Me: Chapter ten!! Oh, that was up quicker than expected!

Lucy: ...Fortunately. I thought someone was gonna kill you.

Me: Yeah, you were!!

Lucy: -puts down a chainsaw- Was not... Anyway, in case you aren't clear... which you should be by this point...

Diclonius: a human with horns who possesses vectors.

Vectors: invisible arms on the back that work like telekinesis.

Hornless Diclonius: Basically everyone in this story. They're dicloni who have lost their horns, but can still use their vectors.

Me: Please enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Elfen Lied or Yugioh GX as much as I wish I did! Enjoy... again!!

Warnings: Do not read if you don't like shonen-ai/yaoi, mild gore, swearing, spiritshipping, and stuff like that! BTW, though it may seem it there is NO character death! If anyone dies, they're my characters. Please enjoy!

READ THIS: Judai is called "Haou" in this story. he is called that because it is the codename that the Lab gave him, which also happens to be the name of his alter-ego. So if you heard Judai being called "Haou" don't get confused. Same goes for the other hornless-dicloni. They all have codenames that aren't their own. If you're confused, tell me and I'll explain it more.

READ THIS TOO: "Jehu" is the alter-ego of Johan. But he's not in here yet. You'll meet him in part three. But everyone calls Johan "Jehu" becuase that's also the name the Lab gave him.

Chapter Ten: Self Control

"That pervert!" a teenage girl yelled. She stormed home from work. Currently, it was late at night, almost morning. The girl sighed deeply and growled in her throat.

"All that fucking pervert does is look at my chest when I work there! I can't stand him!" she bellowed. The poor girl then glanced up and saw someone walking down the walkway in her direction.

It was a young male, possibly 17 years old at best. He wasn't very tall, but not super-short either. He had chocolate brown hair with a patch of orange on top. The boy was clothed in a blue shirt with white lace on it (gothic shirt XD); blue shorts, and white lace-up boots that came to his shins. The boy's head was lowered, avoiding to make eye-contant with anyone.

"W-was I speaking too loud? I hope not..." the girl whispered as she neared the boy. She slowly passed by the boy, her head lowered as well, when suddenly she heard something rush towards her.

The girl gasped when she felt something cold grasp the back of her head. The girl didn't know what was happening, but she felt her consciousness fading quickly. Moaning, the girl fell over onto the ground, unconscious.

Haou rested his head in his hand, gritting his teeth in annoyance as he continued to walk towards the Stone Steps where he could sense that Rei was. The sun started peeking out over the hills and the mountains as Haou said his message to the world.

"I can't... control my vectors... right now..."


Rei slowly pulled back from Martin with a happy look in her eyes. Martin smirked happily and went back to kissing Rei.

Rei smiled happily and kissed back. After a few moments, they pulled back and sat down on the steps. Martin wrapped his arm around Rei's shoulders and pulled her close. Rei blushed and snuggled into Martin's embrace. They both sat happily in each other's company.

But unknown to them, they were being watched from the top of the stairs.

By a pair of sad golden eyes.


Haou stared down from the middle pf the Stone Steps at Rei and Martin with sadness visible in his gold eyes. He bit his lower lip to keep from speaking. From fear that Rei would see him and her memories of him would return.

From fear that... she would hate him again.

Yes, believe it or not, the great, almighty Haou was afraid. No, not afraid, terrfied.

Terrified of this one human girl.

"Stop it! Please stop it!" a young girl with short black hair and brown eyes hollered. She had crystal tears streaming down her cheeks, and her eyes were wide with fear and pleading. She was coated in blood that didn't belong to her. Blood from others that hadn't survived.

"Did you do this to them!? Why did you do this!? I thought we were friends!!" the same girl yelled, tears begining to fall down her cheeks.

Haou bit his lip harder at the memories and squeezed his eyes shut. He slowly glanced down at Rei again. Rei and Martin were still holding each other close, sitting with their backs turned to Haou. The brunette merely watched them.

As he did, he remebered his terrible past. The one that belonged to him and Judai.

Their horrid past.


Me: Sorry for the short chapter! Part two will be up soon! Possibly later tonight! But I warn you... Part two might make ya sad.

Lucy: It will. I'm dead serious.

Me: -sticks tongue out at her-

Lucy: Ey! What did I do!?

Me: Nothing!! Ha ha ha!!

Lucy: Grrr... Review nicely please. Part two will be up soon. AIBOU!! YOU'RE FREAKING DEAD!!

Me: KYAA!! HOLY SHIT!! -runs away screaming-

Lucy: Hey! Get back here and finish this story! How are the others gonna get updated!? Aibou! Sigh... idiot. I'll go get her.