
Chapter 1

By AnGeLkIsSeS03

Rated: M (Mature)

Author's Note: I know it has been a long time since I have written anything new, and after reading all the reviews from Stolen Girl, I was inspired to write something brand new and full of unique experiences in which I had to think outside the box. I hope that whoever reads this story has an open mind or at least can enjoy the writing.

It was just after 6 pm when Serena met up with Ami, Lita, Mina and Rei at the Cherry Hill temple. Rei and Serena were bickering over a guy they both had a crush on when Lita interrupted them suddenly.

"Hey guys, could you chill out for just a minute?!" Lita asked impatiently. "I've got something important to show you."

Curious that it could be cookies or something sugary and sweet Serena and Rei turned their attention to Lita, completely forgetting the point at hand.

Serena blushed when she realized how fired up she was. She couldn't help it, because getting Rei mad was a constant goal of hers. Serena loved the way Rei's eyes turned passionate the second Serena started pushing her buttons. It didn't help that the guy they were arguing about had a reputation of being a total playboy.

"What have you got Lita?" Mina asked as she played with her long platinum blonde hair, twirling the silky locks around her index finger while staring at Lita's crème colored backpack.

"Well, as you know I've been seeing this guy who is a freshman at Juuban University, his friend gave me these for us to try." She said excitedly, and pulled out a large size-lock bag full of what looked like dried shitake mushrooms.

"Oh Lita, mushrooms are my favorite! Is his friend taking a cooking class or something?" Serena asked her light blue eyes wide with excitement.

"Uhhhh, Serena I don't think that those are regular mushrooms." Rei stated while rolling her eyes.

Ami took the bag from Lita studying their size and shape. "These are 'magic' mushrooms."

"Why do they call them that?" She asked absolutely dumbfounded.

"You're about to find out." Lita said, with a big smile on her face. "From what I hear, this is going to be a night to remember.

"I'm glad grandpa's training at another temple right now, so we have the whole place to ourselves." Rei informed, with a sigh of relief.

The girls each grabbed a small hand full of the mushrooms, and one by one they started eat them. Lita was first followed by Mina and Ami.

"Well, here goes nothing." Rei said and shoved them into her mouth.

Serena watched Rei chew it like popcorn and decided that she would like to find out what was so 'magical' about these supposed mushrooms. Serena chewed the mushrooms fast and swallowed them as quickly as she could. The other girls didn't seem to have any trouble with them, but Serena thought that they tasted weird.

Rei's room was decorated with black, tan, and crimson red colors. She had had a 32" Flat screen TV hanging on the wall with surrounds sound. They had started watching a movie, but Serena's head started to feel funny. She stood up excusing herself and went to the bathroom. When Serena closed the door she went to the sink to splash some cold water on her face, but she couldn't help but think.

Who was she kidding? Rei was so much prettier than her, and had amazing legs...well amazing everything. Serena had found herself looking at Rei more and more lately she didn't think much of it until now. It all seemed to make sense. As it turned out she wasn't actually jealous of Rei. Serena wanted Rei.

Rei, wasn't able to focus on watching the movie, despite the fact that she had never seen it before. It just wasn't keeping her attention. She kept looking to the hallway waiting for Serena to come back and join them. Rei worried that she would freak out, being alone in the bathroom.

"I'll be right back girls, I'm going to check on something." Rei announced.

Rei walked down the hall way, which was dimly lit by vanilla candles. She loved that smell, and sometimes it made her body ache with need.

Dim light shown through the underside of the door, she heard the facet turn off and expected serena to come out. After waiting a moment longer she grew impatient and knocked then entered.

"Serena, are you ok? We're all waiting for….." Rei's face turned bright red when her gaze landed upon Serena whom was in her spa bath with only water and bubbles covering her beautiful body. Serena's long golden hair was spread out covering her shoulders and cascading down into the water.

More white candles lined the counters and tiled floors, and the light danced in Serena's seductive eyes as she was not embarrassed or surprised to see Rei. It was as if she were expecting the raven-haired girl to find her at that exact moment.

Serena's head was spinning, her body felt comfortably numb in the bath water which warmed her skin felt like hands running along the length of her body. All these sensations were too much, and she couldn't help herself anymore. Serena's mind kept taking her in places she had dared not to think before and her body was eager to explore.

Looking at Rei, she knew she wanted those soft pink lips all over her body. Never mind that guy, Rei was all she needed right now.

"I want you, I've always wanted you." Serena said shamelessly to Rei.

"Serena,…are you sure that isn't the mushrooms talking?" Rei asked sheepishly, but deep down she felt alive with anticipation.

"I've never been so than I am right now. I just don't know why I couldn't see it before." Serena replied as she stood up slowly out of the water; Bubbles clinging to her smooth pale skin, revealing just enough to make Rei's knee's tremble.