I know it's been a really long time since I've updated this, but I'm updating it now so . . . YAY! Thank you to all who reviewed the first chapter! YOU ROCK DUDES!

I own nothing. The Almighty Larson owns it all.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Marky, happy birthday to you!" Benny, Roger, and Collins sang.

"How many times are you guys gonna sing that?" Mark asked.

"How many times have we sang it already?" Roger replied.

"Three times."

"Well, let's make it an even four!" Collins exclaimed. "One more time now!"

"NO!" Mark pleaded.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Marky, happy birthday to you!" Benny, Roger, and Collins sang for the fourth time.

"And many mooooooooooooooooooooore!" Collins added.

"You guys done now?" Mark asked.

"Yup!" Benny said.

"Now, let's light the candle," Roger said as he did so. "Make a wish." Mark thought for a moment.

"Let's see," he began, "I don't live with my parents, I have three best and amazing friends, I can film whenever I want, my mom doesn't nag me everyday, hmm . . ." Mark thought a bit more before finally blowing the candle out.

"What'd you wish for? A date?" Benny asked, chuckling.

"Leave the boy alone," Collins scolded.

"I just wanted to know what he wished for."

"If he tells you, it won't come true," Roger said. "Moving on now. Hey Collins, where's the box?"

"Oh yeah!" Collins said in realization. "I'll be right back!" He then ran to his room again. He returned two minutes later carrying a rather large box wrapped in wrapping paper that said "Happy Birthday" all over it. "This was all my idea and very hard to pay for, so I hope you like it." Benny rolled his eyes. "Okay, Benny chipped in a lil' somethin' somethin' to pay for it."

"'A lil' somethin' somethin'?'" Benny repeated. "If it wasn't for me, that thing wouldn't be here."

"And by that he means if it wasn't for his rich ass girlfriend, you wouldn't have a present," Roger cut in. "I helped with that thing too, you know."

"Alright, I came up with the idea, Benny financed it, and Roger . . . um . . . helped me get it up the stairs and wrap it," Collins said.

"What exactly is in the box, Collins?" Mark asked.

"It's your present dude," Roger said.

"I know that, but it's so . . . big."

"Great observation," Benny commented sarcastically. "And if you keep lookin' at it, you'll notice the paper says 'Happy Birthday' all over it."

"If I wasn't holdin' this box, I'd smack you," Collins said.


"I told you to leave him alone." Collins put the box down on the counter. "Alright, Mark, open it." Mark reached for the box, but pulled his hand back. "What's the matter?"

"I know you Collins," Mark said. "You probably did something to it."

"No I didn't. I thought about it, but I didn't. Now, open it."

"How do I know it won't explode after I open it?"

"You're just gonna have to trust me."

"Trust you?" Benny said. "Mark, if you value your life, don't open it!" Collins smacked Benny in the back of his head. "What the hell was that for!?"

"I'm not holdin' the box anymore," Collins said smiling. Mark chuckled and tore the wrapping paper off the box. Then he hesitated before opening the box and looking inside it.

"Holy. Shit," he said, his eyes widening as he looked at his present. "You guys got me a projector?"

"Yup," Collins said. "Do you love it?"

"Yes I love it!"

"I told you guys it was a good idea. Now, pay up."

"Fine," Roger said, pulling a ten dollar bill out of his pocket and giving it to Collins.

"This is the last time I bet against you," Benny said, giving Collins ten dollars as well. Mark was too busy staring at his new projector to even notice the small bet going on.

"So, you gonna take it out of the box?" Roger asked Mark, who was still in shock.

"No," Mark replied. "I'm gonna leave it in the box until I finish my movie."

"Are you even aware of how long you've been working on that movie?" Benny asked. "By the time you finish it-"

"Stop tryna crush the boy's dreams, Benny," Collins interrupted. "I already gotta kick your ass for callin' me Thomas. Don't make me have to add makin' Mark feel bad to that list." Benny mumbled something under his breath. "Oh yeah. I got you somethin' else, Mark."

"What could be better than a projector?" Mark asked, still admiring the piece of equipment.

"I got you a date." Benny started laughing. "What's so funny?"

"He's gonna go on a date with one of your friends?" Benny asked, chuckling.

"Yeah." Benny laughed again. "What the hell are you laughin' at?"

"I'm pretty sure he won't be interested." Benny continued to laugh.

"What makes you think that? Mo's nice." Benny laughed harder. "Shut up or I'll shut you up!" Benny's laughter died down, but he continued to chuckle.

"Uh, Collins?" Mark said. "He might be right."

"What're you talkin' about? You haven't even met-"

"I know," Mark interrupted. "But you setting me up on a date is sort of . . . no offense, but it's-" There was a knock at the door.

"That's gotta be Mo!" Collins said excitedly as he ran to the door.

"Collins, I'm sure this Mo person is nice, but I really don't wanna go on a date with-" Collins opened the door and a girl with curly dark brown hair walked into the loft. Mark's eyes widened and Benny's chuckles stopped. The brunette was smiling from ear to ear and wearing red leather pants and boots with a tank-top to match.

"Mo!" Collins exclaimed, hugging the girl before walking her over to his three roommates. "Everybody, this is Maureen Johnson. Maureen, this is Benny, Roger, and-"

"You must be Mark," Maureen interrupted, smiling at Mark, who gave a slight nod. Maureen turned to Collins. "You were right. He is cute."

"I know what you like," Collins replied. Benny started to laugh again. "What is it now?"

"You described Mark as 'cute?'" Benny asked, still laughing.

"Yeah, so?"

"You think Mark is cute!" Benny laughed harder.

"Well, I'm gay so I can get away with it, but what's your excuse?" Benny stopped laughing and glared at Collins. "I knew I'd get you to shut up somehow. Anyway, what do you think, Mark?"

"Um . . . can I talk to you in private, Collins?" Mark asked.

"Sure." Collins followed Mark to his room and sat on his bed while watching him close the door. "So, what'd you wanna talk abo-" Mark trapped Collins in a hug before he could finish his question.

"I love you!" Mark exclaimed.

"Um . . . that's nice to know. Does your love for me have anything to do with why you didn't wanna go out with Mo?" Mark stopped hugging his friend.

"Not like that! I meant, I love you for getting me a date with Maureen."

"Oh, okay. Uh, can I ask why you didn't wanna go out with Mo before?"

"You called her 'Mo.'"

"So? I always call her 'Mo.'"

"Well . . . 'Mo' sounds like a guy's name to me and-"

"Oh my God!" Collins started to laugh. "You thought I set you up on a date with a guy?"

"Um . . . yeah."

"Damn, Mark, you obviously don't know me."

"Obviously." Collins stood up and started going through Mark's closet. "What're you doing?"

"I gotta find you somethin' to wear for your date. Unless you're plannin' on wearin' your underwear." Mark looked down and immediately blushed. He had forgotten he was only in his boxers and a t-shirt.

"Maureen saw me in my underwear!?" he asked in panicked tone.

"Calm down, man," Collins told him, continuing to rummage through the closet. "She still wants to go out with you, so there's nothin' to worry about. Now, help me find you somethin' to wear."

WOOT! I have updated! Review please.