Summary: Short one-shot. Barty's trial when he decides to divulge some information- not really in character, nor accurate to the books, but I couldn't help myself! Light Regulus/Barty. First Harry Potter fic!
This was inspired by an avatar that I came across while browsing the site below. I don't know the user, so don't really feel I can ask them about using the line! (If you come across this and are annoyed- just let me know and I'll take it down.)
Site: community./potterpufffans/tag/regulus
Thanks very much!
Mr Crouch took a few deep breaths and closed his eyes, forcibly composing himself. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and raised his head. Unfortunately, his wife let out another small sob, and his defences crumbled once again. He could delay it no longer, though, so channelled his remaining strength into his voice, hoping that he sounded calmer than he felt.
"Bring him in."
The door swung open slowly and Barty Crouch, Jr. entered the dungeon, flanked by two dementors. Once seated on the grim chair facing the council, chains snaked around his wrists.
"You have been brought before the Council of Magical Law to give evidence against your fellow Death Eaters, whom you have agreed to aid our capture of."
"I know why I'm here, father." That insane grin played across his lips and he knew that he'd caught him off guard; it had been a long time since Mr Crouch had been called father, let alone thought of himself as one. Averting his eyes, the aging man cleared his throat before continuing.
"You can tell us the whereabouts of the missing Death Eaters?"
"Karkaroff's abroad. He plans to return to Durmstrang once everything's died down."
"He has been released."
"Oh, well, we all make mistakes!"
The council stirred restlessly, unnerved by the fact that the young Barty appeared not to be.
"Are there any others that you know of?"
"Rookwood took flight before he could be captured, I understand?" There was a murmur of assent from the council. "I don't know for sure, but he has connections in the north of England, in Newcastle. He may be staying there."
"We shall make inquiries. Do you know the whereabouts of any more?"
"Crabbe's brother lives in Oxford. You may want to try there- Goyle would probably have gone with him."
"Thank you."
"Is there anything else?"
"There have been rumours about the involvement of the Black's youngest son, Regulus, in recent events. Do you know him?"
"Regulus Black?" A look of sincere fondness replaced the usual sinister grin."Yeah, I so hit that!"