My disenchantment with Dasey continues to escalate at an increasingly alarming pace. That being said, you will find that this is a complete chapter of MioL snippets, dealing with second generation characters. I long since threw out the rule of stopping when the song was over, but these are the first ten songs that came up. One of the four dreaded songs on my iPod reared its ugly head. Can you guess which one it is?

Song One: You Belong to Me - Jason Wade (Lead Singer of Lifehouse)

Whitney had dreaded Monday since her daddy had burst into the hotel room and dragged her out. The weekend had been horrible, but at least Jenna had let her borrow her phone and she had been able to talk to Cam. But now, as she walked down the hall and saw him standing at the locker with his friends, knowing that she wasn't allowed to walk over and touch him or talk to him, it killed her. She saw him glance her way and smile and she smiled back, though the lump in her throat was growing increasingly large and the tears in her eyes were blurring her vision.

She managed to make it to her locker and when she got there, she saw a brown manila envelope taped to the door, with her name written on the front in Cam's scrawl. She quickly pulled it off and looked inside, pulling out a letter and a DVD, she quickly began to read:

Dear Whit:

I'm so sorry I caused all this. I should have never asked you to do something like that, but please know, it's only because I can't stand being away from you, but now, I've really messed that up, haven't I?

So, since I'm now confined to the house for the next seven weeks, I had a lot of time on my hands yesterday. Of course my mind was completely on you and I wanted a way to say I'm sorry. So Addie helped me come up with some of your favorite songs and then she held the camera while I sang and played them.

It's definitely not studio quality, but when you watch it, please remember that it's from my heart. So hopefully they'll help you get through this until we can be together again. Just please, don't find someone else, my heart couldn't take it. I love you so much. Remember, until we can be together again, you belong to me.


(This takes place during the next chapter, the first day back at school after the hotel fiasco. As a side note, this is the song I almost had D-Rock sing at the family wedding of Dasey in the flashback of "Through Darkness Comes the Light"; instead I went with "I Could Not Ask for More")

Song Two: The New Girl in Town – Hairspray Soundtrack

Piper had no way of knowing it, but the day after their first date, when their picture had been plastered in every major paper and tabloid in New York, the hearts of nearly every starlet, model and average girl there broke. Gage was the top catch in the city and everyone knew it. To be the girl on his arm gave immediate notoriety and privilege.

So technically, she was the most hated girl in New York City and she didn't even know it. See that was the deal, to her, she had gone out with Gage Venturi. To everyone else, she had gone out with Gage Venturi, starting quarterback for the New York Giants and one of People Magazine's most eligible bachelors. But those things were lost on her because all she could see was a young man with an amazing heart and a love for his family. And as someone who craved the love of a family, she found this completely endearing and utterly amazing.

So while unknowing to her, tens of thousands of girls coveted her place in the photograph beside Gage, she coveted the fact that he found something in her worthy of being in the photograph at all. Gage Venturi was an amazing man, and it didn't have one thing to do with the fact that he was deemed magazine worthy at all.

(Piper's thoughts after their first date, which should be coming up soon. There's a line in there that gives you a little insight to her history too.)

Song Three: I Don't Want To Be – Gavin DeGraw (Theme from the amazing OTH)

Almost everyone expected something from him. They expected him to be a certain way or to do certain things. But he refused to be that man.

He had grown up with a dad who was every bit as popular and news worthy as he was now, and he had never once saw his dad be anything other than completely genuine and true to himself and he carried that around with him as an example as to how to handle all the celebrity.

That's why he kept himself from becoming too close to others. He was never certain who wanted to truly befriend him and who just wanted to come along for the ride. So, he stuck with the tried and true people, the ones who had been with him since the beginning, which meant that his immediate circle consisted of his family and Jordan.

So while everyone around him was pushing him to be this person or that person, to act a certain way or to do certain things, he resisted whole heartedly. He would continue to be true to himself and if other's didn't like it, well that was just tough, because he refused to be anyone other than who he truly was. After all, he was the son of Derek Venturi and he had been taught well.

(Gage's thoughts on sudden fame.)

Song Four: Stand Still and Look Pretty – The Wreckers

Jenna hated the way everyone looked at her life and just assumed that it was perfect. To them, she lived a charmed life with no problems and of course, the rational part of her knew that there were so many other's out there with problems worse than her own. But the other part of her, the part that she couldn't control, no matter how hard she tried, dwelled on things that absolutely drove her crazy about herself.

She was slowly coming apart at the seams and she just wished that all those people who thought her life was so perfect could just walk in her shoes for a day. Then maybe they'd feel the incredible pressure she put on herself to be perfect and to live up to everyone's pre-conceived notions about her. All they saw when they looked at her was a pretty face who didn't seem to have a care in the world, but to her, when she looked in the mirror, all she saw was every little possible thing that could conceivably be seen as a fault. She could spend literally hours staring in the mirror, finding every flaw, rather real or imagined.

So, the rational part of her knew that there were people with problems out there, problems that she would be lucky to never have to encounter, but still, the other part of her, the part that would lie in bed and be consumed with thoughts of every little imperfection and every flaw, would grappled with how to remove them. She couldn't believe her life had come to this, but she was powerless as to how to change it.

So, she hid it as best as she could, and she did what everyone expected her to do, she just stood there and looked pretty.

(Pre-MioL – Jenna dealing with her eating disorder and the feeling of powerlessness that would overcome her as she wondered how she ever got to that point.)

Song Five: The Best Thing – Relient K

He couldn't see past the hurt of missing his first season in the NHL. He had worked his entire life for it and to have it ripped from him because of a stupid injury that he could have prevented, haunted him. Then add to it the fact that his mom had been merciless in her criticism of him and his choices and he was basically beside himself.

So when Derek had called and offered the coaching job, he had jumped at it. He would have been lost that year, without hockey and couldn't imagine what he would have done without Derek's offer. So he'd gone back to London, back home to the Venturi's. A place that would always seem more like home to him than any place his mom was.

And then it happened, the best thing in world. He'd found Jenna. Through one of the most miserable times in his life, he'd found what would become the best thing that would ever happen. He found the love of his life and his soul mate. And the best thing about it was that she loved him because he was Jordan. Not because of who he was or who he would be becoming when he put on that Ranger's uniform next season.

The most amazing thing was that it was happening to both of them. They were experiencing this together for the first time. He could see it in her eyes and he knew that everything he was feeling, she was feeling too. They were falling hard and fast and he loved every minute of it. To have someone to love him for him, and not because of who he was or what he did, which even his mother couldn't seem to do, made it that much better. It was absolutely the best thing that could be happening, and to know that it was happening to them together, made it absolutely perfect.

(Jordan's thoughts at the very beginning of the Jitsy relationship.)

Song Six: What I Like About You – The Romantics

Addie opened her locker and the envelope fell to the ground. Picking it up, she opened it and began to read. Ian watched the whole thing from around the corner and smiled when he saw the grin cover her face.

He hadn't had enough guts to sign his name to it and in fact, had typed it because he was almost certain that she would recognize his handwriting. But still, he wanted her to know how special she was. Whitney had been getting so much attention lately with the whole modeling thing and then she was spending so much time with Cam that he knew Addie was feeling left out and neglected and that killed him.

Addie was beautiful and smart and funny and sweet and sincere and all the things that made him like her, but he knew that she sometimes didn't see it. She felt like she was in the shadows and he wanted her to have enough confidence to step out and take her rightful place.

So he had typed up a list of all the things he liked about her and had put them in her locker, just as a reminder to her that she was special and unique and that she should never doubt that for a minute. So even if he hadn't signed his name and he wouldn't get the hug that might have come with doing so, he still was able to stand there with a sense of pride and satisfaction, because the look of joy that was on her face right now, was completely worth everything to him.

(Could have happened previously in MioL, but more than likely, on down the road, because I'm hoping to explore Addian (Addie/Ian) at some point.)

Song Seven: My Secret – New Edition

It was probably one of the worst kept secrets around, the feelings he had developed for Whitney. And of course, it was just his luck that he had developed them at the exact same time that she had decided to take up with that idiot John Tyler.

Those in the know, kept asking why he just didn't come right out and tell her, why he continued to let her be with someone as conniving and manipulative as John, and he really didn't have an answer.

He had tried to tell her that one time, when he had horned in on their first date, but that had turned out so badly that he didn't want to risk being banned from her life forever. And then he'd finally gotten back in her good graces and managed to screw up again.

He had just about lost it after the fight where she told him not to worry about the play because it was off. He was totally panicked because he knew that was his one in with her, when they had to practice their scenes as Troy and Gabriella.

But finally John had pushed him to the limit, and he had exploded, sending John to the hospital for stitches in the process. And when she had found him and been so angry, when she asked him why, he couldn't hold it in anymore. He had thought it was so obvious and had told her as much, but finally he had to spill. He had to spill the secret that he had been keeping from her and it felt so good, when he didn't even have to finish telling it, before she had her lips on his and she finally got it, his secret.

(Takes place the day Citney finally got together.)

Song eight: I Think We're Alone Now – Tiffany

The relationship was all consuming. It was new and exciting and exhilarating and all those things that new relationships are. But it had one draw back, the fact that they had to hide it from Derek and Casey. Jordan hated that part.

He was head over heels crazy about Jenna and he wanted everyone to know it, but he just wasn't ready yet, didn't have the nerve, to tell them. And it had nothing to do with being ashamed or anything to do with her age; it was the fact that he feared Derek's reaction to the news. He was scared to death that the one thing that made him truly happy could be snatched away in an instant.

Jenna was everything to him, but Derek and Casey meant so much too. They were the family he'd never had, or at least hadn't had since his Dad died. When his dad died, he lost that unconditional love between a parent and a child and the only place he found it was with the Venturi's. His mother was always expecting something from him, there were always conditions, but with Derek and Casey, they just loved him for who he was.

And so as much as he hated it, for now, he and Jenna would have to continue to hide and look forward to those times when no one else was around and they were alone.

(Jordan's thoughts the first week or two after he and Jenna got together.)

Song Nine: Kung Foo Fighting – Carl Douglass

No one outside the family knew it, but deep in the back of Jenna and Whitney's closets hung a coat hanger with belts. They weren't Gucci or Prada or any of the designers you'd expect to be hanging there, though there were plenty of those to be found too.

No, these were a rainbow of colors consisting of yellow, purple, blue and green. Along with their dance classes and other activities Derek had made sure that his daughter's had been enrolled in Karate class. When Gage had shown an interest, Derek had taken the girls right along with him. He knew it was an ugly, mean world out there and he wanted his girls to be prepared. Even though they were young at the time, he knew there would come a point in time when he wouldn't always be there to protect them and he wanted to know that they could take care of themselves.

So they had progressed steadily and had achieved great success, but finally they had come to him and told him that they'd had enough. They could take care of themselves and Jenna had informed him that she was tired of breaking nails and that all that was left were brown and black belts and that they were ugly.

So he'd let them quit, though he hated too. But he at least had the knowledge that they could now better take care of themselves and at least put up a fight.

Song Ten: Walking on Sunshine – Katrina and the Waves

Whitney was by nature a happy person. She loved life and lived it to the fullest. She marched to the beat of her own drummer, despite the insistence of her sister that she needed to care more about things that mattered, well mattered to Jenna anyway. But still, she found joy in her music and dancing, not in cheering, popularity, or boys.

But then along came the boy, the boy of her dreams. And suddenly the world became a little brighter and her life became even better. She had spent her whole life wanting Cam, really she had. She couldn't remember a time that she didn't know Cameron and in turn, she couldn't remember a time when she wasn't totally wrapped up in him.

So when he had finally returned the feeling, it was amazing. But when he had finally said those three little words that she had been dying to hear, it was beyond anything she had ever hoped for or could have ever imagined. To say it felt good, was the understatement of the century.

(Whitney's thoughts in New York, right after Cam confesses his love for her for the first time.)

So there it is. I'm not sure how many of you read it since it only dealt with second generation MioL and for once I'm not even worried about reviews.

I was very disappointed with the response that the last chapter of MioL got, because it happens to be one of my favorites. So I decided that I was just going to do this for me and if you happen to like it too, well then that's just an added bonus.