Tomoyo's Desire

Chapter 10: My Girlfriend's Girlfriend

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I DO NOT own "Card Captor Sakura." The original characters are property of CLAMP! Gotta Love CLAMP! They are AMAZING!! However, I do claim the rights to this story idea and any characters that are of my own creation.

Also, I took the scenes from the Manga, Vol. 2 at the end of Chapter 2 when Tomoyo first confesses her love for Sakura, but Sakura misunderstood her confession to only mean she loved her as a friend. I cut and pasted them together onto one page and uploaded it into my DeviantArt account. If you would like to check it out, my DA URL is on my profile.

It was Monday morning and Sakura went about her morning routine in a daze. She had gotten out of bed at 5:00 in the morning, unsure if she had managed to sleep at all. Touya and Yukito were already awake and making breakfast. They would be leaving soon to catch the bullet train back to Tokyo. "Ohayo," she greeted then and sat at the dining room table.

After Tomoyo had left last night, Syaoran was waiting for her back at the front door. "Want to go for a walk?" He asked, seeing that she needed some time to sort through her thoughts. Sakura nodded and together they walked, hand in hand, down the street in silence. When they came to the bridge overlooking the river Sakura stopped and leaned against the railing. Syaoran leaned back against the railing beside her.

"I don't know what I should do," Sakura spoke suddenly, breaking the silence. She held the locket against her chest as she stared down at the running water below.

,p"Well," Syaoran spoke after a moment. "I can't tell you what you should or shouldn't do."

"Demo, but!" Sakura exclaimed, sounding panicked, as she pushed herself away from the railing to look at him. "I am so confused."

"Not about me, I hope," Syaoran said with a wink as he reached out to pull her to him.

"No, never!" Sakura exclaimed with wide eyes. Would he really think that she didn't love him anymore if she responded to Tomoyo's feelings?

Syaoran smiled and caressed her cheek. "I'm only teasing you," he told her. Sakura pouted up at him and he bent to take her lips with his. "I want you, Sakura. I've wanted you all day, I can hardly stand it any longer."

"Why are you up so early, Kaiju, monster?" Touya's voice brought her out of her thoughts. She knew that he was teasing her. His little nickname had somehow become one of endearment throughout the years. He placed a plate of breakfast in front of her and sat across from her at the table. "You were out pretty late with that Gaki, brat," he concluded, using the nickname for Syaoran much in the same way that he used his nickname for her.

Sakura's cheeks flushed at her memories of her time with Syaoran after the party. He had managed to calm her and ease her insecurities. It was after midnight by the time he escorted her home.

"Now, Touya, you can't scold her. After all, she is 18," Yukito reminded as he sat down at the table beside Touya with his own breakfast.

"It's still a school night," Touya stated. "It doesn't look like she's slept at all."

"I just have a lot on my mind," Sakura explained. After Syaoran brought her back home Sakura hadn't been able to sleep. Syaoran had told her that no matter what she decided he would stand beside her, and that he couldn't see any problem if she felt anything more than friendship towards Tomoyo. However, she really wasn't sure what she thought about Tomoyo. Tomoyo had been her best friend for 10 years. Of course she loved her, as a friend, but was what Yukito had explained to her possible? That she could have more than one most important person in her life? It is true that there were more than a few times that she wouldn't have known what to do if Tomoyo hadn't been by her side.

Again she was startled out of her thoughts by Touya, who had just poked her in the forehead and was now staring at her intensely. "N….nani?" She questioned, raising her hands to her forehead. His poke had hurt.

"What exactly do you have on your mind, it looks pretty serious," Touya questioned, his gaze boring through her. "You're not pregnant are you?"

"Nani!?" Sakura exclaimed with wide eyes. "No! O….Nii….CHAN!" She yelled at him, holding her fork as though she might stab him.

"She's not a child anymore, Touya." Yukito stated, placing a hand on Touya's arm. "There are some things that she would like to keep to herself."

Touya narrowed his eyes and turned to Yukito, "But I'm sure you know, right?" Yukito broke eye contact. "You are one of her guardians, after all. I'll just have to trust that it isn't anything serious." Touya concluded with a sigh and went back to finishing his breakfast.

Not long after that Fujitaka came down for breakfast. Yukito was helping Sakura with the breakfast dishes when he asked, "have you sorted everything out? Do you know what you are going to do?"

Sakura let out a heavy sigh as she washed the last plate and handed it to Yukito to rinse. "I don't know, Yuki," She said, having adopted her brother's nickname for him. "I understand Syaoran's position, now I guess that I am just struggling with my own feelings.

Yukito placed the plate into the dish drainer and smiled at her. "Just follow your heart."

It was now nearly 6:00 in the morning. Fujitaka was planning on leaving with Touya and Yukito for the train station. After saying their goodbyes Sakura returned up the stairs and decided to shower and change. Kero was still asleep in his desk drawer, having stayed up most of the night worrying over his master's melancholy mood.

When it was time to leave for school, Sakura took her time walking. She still didn't know what she would say to Tomoyo. Knowing how Tomoyo felt about her, and how Tomoyo had felt about her all this time, Sakura wasn't sure that she could act "normal." Unconsciously her hand came to the star locket that hung around her neck. Would it really be okay to say that she loved two people, her fiancé and her best friend?

Before she knew it she was standing under the Maple tree where the three of them always met. A glance at her watch told her that it was still a bit early. She sat under the tree and absently watched as other students walked by. A few said hello and told her good morning, but she wasn't paying much attention to who they were. She responded to them out of habit.

"Ohayo," Syaoran peeked around the trunk of the tree to great her. "Were you waiting for me?"

Sakura jumped to her feel and tackled him. "I'm always waiting for you," she told him as he caught her around the waist.

"You didn't sleep well?" Syaoran asked, noting the dark circles under her eyes.

Sakura shook her head to indicate that she hadn't and laid her head again his chest. She had nearly fallen asleep while sitting under the tree. She closed her eyes and listen to his heart beat, thinking that she wouldn't have any problem falling asleep now, if only class wouldn't be starting soon.

"Isn't Tomoyo-chan here yet?" Syaoran asked, keeping his hold around his girlfriend's waist. Tomoyo was usually here by the time that he arrived.

"Humm?" Sakura asked, pulling away slightly. She couldn't make out what he had said because of the echoing sound his voice made throughout his chest.

"Tomoyo-chan? Was she here already?" Syaoran repeated.

Sakura blinked as his words registered in her mind. "What time is it?" She then asked, as she looked at her watch. Tomoyo was late. "Could she have gone to class already?"

"Do you want to go see?" Syaoran asked, unsure if by chance they were avoiding one another.

Sakura thought for a moment but then took his hand to pull him away from the Maple tree. "She said that no matter what we would always be friends, she better not go back on her word," Sakura found herself saying.

Syaoran allowed her to pull him towards the school, where they checked in their class for Tomoyo only to find that she wasn't there. They had 5 minutes before class would start. Tomoyo was usually there at least 15 minutes early.

"This is strange," Sakura said, dropping her bag down beside her desk.

"Shall we look for her?" Syaoran asked. "She might be at the tree now."

Sakura nodded and sprinted out the door with Syaoran close behind.

"Don't run in the halls," Someone called after them, but there wasn't any time to slow down. Sakura skidded to a halt out the front entry of the school. The Maple tree was in clear view, but no one was there.

Sakura was about to turn around and walk back into the school when Syaoran pointed off to the other direction.

There Tomoyo was, and blocking her path was…..Fujamia Keiji. Immediately, Sakura sprinted off into their direction.

"You are going to make us late, Fujamia-san," Tomoyo was saying when Sakura came within hearing range.

"I won't give up so easily, Daidōji-san," Fujamia told her.

Sakura slowed down and walked past Fujamia, purposely bumping into him as she passed. Syaoran stood behind him and was about to speak but found that Sakura was about to handle the situation in her own way.

Sakura approached Tomoyo, but rather then put an arm around Tomoyo's shoulders like she normally would to lead her away from the situation as Syaoran took care of the source of the problem, Sakura gently caressed Tomoyo's cheek.

Fujamia watched in shock as Sakura then reached for Tomoyo's hand with her free arm and pulled Tomoyo closer until their lips met. Sakura's hand slid form Tomoyo's cheek to the back of Tomoyo's head as she purposely deepened the kiss for show.

When Sakura pulled away she found herself gazing into Tomoyo's eyes, which shown with tears. Sakura then spun around to face Fujamia. "Didn't she tell you that you aren't her type? Do you get it now? From now on, leave MY girlfriend ALONE!" She spat at him. As if on cue, Syaoran stepped around Fujamia and took Sakura's other hand, which she was holding out for him to take. The trio then walked away together, leaving Fujamia to stare after them with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.

"Are you okay, Tomoyo-chan?" Sakura asked as she squeezed her hand reassuringly.

Tomoyo nodded and stopped walking to look at Sakura. "I'm just so happy!" Tomoyo exclaimed with tears of joy and pounced suddenly onto Sakura with a hug, knocking Sakura back to be caught by Syaoran who steadied them to keep them from falling to the ground, his girlfriend and his girlfriend's girlfriend.