Author's Note: This story deals explicitly with the rishta (relationship) between Rogue and Gambit. I've placed the story a few months after Gambit's Trial (Uncanny X-Men #350). This is BEFORE Rogue lost her powers and BEFORE she and Gambit actually had a real relationship. Like so many comicbook lovers, I'm assuming for this story that Rogue and Gambit shared a physical union in the Cell he was kept in during the trial. I've attempted to post this story TWICE before, but each time had complications with my account and was never able to make it to the finish line! If you're reading this story for the second/third time, THANK YOU for returning! I've added a few new segments throughout! If you're reading for the first time, THANK YOU for giving me a shot. ^_^

Some characters are out of place, but I'm hoping you'll forgive me for that.

Author's Note (June 2020): If you are reading this story, then I whole-heartedly THANK YOU! I just recently returned to writing FanFic, and as one does after a long hiatus, I re-read this story and realized it was in much need of a solid edit. I will NOT be taking out whole sections or editing the actual plot (this is NOT a re-write) because I want to maintain the integrity of my first ever FanFic. Instead, I'm just cleaning up a few errors and clarifying a few confusing bits. I'm just giving this ol' story a bit of freshening up. You will know that I've edited a chapter when you see this symbol on top of the chapter title = [-X-]

I have also left in most of my original ANs. I've also added new ANs where applicable (see example above).

Thank you again for reading. I appreciate you.


Chapter #1: Prologue

Four Years Ago…

When two people meet, a relationship is instantly thrust into existence. It can last as fleetingly as that first encounter, or thrive for years with unbent determination. In either case, the power within the relationship stems from the involvement of the two individuals.

And the bond that ties them together.

As the man walked casually down the street, his brown trench coat waving behind his sultry stride, he considered the new relationship he had formed just a few days ago. It was a fleeting encounter, but he had decided then and there that he would nurture this relationship. Did he believe in love at first sight? Hmm… does anyone before it actually happens?

He pulled open a glass door and walked into a brightly lit shop.

Today, he was a believer.

The lady at the counter did a double-take upon seeing him enter. It wasn't often that a tall, russet haired man with strange, penetrating eyes entered the Jewelry Shop. His confident stride and alluring smile made her breathless at first glance.

To her delight, he walked directly towards her and leaned against the glass counter that separated them. Incased within the glass counter were some of the most beautifully cut diamonds on the market.

'Uhh… how can I help you, sir?' She tried to keep her voice calm, but his roving eyes were doing a number on her composure.

'I want a ring.'

His voice was deep, and there was the slightest hint of an accent lurking at the edge of his words.

'Are you looking for something specifically?' She hoped he would say he wanted a ring for his mother.

'I'm looking for an engagement ring.'

Damn. Her expression changed from rapt attention to disappointment. The handsome man was taken. Of course.

The process took hours. She pulled out different designs, different rocks, and different cuts. The man was very precise and very picky. He seemed to know his jewelry well. Seeing the curious expression on her face, he jokingly said that he would pay this time.

If he hadn't been so charming, she would have sounded the alarm.

In the end, the man decided on a simple, delicately designed band with a large, sunflower cut emerald. The woman behind the counter wrapped it with jealous fingers.

'You have one lucky girlfriend there, sir.'

He smirked. 'Non, no girlfriend. Not yet.'

She raised a brow as she penned out his receipt. He was paying the entire sum in cash.


'I met someone. A few days ago.' He pulled out a roll of bills from an inside pocket and handed it to her without counting them. 'I've got de new gig now, and she be hanging out dere, too.'

The woman behind the counter looked stunned, and he wasn't quite sure if this was because of the money now in her hands, or because of the fact that he had just bought a ring for someone he had just met.

'You met her a few days ago and you're going to propose already?!'

The man chuckled, taking the boxed ring from her. 'Non, not yet. De game hasn't even started.'

She raised a brow. 'And you know for sure she'll say yes in the end?'

He flashed her a dazzling smile. 'That be de gamble, petite. All I know is she be de one.'

She stared at him, flabbergasted.

He dropped the ring into his coat pocket, gave her a wink, and sauntered out of the shop.

Did he believe in love at first sight?
