A/N:This is quite embarrassing...I can't believe I haven't updated this story in what 2 years? I...am the most laziest author -_-'' cuz apparently I can't even update a story that contains 2 chapters. Ah well, at least this chapter has been revised to my satisfaction. I'm not even gonna think about revising chapter 2. It looks ok to me anyways, so yeah.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hunter X Hunter. They belong to Togashi.

"PHINXXXXX! Get out of my room! My room! Mine! ! GEEEEEEETTTTTTTT OOUUUUTTTT!" At this point, Kihori was throwing tantrum at the wall. It wasn't the most sanitary wall, but it wasn't the most unsanitary either. "GET OUT!" And nowww...she's rolling back and forth on the floor. Again, not the most sanitary, but not the most unsanitary either.

"Okay, okay. I'll get out just calm the fu- WILL YOU STOP THAT?" Phinx shrieked.

Kihori just stared at Phinx, beach ball at hand. It was kinda fun throwing the goddamn ball in his head and watch it bounce off into another direction. Where she got the ball, she had no idea. When she had started throwing it, she had no idea either. Kihori's brain started functioning again as soon as she had remembered why she had been throwing the ball; never mind the fact that she had just forgotten what it was all about for a split second.

Phinx and Kihori stared at each other for a few passing moments. Then...she threw the air-occupied object square in his face for one last time and said, "Get out."

Phinx held his hands up in the air, a gesture of resignation. He strided to the door slowly, face still turned to Kihori's, a wicked smile dancing in his eyes, though his lips were pursed tightly to keep himself from laughing.

Kihori just narrowed her eyes and made the infamous gesture of "I'm watching you..." to her older brother. As soon as he closed the door, Kihori quickly scrambled to her feet and dashed off to check her possessions. Hmmmm...nothing appears to be missing...ah well, no point losing some sleep over it. Kihori closed her eyes and fell in a deep slumber. If she had dreamed of something that night, she couldn't remember.

Stretching in the morning is a good feeling. Wait a minute, is that even a feeling? Kihori stretched her arm and then flexed it. Then, stretched it again. Well... I can FEEL myself stretching, but it still doesn't seem like a feeling...but if you can feel pain...it's called the feel of pain-no, wait! It's the feeling of pain..so...is there such a thing as feeling of stretch? Wait...whuuuh?

The young gal clutched her head to stay awake. Deciding that it wasn't enough, she slapped both of her cheeks at the same time.

Much better.

Kihori looked at her surroundings. She can tell from the perspective she was viewing her room that she was lying on the ground; she had fallen asleep on the floor. Not that it mattered to her. After all, it had been done on many occasions. It wasn't something unusual to her. She stretched one more time and headed out.

She skipped around piles of garbage, whistling along the way without any care. Along with the whistling was the song she was singing in her head.

Today is a good day with chips in a basket you can just lay...Lalalalala ^-^ There is NO effin way this day is going to be ruined...

"….he's eyes are filled with gold and looked like a Greek god…."

Kihori stopped dead in her tracks with her ears perked up. Now, what was that she heard? It sounds familiar. In fact too familiar...

"….oh, how I love him, but he never even looked at me…"

Kihori narrowed her eyes in suspicion and tip-toed to the direction of the voice. The words and the voice sounded familiar, but she just couldn't place her fingers on them.

"…..he's so gorgeous and cute!" Laughter followed.

No. Freakin'. Way. that was the only thought that came out of Kihori's head as soon as she saw the owner of the voice, who was none other than her idiotic brother, Phinx. He was holding her diary and was reading its contents to his companions. What an asshole!

"Phinx, you jerkkkkk!" she shrieked, lunging both for Phinx and her diary.

Phinx easily dodged her attack. He just laughed. She lunged herself once more towards Phinx to grab the notebook. Again, he dodged, but this time, he threw her diary to one of his friends. Kihori ran for her diary as Phinx's companions threw her diary to one another, keeping it out of her reach while laughing at her while she tried to make a grab for her diary with no , she smacked Phinx in the face and walked away in a huff.

That bastard! she thought. I'm going to make him sorry! I WILL get my revenge. You just wait. I'll even make you eat dog shit if I have to.

Kihori went to her room and started scheming her ahem.. so called 'revenge'. The more she thought about the idea, the better it sounded.

Just wait, Phinx. I will get my revenge. You will be so humiliated, you'll never forget it! Bwahahahahaahahaaaaaa!

And so…..Kihori devises her scheme, while losing some of her sanity as well…..

A/N:Yes! Finished this one. I only need to write CH.3 order to finish this story. So, whaddya guys think?

I'm thinking of giving myself a pat in the back for reaching the goal that I have set two years back *cough cough* I wonder why.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed it. It's amazing how much improvement this chapter got. It really sucked before XD