Hello faithful Cat's Love fans

Hello faithful Cat's Love fans! I just started my GCSEs so it's a bit mad at the moment. Sorry! I have been waiting to update for ages.

This chappie is dedicated to mimie-roo for making me smile with EVERY review (well, all two of them) If you want the next chappie dedicated to you then a funny review would be amazing!

And to all Twilight fans, I'll be starting an EdwardXBella fan fic soon as well.


The rain was pouring down yet again outside Shigure Sohma's house, lashing roughly against the windows as if a waterfall had hit. Thunder rang through every room as though bullets were ricocheting against the walls. Noon became dark due to the onyx clouds overhead. Even so, Kyo could hardly keep still.

Every line of his face twitched in anticipation. His left leg jogged jerkily up and down where he sat in his chair. It was plain to everyone in the room (Shigure, Hani and Ayame) that he was nervous. While the other three sat round the table, Kyo sat awkwardly on an armchair. His eyes flickered from the faces on his much calmer companions, to pointless areas of the room, to the grandfather clock, tediously counting every tense second that went by.

Only the three were completely relaxed about the coming visitor. Ayame stirred his tea noisily, humming loudly. Shigure spoke in hushed tones to Hani, who sat by his side, sewing some flimsy-shameless lingerie type thing. Hani was awed by Ayame and the idea of his shop, so she was hoping to impress him with her sewing skills. Over the top of his teacup, Ayame was almost gawping at her as much as Shigure. The display was sickening, and caused Kyo stomach to wrench out of place.

The sudden sound of the shrilling doorbell caused Kyo to leap out of his seat in surprise. Immediately his nervousness tripled along with his heart rate. They were here. His twitch shook his leg so violently he looked like a dog that was having his belly scratched. He almost paused to smirk at the irony. The cat, behaving like the thing both he and his spirit most detested: Shigure and the dog.

It was easy to forget about this brief moment, as Kyo heard voices ringing through the house, both of which he recognized well.

"Here my dear, let me take your coat." trilled Shigure. Dripping water could be heard as the guests stepped out of their soaking coats.

"Thank you Shigure-san. I can't tell you how pleasant it is to be back. Our apartment just isn't the same." A sweet female voice replied, perfectly polite.

"Ah yes, how are you both settling in? I hope you like the gift Ayame sent you…" Kyo could feel the blush emanating from her cheeks even from here. He could here it in her mumbled reply.


With a resigned sigh, Kyo swallowed the lump in his throat, and stepped into the hallway to meet the guests.

He stood nervously in the doorway as he watched Tohru with attentive eyes. She looked…so different to the last time he had seen her. Her hair lay in long wet tendrils down her back, her coal-black eyelashes were spiked with raindrops. Even through the cold, and he could feel the warmth and happiness emanating from her. She even looked slightly plumper, in a healthy, redeeming way. He almost smiled to see her looking so…good.

"So how was the drive over her?" enquired Shigure.

"Long." Laughed Yuki, "But at least Haru got the heating to work before he left for Africa with Rin."

"Ah yes, the safari trip! I don't suppose you've heard from them at all?" A small shower of raindrops fell from Yuki's hair as he shook his head."

"No. We were promised a postcard…but the 'postal service will have lost it' I guess." Tohru frowned worriedly.

"I hope they will be ok. Safari can be very dangerous." She said.

"My dear Tohru, nothing out there in the Serengeti could be more dangerous than Black Haru and Rin in a bad mood…"

Tohru's quick laugh peeled through the house, giving the illusion that the thunder had stopped and the whole world had stopped to listen to her blissful happiness. Kyo smiled.

Out of the corner of her eye, Tohru caught sight of Kyo hiding behind the door-frame. She smiled timidly at him. He nodded, once, slowly, a small crooked smile played across his face. He would have run up to her and held her in a friendly embrace, if not for the curse.

"Hey Tohru. Nice weather for a social visit huh?" seeing her smile broadly made him sigh with content. That would have to do for now.

I know it isn't much, but I'm halfway through the next chapter and will be posting soon, this just seemed like a good place to break of. Not many more chapters left to do now. This is number six…I may go up to about 8 or 9. How many more do you think? REVIEW PLEASE!! IF YOU HAVE AN ACCOUNT THEN YOU KNOW HOW GOOD REVIEWS ARE!!

Thank you Cat's Love Fans!