you know," B answered sipping coffee from the mug and smiling contentedly. Lira just scowled at him and drank her coffee too.

It has been a few years now since they had left the orphanage. Lira had then been separated from L who was always accompanied by Mr. Wammy who is now known to everyone in the law enforcement line as Watari, the only person who is able to contact the famed detective L. On the other hand, Lira went under the service of an organization which allows her to follow L while working since she was given the freewill to choose which assignments to take. So far, Lira had followed the man she loves almost around the globe and now, she is in Los Angeles, California living in a condominium unit for two with her former 'son' in the orphanage, Beyond Birthday who is now the prime suspect (in L's eyes, that is) in the LABB case. It involved a series of mysterious murders of people with repeating initials.

Ever since B left The Wammy House a year after Lira and L did, he had set out to find lira and had since been living with her. He had then formulated his plan to outwit L. You see, a detective's greatest downfall is when he fails to solve a case and that's when B comes into the picture. The whole LABB case was his brilliant plan to finally put an end to all of L's greatness. L would never find out who the suspect is for B was willing to give up his own life just to give L the downfall he think he deserves and Lira knew too much of the plan already and is opposed to the end that it will bring. She loves L but she also has this maternal love for B and deciding between the two would be pure torture.

"You will be telling your dearest, of course that it is me," B said as he brought his now empty mug into the sink and began washing it. "I believe that you will be meeting him tonight," he added.

"Tell me why you are doing this," Lira asked in a serious tone as she brought her mug into the sink too and B began washing it. She walked over to the living room and picked up her coat which is hanging by the arm of the sofa and put it on. She then faced B who was standing there and looking at her.

"Just because. You must go now before it gets too dark. I will be waiting for you," B said, staring at her from head to toe.

"There is no need to wait for me. I might be late tonight," Lira said and walked over to the door.

"I wonder what my mom is doing with that boyfriend of hers when they are alone," B said in a mock thoughtful voice.

"It's none of your dirty mind's business," Lira replied and closed the door after her, leaving B, standing there, smirking in the living room.

It was a cold night that time and Lira hugged herself as she walked down the streets of Los Angeles scattered with late-night stragglers moving from one bar to another. Occasionally, she looked back to see if anyone is following her. It has been her instinct as a spy that dictates her to do this and above that, she is going to visit the world's greatest detective whose identity is unknown to the world but only to the select people whom he trusts.

A/N: I don't know if it could be called a cliffhanger….lolz….anyway, the next update will be after….uhm…I don't know exactly when…this chapter alone took me three weeks, do you know that?! Haha…I'm so slow in fanfics nowadays, so I really wanted to say sorry to those who waited. I hope you will like this sequel as much as you liked Always be…

On the next chapter: Lira visits L and reveals vital information connected to the LABB case.